
Book:To Protect & Serve(erotica) Published:2025-2-8

Shamira had endured a lot of new experiences as of late, but getting kissed in the middle (okay, at the end) of a firefight with magical insectoids was pretty damn unexpected. Sebastian had confirmed that she was too pumped up to be afraid of much of anything, then he had laid a big one on her. It wasn’t sweet and perfect the way Clara’s were, but it was a manly, forceful, and consuming act that warmed her up in all the good places.
“I have been waiting oh-so-patiently for that,” Sebastian said with a grin. The first time they had met, she had screamed and knocked him unconscious. She was deathly afraid of spiders, and he turned into one whenever he felt like it. It had been an inauspicious beginning to their friendship. “I hope you liked it, because there’s more where that came from.”
“Shamira,” Henry shouted from nearby, “jump back to the house to help. We’ll gather up the corpses and do damage control.”
Shamira nodded, biting her bottom lip as she and Sebastian backed away from each other. She ducked into a dark stairwell and jumped back home. The shell walkers had launched a two-pronged assault, and there was still work to be done.
Shamira appeared in Reaper’s room, as the lights were off and it was closest to the armory. She activated her headset as she hit the armory. “Shane, I’m back. Where do you need me?”
“We managed to keep them out of the house itself,” came Shane’s voice after a second of static. “We’ve got about a dozen or so left out on the golf course. Bring something quiet, but no flame throwers. I just got the fairways how I wanted them and don’t want scorch marks.” There was another pause. “Stop rolling your eyes at me. I love this golf course.”
‘How did he know?’ Shamira thought as she stopped rolling her eyes, slung a silenced semi-automatic rifle and the net guns over her shoulders, grabbed her silver-tipped bull-whip to match her snake-whip, and headed out doors.
It was more of a hunt than a fight by the time she got out there. Shane’s human security forces were pretty damn good, and shell walkers weren’t much of a match for weres in full blown combat mode. Shamira had actually beaten Bjorne and his crew back to the base, so they were actually outnumbered in regards to magical creatures. Shamira needn’t have worried. She actually saw Renata in her jaguar form and both of the new werelionesses in their beastly forms, and they seemed to be having fun playing with their prey. Clara and Lillian were standing together on the ninth-hole green and were chanting, but Shamira couldn’t tell what they were doing at first. Then, Shamira saw a shell walker grabbed by a tree and then smashed into tiny bits.
‘That seems like a Clara thing,’ Shamira thought, glancing towards her lover. Shamira jumped into action, finding another walker skulking through shadows. She went double whip on it, and felt a little tingle in her nethers when she popped it in the chest with the bull-whip and made it scream before collapsing in a heap. She flicked it again with the smaller whip, just to make sure, then returned to the hunt. She saw Monique and Raul hunting like pack animals in their wolf forms, nipping at their enemies and driving them towards the bigger cat weres.
Shamira pulled the net gun around and started looking for the few remaining insectoids. It was hard to see them with her shadow sight, since every living (or undead) thing out and about was moving around frantically. Just to be safe, she moved towards Shane. He was the big target at the end of the day, and she’d be surprised if they didn’t make one more play towards him.
Sure enough, she had just emerged from the trees and spotted him in the hole – one tee off area when three shell walkers made a break for it, trying to run Shane to ground. Shamira learned something that afternoon . . . it had something to do with a phrase that her brother had said once. Some dogs like to chase cars, but don’t have any idea what to do when that car stops. Shane wasn’t armed, and apparently he didn’t need to be. Where Sebastian had fought with grace, Shane was simply dominant. Step one, break a shell walkers neck with a knife-edged chop from the right hand. Step two, duck two knife swings and then land an upper-cut that broke a second neck. Third, stare down your remaining opponent until —
‘Crap,’ Shamira thought, taking aim and then firing the projectile. A small ball of matter quickly opened up and the net incapacitated the last shell walker.
“I had him you know,” Shane said smugly.
“Yes sir. Of course sir. I just figured it would be easier to interrogate him if he was . . . oh say, not dead?”
“I’m sure Lillian could have managed it. Regardless, it was a good idea.”
“So we caught them all?”
