Chapter 52

Book:True Mate Rejected Published:2025-2-8

As we trek through the swampland, the sun punches its way over the horizon, clearing the way for the dawn.
Axel sets me gently in his truck and buckles the belt around me. He hesitates a second, then leans in and buries his nose in my lilac hair, taking a long, deep breath. I watch his cock bob against his belly before he pulls away.
When he climbs in his side of the truck, I relax against the door, but I’m already plotting my way back to my men. Axel can make my body feel good, but only they make my heart sing.
Axel drives us out of the marsh and into the chaos of Jacksonville, with the cars careening toward us at breakneck speed, making me nearly scream before they zoom past without touching the truck.
We power past derelict neighborhoods, fallen into disrepair. Stores and shops where humans and supernaturals purchased clothes and food stand in the middle of water where there was once dry land. Seas are rising as if the earth’s liquid wants to flush away the civilization that has made such a mess of this sacred land.
At his house on Golden Glade Street, Axel parks the truck and strides around to my side to hold open the door for me. Silently, I slide from the leather seat and back into his arms, feeling safe and cared for despite what he’s done in the past. He makes his way across the soggy ground of his yard, up the steps of his front porch, and into his small dwelling. Once more, thoughts of the triplets fill my heart with longing. Axel’s house is cleaner and just as big, even though he lives here alone, but it’s his home, not mine. What are my men doing? Are they looking for me, feeling as lost without me as I do without them?
But once we cross the threshold, I stiffen as I catch sight of Ama lounging on Axel’s sofa.
“Ama, get up,” Axel snaps, suddenly seeming angry, though I’m not sure why. “And for fuck’s sake, put some clothes on.”
A wounded expression crosses her face.
Axel sighs. “Look, I’m sorry I snapped, Ama. I’ve had a rough night. I had to… fuck.” He sinks onto the couch, still cradling me in his arms. I give Ama a smug smile, enjoying the withering look she’s giving me.
“So, she’s back?” Ama asks, smoothing her thick, straight hair over her shoulder.
“For now,” Axel says. “I had to do some fucked up shit to get her back, though.”
Ama puts her hand on his back, arching a brow at me like she’s waiting to see if I’ll react. I want to tear her fingers off with my canines, though I’m not sure why I care that she’s touching him.
Even Axel notices her attempt to draw him into her greedy spider web, and he scoots away from her and settles me onto the couch.
“I have to talk to the pack right away,” Axel says. “I’ll call a meeting.
Make sure Luna feels welcome and gets settled while I’m busy.”
He stands, then turns back and crouches in front of me. I notice his cock is finally hanging down, like it’s given up and accepted defeat. “You can tell Ama anything you need,” he says. “She’s here to serve you while I’m gone.”
“I think I need to eat something, and then I need sleep,” I murmur. I can barely keep my eyes open.
Axel snaps his fingers in Ama’s direction. “Get Luna some food.”
Ama’s mouth works around, settling into a sullen line before she rises. “Of course, boss. Right away.”
Axel bristles. “Without the attitude, please. I’ll get the bed ready for Luna before I go. She needs to rest.”
He heads up the stairs toward his bedroom. After he’s gone, Ama turns to me with a sneer. “He’s fair game, you know.”
“He chose to break your True Mate bond because he doesn’t want you. Can your dumb brain understand that?” She scrunches her face up in an ugly way.
“He went to a fair bit of trouble to get me back,” I point out. “He must want me for something.”
“You had your chance,” Ama says in her snarly voice that grates against me like sand ground into sunburned skin. I feel her more powerful wolf looming over mine, and my wolf whines and begs to retreat from the threat. “Now stand down. He’s mine.”
I don’t want to be with Axel, but the words spewing from her mouth make me want to fight her to the death-if only I had an ounce of fight left in me. “Aren’t you supposed to be fixing me some food?” I ask.
“I’m not your servant,” she snaps, glaring at me.
“But Axel is your Alpha, and he told you to serve me.” I lay my head back against the sofa, drawn by the lure of sleep.
Ama’s nostrils flare, and hatred burns in her eyes. “Axel feels sorry for you. You’re nothing but a pathetic, uncouth little mutt who’s brought nothing but trouble to our pack. The only reason he wants you here is because he hates those disgusting heathens you’ve shacked up with, and he doesn’t want them to have you.”
My heavy eyelids sink shut. “I didn’t ask to come here.”
She says nothing, but I can feel her scorching my skin with her eyes. “He’ll never love you,” she finally says. “He wanted to break the bond, and there’s a reason for that. You’re not a suitable mate for an Alpha.”
“Uh-huh,” I mumble, giving way to my body’s demands. “He’s going to love me. Just you wait.”
“He’ll be mine, so you better watch yourself around him.”
I let out a yawn. “Then why’d he give up half of your land to get me back? Answer me that?” I open my eyes long enough to witness the shocked expression on her face, like someone lit a bomb under her butt.
I feel Axel’s presence a moment before he steps into the room. As he scoops me up, I give way to slumber before he even delivers me to bed. My last thoughts are that he’ll have some explaining to do with Ama and the pack that apparently won’t accept me, and I’m fine with that, because the sooner he gives up on keeping me, the sooner I can get back to the three brothers whom I adore.