“Oh, you boys are good,” she said, as they slid out of her.
“You know dat right,” Birthday Boy said. “Hey, you need to give you a ride somewhere?”
“You just did,” she replied teasingly. “Nah, I can get my new pimp to come give me a ride, but it’d be best if you weren’t here when he got here. Get my drift?” She reached into her bag to grab her cell phone.
“You work down here often?”
“I’m new,” she replied. “I’m just now staking out my territory. But if you’re lucky . . . REAL lucky, then you might see me around.”
The guys scattered and she sat down on the lumber pile to wait. She wasn’t there long before Henry appeared, jumping down from the steel framework.
“Was I acceptable, Master?” she asked, meeting his eyes and daring to look proud. She didn’t feel guilty, but instead felt complete.
“You were acceptable,” he told her. “Lean back.” He unzipped his pants and placed his hardened cock between her breasts. “Now push them together. That’s a good girl.” Shamira’s breasts were so heavy that they were putting more pressure than normal, but having cum once already that night, he was able to maintain his composure. “They fucked everything but your tits,” he told her, “and I mean to correct that oversight.”
He pumped her tits several time, then slapped her in the face with his manhood. He shoved his cock into her mouth to wet it, then put it back between her tits. Several minutes later, he deposited a healthy portion of jizz on her chest and neck, giving her that pearl necklace that women always seemed to want. “Get in the truck. Don’t get dressed, and don’t clean up. I want everyone back at the house to see what you really are.”
Shamira could hardly wait.
———- ——————–
Later that evening . . .
———- ——————–
Shamira had finally been allowed to get cleaned up before coming to talk to Shane. She’d met the gaze of each of her comrades with pride and a certain amount of defiance. All of them had looked pleased, except for the two assassins. She didn’t take it personally because neither Banshee’s nor Reaper’s expressions ever changed anyway. She did get a sense that they were impressed by her increasing acceptance of who she was. Clara had actually slipped from her dominatrix role and given Shamira’s cum-covered lips a knee-melting kiss.
When she got to Shane’s office, she found that Lillian and Clara had also been invited to attend.
“Please sit down,” Shane told her. “There are no more slaves and masters for you tonight, as we have much to discuss.”
Shamira sat down, rubbing her hands nervously on her designer sweat pants. “Did I do –”
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” Clara said, smiling and heading off her friend’s obvious bout of insecurity. “Henry said you performed admirably. In ALL ways that can be interpreted,” she added, her smile becoming an evil grin.
“You’ll be bringing Tabitha over Friday night,” Shane told her. “Henry said that your plan was sound. And he also told me how you dealt with the Dark Pools. That’s an ingenious way of using your Shadow Healing.” He stared at her intently. “And you’ve developed Shadow Sight too?”
“I just thought that was something everyone could do, but Henry says it’s different.”
“Indeed,” Lillian said. “But I certainly can understand why this one might have gone undetected. It does make sense based on folklore, but the extent to which you can see is much greater.”
Shamira looked around the room. “Henry says there are five Shadow Aspects. What are the other two? Is there a reason why they might show up for the same person?”
Lillian looked towards Shane and waited for him to nod. “Yes, there is. Now, it could still be a coincidence. You could simply be a very blessed fledgling, but . . . but we feel that you need to be told the entire story of the Shadow Aspects. It has to do with the dragons.”
“Dragons?! There are dragons?!” Shamira said. She was more amazed than afraid, as she’d had a thing about dragons as a kid.
“Yes,” Clara said, “but they’re not what you think. Well, not anymore. Most of the dragons that we have today aren’t much bigger than a large dog and live out in the unexplored areas of the world. They’re comparable to humans in intelligence, but need more space than the other mystical beings. Once upon a time, back when most races were building their first huts from mud, the dragons were already old.”
“The Sun Dragons wanted to wipe out the newer races once they saw how the were spreading, while the Moon Dragons wanted to wait. A war broke out between them and all the old dragons were destroyed except for one, a Moon Dragon by the name of Shadow Wing. Shadow Wing was powerful, with a lair deep within the earth. Some say that the volcanoes blurted fired whenever he dreamed in his great sleeps, but that’s an old wife’s tale by all accounts. It just goes to show the power associated with him.”