“Looks like it.” Shane put his hand on her shoulder. “It could’ve been bad if someone hadn’t suspected this might happen.” He was obviously proud of Shamira’s insight. “Now go help with clean up and then –” He paused, waving his hand in front of his face. “Go clean up yourself.”
Shamira wandered off, muttering to herself. Why was it that dead magical bugs always stank to high heaven? Lillian had already given the all clear, so the shell walkers’ corpses were getting gathered up and deposited at the house’s “disposal center,” which meant the addition to the house where interrogations were done and where the incinerator was located. Shamira wasn’t ready to have any part of that.
On her way back to the house, Shamira felt a presence walking beside her. She looked over and saw Renata prowling around, rubbing against her legs like a common house cat and looking up at her.
“Don’t think I’ve forgiven you for that sneaky shit you pulled in the kitchen,” Shamira said, smiling and scratching behind Renata’s ears. “But I guess it turned out all right.”
“What did?” Clara said as she approached. “Oh,” she said dryly, looking at the big cat. “You found a stray.”
“She found me is more like it,” Shamira said.
Clara wrinkled her nose. “You’re covered in bug goo.”
“That keeps happening to me. Notice that the guys with sniper rifles never have to deal with this?”
“Yes, but they don’t get the glory. How’d the bug hunt go downtown?”
Shamira sighed and recounted the entire event, up to and including the surprise kiss from Sebastian. She felt that she should tell Clara about that for some reason.
“Sounds like you had a good afternoon,” Clara crooned. “You got to kill bugs, you impressed the hell out of Shane, saved the day, and then the princess got kissed by the prince. And it didn’t freak you out?”
“I had the adrenaline thing going,” she muttered, embarrassed by the flattering comments. “He’s really amazing to watch in action.”
“He’s not bad to feel in action either,” Clara laughed, then frowned when she saw Shamira flinch. “It still bothers you, doesn’t it? Me subbing for him?”
“Just still freaked out by the idea of you on bottom is all. I’m good, really. So, have you evaluated everyone?”
“Yep. I got Yosyp Friday night, so that’s everyone. The new vamps-to-be are subs, so I should be off the hook for a while.” She took her friend’s arm. “So, want any help showering?”
Shamira smiled. “Don’t I always?”
Renata purred loudly, nuzzling Shamira’s crotch, then doing the same to Clara’s.
“Okay, you can come too,” Shamira said.
“If you’re lucky,” Clara added, stroking the Jaguar’s back.
Renata shifted back to her normal form, her curvy little body perfectly naked. “I’m feeling lucky,” she said.
The three women wandered into the house and invaded Clara and Shamira’s room, as they had the biggest shower. It was one of those walk-in that could comfortably fit a family of ten, except that a family of ten didn’t need waterproof chains and cuffs attached to the walls. Renata was already naked, her generous curves and ghetto booty on proud display for all.
“So, how hot do you girls want it?” the werejaguar asked innocently, bending over and grabbing the faucet handles.
Clara smiled and proceeded to undress. “As hot as we can stand,” she said. She watched as the Brazilian sexpot turned on the water, then grabbed her and dragged her to the center of the room. “It’s Shamira’s day off,” she whispered as the water started splashing over the woman’s skin, “but you . . . oh, I can make you do whatever I want.” She looked over at Shamira. “Whatever WE want,” she corrected.
Shamira smiled back and started to disrobe. It took her longer, since she still had her body armor on. When she was completely undressed, she saw the Clara had actually cuffed Renata to a chain hanging directly down from the ceiling. Shamira didn’t remember those chains being there before.
‘How many surprises does she have in this room?’ the muscular vamp thought. She walked around, getting a good look at the were in their clutches. She wasn’t sure what to do; she wasn’t dominant, but it was obvious that she wasn’t going to be uninvited to play. Then Clara handed her a bath loofah and a bottle of body wash, and Shamira didn’t need more encouragement. She poured a generous amount of wash onto the loofah and began lathering and scrubbing Renata’s body as Clara watched.
“Get her very clean,” Clara said as she stuck a finger into her own folds, “especially around the ass. I want her asshole squeaky clean when I fuck it. She likes it that way, don’t you?”
“Yes Mistress,” Renata purred, enjoying Shamira’s strong hands all over her body.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, I love being fucked back there.”