Chapter 43

Book:True Mate Rejected Published:2025-2-8

The guys are between jobs, so we all stay home for the rest of the day. Things are relaxed but subdued and quiet. I wonder if they’re all waiting for me to choose. It sits funny in my belly, having the power in this dynamic, the power of this choice. It’s up to me. No one is making choices for me anymore, saying I’ll be their mate and part of their pack, or that I’m no longer their mate or part of their pack. It’s up to me.
I don’t like the weight of it on me. I don’t want to draw it out, make them worry and wonder and want. I don’t want to make either of them jealous of the other. After lying awake for an hour going back and forth about what to do, I know I’m never going to sleep with the decision hanging over my head. I have to make it now.
So, I do.
In the dark of night, I slip from beneath my covers, ease out the door of the bedroom and tiptoe across the hall. I’ve never been inside Warrick’s lair-I was always too scared before. But tonight, I step past the threshold of his door and head for his slumbering form. Quietly, I crawl beneath his covers and press my naked body to his massive back.
He startles, then relaxes and stays quiet for a few minutes.
Did I make the wrong choice? Warrick said I could choose, but maybe he didn’t mean him. He told me to choose between his brothers. Maybe I’m not supposed to choose the Alpha. Maybe an Alpha makes his own choice, dominates his mate into submission.
After a few minutes, he sighs and rolls onto his back. “What are you doing here, baby girl?”
“Do you want me to leave?” I ask, biting at my lip.
His large hand lands on my thigh, his calloused palm covering my soft skin. “No.”
I cuddle closer to his body, and a soft growl rumbles through his giant form.
“I’ve always admired you, Warrick,” I say, caressing the soft hairs that cover his powerful chest. “You’re everything an Alpha should be. You’re so strong, and you only want what’s right for your brothers. You put them in their place when they need it, but you set aside your own needs and wants if it serves the pack.”
“What needs and wants?” he says, rolling to face me.
His enormous cock lands on my leg, hard and hot against my cool, bare skin. My core trembles, and I swallow hard.
In the dim moonlight, I trace the outline of his shoulders, as wide as an ogre’s and twice as strong, running my fingers down the scars on them to his broad, muscular chest. “I think you want me,” I whisper, my voice barely audible.
He only grunts, but his cock throbs against my thigh in response.
“Don’t you?” I ask, my heart racing like a swamp rabbit. Did I get it all wrong?
I lay my small, soft hand on the rough stubble of his cheek. “You’re the kind of man who would never step on the toes of your brothers to take what you want. So, I’m giving it to you. If…” I break off, swallowing the trembling, liquidy ache in my throat. “If you’ll have me.”
“I haven’t even been nice to you,” he points out. “Why would you want me?”
“You say that, and maybe you’d like me to believe it, but we both know I’m here because you allow it. You took me to town and let me pick my own clothes, my own hair. You don’t try to teach me things to make me like you. You just let me be exactly what I want to be. You treat me like a part of your pack. You might not talk as much as the others, but I see you, Warrick. You put my needs before yours, too. You had every right to claim
me as Alpha and end the discussion, but you didn’t. You let me make the choice. And I choose to give you what you need, to put you first for once.”
“Oh, fuck, baby girl,” he says, adding a wry chuckle. “You’re everything I need and everything I don’t need all rolled into one fuckable little piece of ass. You’re damn sure the one thing that’s going to get me killed.”
I suck in a breath. “Killed?”
“Yeah, baby-girl. Killed.” His thick arm circles my waist, bringing me flush against him as he nuzzles my neck. “But is that going to stop me?”
I clutch his mountainous shoulders, my insides trembling with fear and heat as he pushes his hips against mine, the iron ridge of his cock crushing into the soft place between my legs that Ethan shaved. Is he going to do what Axel did? Will it hurt that much?
“If I were a decent man, I’d let you find someone your own age who isn’t a criminal,” he murmurs, pulling my leg over his hip.
“I don’t want a decent man.” This new sense of power coursing through me is a heady elixir, but also a bit terrifying. “I want you.”
“The devil help us, then. I’m going to wreck you, baby girl.”
“If that’s what you want,” I breathe. “I’m yours. Do what you want to me.”
I rock my hips against him, letting him feel how wet I am. He lets out a low, deep rumble of pleasure, so I do it again. My core throbs, aching to be filled. I can feel the power thrumming through his veins, but he doesn’t move. He lets me move, sliding along his length until I reach the thick, rounded end that’s as wet as me. He smells of musk and pure male wolf. I whimper with desire.
In one swift move, he rolls me on top of him. His cock stands rigidly between us, swollen, lined with thick, throbbing veins. In rhythm with his next sigh, he strokes his calloused hands along my sides and traces my waist and my hips. Then, he palms the front of my thighs all the way from my knees to my bare skin that Ethan called a pussy. He tugs the lips open with his thumbs, spreading them further open against his shaft.