Henry was impressed by her ability, since she had been an amateur by all accounts just several weeks earlier. He grabbed that thick braid of hair and used it to shove her head onto his lap until nose hit pubes, whether she was ready or not. Shamira didn’t back down from the challenge, taking it even it choked her.
“That’s a good girl,” he said as he reached full staff, shoving his meat all the way into the mouth and then holding it there. One of these days, he was going to corner her at the house, hog-tie her, and fuck her until she couldn’t see straight. He’d wanted to see her with the car-load of Mexicans, and she’d looked like she was game at the time. He glanced across the parking lot and . . . ‘Well I’ll be damned,’ he thought, grinning from ear to ear. “Hurry it up,” he told her. “You’ve got customers waiting.”
Shamira wanted to look around, but Henry was keeping her so she couldn’t raise her head past the end of his dick. Having eaten a good dinner himself, his blood was warm and she was concentrating on quenching that heat, after coaxing the flames a little bit first. She felt the spongy head pushing its way down her throat while her lips. ‘Customers?’ she thought. ‘Like earlier?’ The idea of doing what Henry was implying . . . she doubled the speed of her blowjob, wanting to taste him and find out what else she had in store for him. Soon she felt his cock twitch and his warm seed splattered the back of her mouth and throat.
“Your potential clients from earlier are just down the way . . . last parking spot next to the main building,” he said, pulling her head up and pointing her face in the right direction. Her reflection on the inside of the tinted window showed some of Henry’s cum dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. She saw the old Cadillac right where Henry said it would be, and that feeling she’d experienced earlier that day — hunger. “I believe one said it was his birthday, or close too. Go give him a present, and make sure to share with his friends. Leave your coms unit on, and make sure there’s something worth me listening to.”
Shamira’s felt her heart in her throat as she climbed out of the truck. ‘I’m actually going to do this,’ she thought. She was so excited that her nipples were poking through her tube top, hidden only by the pink fuzzy vest. Her heels made it impossible not to sway a bit when she walked, not that she cared. She wanted the few remaining customers to stare. She wanted them to want her.
“Hey baby!” the driver of the Cadillac said. I thought you said to come back in an hour!”
Shamira wasn’t sure what to say . . . this was all new to her. “What can I say?” she replied. “I don’t own a watch.”
“I can tell her what time it is,” said one of the guys in the back seat.
The driver was eating her up with his eyes, giving her the kind of look she never remembered getting when she’d been alive.
It was time for Shamira to remember the kinds of lines working girls used. She’d talked to a number of them in her days as a cop. She actually hadn’t been to keen on arresting or processing prostitutes, thinking it had been a big waste of taxpayer money and police time. “Window shopping?” she asked, “or were you wanting that birthday party?”
The young man was grinning like he was all that. “Can my friends come?”
“I’m counting on it.”
The car erupted in cheers. “Lady, where have you been all my life? Hey, you ain’t a cop are you?”
Shamira tried not to smile. “Nope. Are you?”
“Hell no.”
Shamira reached in and felt the driver’s manhood through his low-riding jeans. “Then why don’t we cut the shit? I got customers willing to pay for what I’m giving you for free. So are you gonna take me somewhere and fuck me or what?” Shamira couldn’t believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. It wasn’t just that she’d said them, but that it had felt . . . natural.
A minute later, she was squeezed into the back seat between a couple of guys younger than her while letting them paw at her. The driver was looking for a quiet place to do the deed, but it was Shamira who was getting jittery. She wanted this to happen. And Henry’s ever-present voice told her that he expected it to happen. It also told her that he was following the Cadillac. She knew that he wouldn’t abandon her in this. He wanted to watch, and it was his job as her dominant for the evening to keep her safe as well. Not that she couldn’t handle four young men. She smiled inwardly. She planned on handling them all right.
“How about here?” she said as the passed by a construction site surrounded by a wooden fence.
“Man, the bitch is desperate,” one of the guys sitting next to her said, grasping one breast through Shamira’s tube top. “These things are fuckin’ huge.”
“So what’s the deal?” the driver asked. “You do tricks for free a lot?”