Shane stepped in. “But Shadow Wing mourned the loss of his kind, and didn’t want to continue on for eternity alone in the world. So he passed on to the Endless Sky, but left some of his power behind to guard the world. But in order to gain Shadow Wing’s power, you have to be undead, because you have to bring it back from the next world when you return.”
“Vampires,” Shamira muttered. “So the Shadow Aspects are part of Shadow Wing’s power?”
“Correct,” Lillian replied. “The histories have many stories of guardians who have inherited the powers of Shadow Wing, but it isn’t all THAT uncommon that we thought there anything to it. You were a cop, so it makes sense that his power might touch you. Two Shadow Aspects as we said is unusual, but again not unheard of. Three –”
There was a moment of silence before anyone spoke again, and this time it was Shane again. “I . . . I haven’t ever heard of someone reaching three Shadow Aspects without developing all five, and that has only happened a few times in history, usually in times of great strife. A vampire lord achieved all five Aspects last during World War II, and he did what was needed to save the world from destroying itself.”
“What did he do?”
Shane shrugged. “Ever wonder why Hitler’s body was never found?”
Shamira’s eyes opened. “A vampire ate Hitler?”
“Something like that. Unfortunately, that vampire died in Japan when they dropped the bomb. The Shadow Aspects aren’t powerful enough to withstand that. It’s just that somehow, the spirit of the last Moon Dragon seems to know when his power is needed again and if the need is great enough, then the vampire attains all five Aspects.”
Shamira shivered. “Okay, you’re scaring me now.”
“We don’t know for sure that you’ll get them all and, if you are, it could be hundreds of years before you need them. It’s just that no one has ever come as far as you have so quickly, and no one has ever developed just three. At least not that I’ve read.”
“What . . . what are the other two Aspects?”
Lillian looked like she was trying to remember the right words. “The fourth Aspect is Shadow Claws, which allows you to draw the darkness in around you and use it as a weapon. If there are any flaws in your opponent’s armor, then the shadows can bypass it. It’s incredibly powerful if you’re fighting at night, like all your Aspects are. The Shadow Aspects were given by a creature of the night.”
“What’s the fifth Aspect?” Shamira asked. Clara was actually trembling, so Shane had to speak. Shamira was scared by her friend’s reaction. What could be so bad —
“The fifth Shadow Aspect,” Shane said, “is the ability to embody Shadow Wing himself. Not bring him back, but to transform yourself into a Moon Dragon for short periods of time, again under cover of darkness and shadow. There is no more powerful Aspect in all the world, because you would gain all of Shadow Wing’s power.”
“That sounds like a good thing, doesn’t it?” Shamira asked. She was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it promptly kicked her in the ass.
Shane looked nervous now as well. “The fifth Shadow Aspect is powerful if it is mastered, but . . . but no one has ever attained it without some kind of trial. Most who have been tried . . . died in the attempt.”
“Died?! Trial?!” Shamira was on her feet now.
“It’s different every time,” Clara said. “But the power will not go to someone whose spirit is weak. The trials are often painful beyond imagining and, as Shane mentioned, often fatal.”
“But even if Shadow Wing has chosen you to be the guardian of this day and age, then you could still have hundreds of years to prepare. And being chosen is a HUGE ‘if.'”
Shamira’s hands were shaking. She had just gotten settled again, happy in her new life and having some sense of purpose. Now there was a chance she might be possessed by a dragon?
Clara could see the thoughts dancing through her friend’s head, making her sigh. Shamira was going to freak out again.
Shane gave the girl some breathing room. “I know this is another shock to the system. And seeing as you have a lot of work to do, I want you to concentrate on that until Monday. As of Friday, we’ll have a full house, so –”
“Full house?” Clara asked.
“Yes,” Shane said, looking sheepish. “Renata is bringing back five weres to join the house. I feel we’ve made great acquisitions with them.”
“And?” Clara said, folding her arms and tapping her foot. She knew when Shane was going to say something she didn’t like.