Chapter 26

Book:True Mate Rejected Published:2025-2-8

The moon goes from full to new by the time I’m properly settled into the triplets’ house. About half the days, they all go off to what they call a job, which Ethan explains is really just a way to make money, which is something everyone apparently needs, though I don’t really understand why. I understand trading, but I can’t quite grasp why everyone agrees that green paper is important and that everything else can be traded for it.
Nonetheless, I’m able to learn so much that every night, my brain feels like it will burst with all the new information and knowledge. I try to hold it all in, scared some of it will slip away and I’ll make a mistake like I did with the vampire, and that the triplets will reject me, too.
One evening when Callan is in the middle of cooking, blasting the radio in the kitchen, and Warrick is hiding away in his room, I hear yelling outside. I jump up from the couch and run outside into the sultry evening air.
Ethan’s on the ground on top of a guy, pummeling him with his fists. My heart jumps. Is it Axel, my True Mate, coming back for me?
Does the inside of his ribs still ache when he thinks about me, like mine do
when I think of him?
Then, my belly tightens into knots. Of course it’s not Axel. He didn’t want me. He wouldn’t come back for me.
I raise my head and sniff the air, but the only smells I catch are Ethan’s potent, musky fragrance and a hint of ash that reminds me of the man in the woods with the very clean house, who gave me tainted water. Evan.
“Whatever you think I did, I didn’t fuck your woman,” Ethan hollers between blows. “I don’t fuck dead things.”
So, he is a vampire.
“Liar,” the other man screeches, his fists moving in a blur as he rains blows on my huge wolf friend. I can see it’s not Evan, though. His hair and skin are pale.
“Who you calling a liar, you slimy leech?” Ethan roars, hauling back and letting loose with another bone-cracking assault.
Blood spurts from the guy’s mouth, and he clocks Ethan in the forehead with his skull. Ethan’s hands fly to his head, which gives the vampire enough purchase to wrench his body out from underneath Ethan.
“Ethan!” I cry, sprinting toward him. I throw myself in front of him and throw out my arms, like I can block Ethan’s hulking form from attack.
Ethan stumbles to his feet, puts his arm around me, and grins. “See, you got the wrong guy,” he tells the vampire. “This here’s my lady. I was with her that night. Isn’t that right, darlin’?” He leans down and kisses the top of my head.
I know I should agree, so I nod. After all, Ethan’s been home every night I’ve lived here… Though sometimes not until I’m asleep. I know he’s home part of the night, though, because he’s at breakfast every morning. “That’s right,” I say to the vampire. “He was with me all day and all night.”
Ethan makes an odd purring rumble and pulls me closer. “Yep, we were together all night.”
The vampire, a tall man with no muscles and too-pale hair, lurches to his feet and studies us for a few seconds-first me, and then Ethan, and then back to me.
“You’re lying,” he snarls. He lunges for Ethan, who whisks me out of the way. But that only gives the vampire a direct shot, and the man leaps onto Ethan’s back and sinks long canines into the side of his neck. I want to jump in, but I don’t want to distract Ethan again and give the vampire more chances to hurt him.
I bolt into the house, screaming for his brothers.
Warrick emerges from his bedroom, a thunderous frown on his face. “What’s with all the caterwauling?” he demands. “Are Callan and Ethan
squabbling like usual?”
“Come quick,” I cry. “A vampire’s biting Ethan!”
“What?” Warrick starts for the front door, bellowing as he goes. “Callan! Where the fuck are you?”
A second later, Callan rushes from the kitchen. “What is it?”
“Stay with Luna,” Warrick orders. “I gotta beat some skulls in.” He charges out the door on his bare feet.
I rush toward the window, my heart flipping in my chest. All the loss and fear I’ve experienced floods through my bloodstream. My fingers curl around the windowsill, gaining a few splinters.
In the yard outside, grunts and groans erupt from the men as they assault one another with fists and feet.
“Is Ethan going to be okay?” I ask, not tearing my eyes from the three men outside.
Callan’s warm palms land on my shoulders, and he pivots me toward him. “You don’t need to worry about my big, bad brothers.”
“What if they get hurt?” I demand, straining my neck to witness the violence happening outside.
“They won’t.” Callan forcefully guides me across the room, heading toward the sofa. He plunks me down and crouches before me, resting his hands on my knees. We’ve all chipped in and cleaned up around the house,
and there are no longer clothes and beer bottles everywhere. Now, there’s just a mattress on the floor where Ethan sleeps.
I start to get up, but Callan gently presses me back. “We can take care of ourselves, pet,” he assures me.
“He bit Ethan’s neck,” I say, the shock still sitting heavy in my belly.
Callan places a fingertip to my lips. “Shhh. Everything’s going to be okay, pet. I promise.”
“I just can’t lose someone else,” I say, trying to sound determined.
The quaver in my voice gives away my fear, though.
Callan slides up onto the sofa beside me and slides a protective arm around me. “Tell me a story,” he says, smiling down at me.
“What?” I look up at him, blinking.
“Tell me what you liked most about living in Bogbeast Waters.”
“Oh…” My stupid eyes almost fill with tears as I recall what it was like living there with my Mama, but I hold them back and think of the good times. “I loved the moon shining over the honey locusts and tupelo trees,” I start. Callan smiles and nods encouragingly, so I go on. “I loved chasing the swamp rabbits and catching them for supper. The sand cranes were kind of fun. I’d chase them in my wolf form, though I never caught them. Just watching them take to the sky was worth it, though.”
The sounds of the struggle float through the window-there’s a whack and a clang, followed by a soft thud. Then, swishing noises and grunts.
Callan squeezes my shoulder, pulling me closer. “What else?”
Wistful feelings swirl through my heart as I go back there in my mind. “There was a spring near our place. We’d head out there in the evening and soak a while. Sometimes when Mama’s mind wandered off, I’d bring her out there to keep an eye on her, just letting her soak while I’d wash the clothes.”
“Your mama wasn’t right in the head?”
“I don’t know,” I say honestly. “I never knew different, just that we didn’t think the same. I know her True Mate was murdered, and her soul snapped. Then she took me out there to protect me. I’ve been taking care of her ever since I was little, though. Protecting us both.” Sniffling, I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.