Lucy’s POV
I came awake with a groan. The back of my head pounded as it was like my eyes were on the verge of bursting out of my head. I looked around me, seeing nothing more but dusty old boxes and two men tied up beside me.
Two men . . .
“Mphh!” I tried to call out to them, but there was a strip of cloth tied over my mouth preventing me from speaking. I was also tied up, although mine appeared to have been more hasty than that of the men beside me.
They were both awake, watching me. Relief crossed their eyes.
Scott shook his head, but I couldn’t make out what he was trying to say. That was when memories of what had led me here flashed through my mind, eliciting another powerful headache.
My nose itched, but with my wrists bound behind me there was no way for me to free myself and escape. I looked around again, and saw that we were alone, or at least, there was no one nearby watching us at the moment.
I had to find a way to escape.
With a groan, I pushed myself up to my knees. At least my legs weren’t bound. Whoever had tied me up probably didn’t have it in mind that I would have tried to free myself from my bindings, either because I was a woman, or because they just weren’t smart enough to see me as a threat.
This was going to be that last time that I would sit down and allow myself to be treated like trash.
I stood up, although my balance was a little off with the heels I wore. Scott and Setgh watched me intently, probably wondering what I was up to.
‘I’m going to get us out of here guys,’ I promised them silently. ‘We’re getting out of here.”
I staggered over to the nearby window and inspected it to get an idea of how strong it was. The idea I had in mind was incredibly crazy, but we couldn’t afford to wait around for whoever had captured us to return and execute their plans.
Dust coated every surface to the extent that even breathing into the glass sent up a light mist of it.
I readied myself by taking a deep breath. If everything went wrong and I ended up throwing myself out of the window, so be it.
After shutting my eyes, I rammed my head into the glass. The sound reverberated across the whole basement, and if someone was nearby l, then they were definitely going to have heard it. There was no turning back.
I hit the glass again, and this time, cracks appeared, running across the clear surface from the point I hit, out into different directions. A few more hits would do it.
A door opened nearby, and I worked faster, hitting my head again against the glass, but it still didn’t break. At this time, I could already see my blood dripping down the glass, and my forehead hurt like it was on fire.
Footsteps approached quickly, and I readied myself for the final hit. This time, I had to ensure that the glass broke at all costs.
With a guttural cry that couldn’t make it fully out of my mouth, I threw myself against the window again, hoping that I didn’t end up killing myself in the process.
Before my body made impact, someone grabbed me from behind, stopping me right in time to see the window finally give in and shatter, splintering into pieces.
If I had tried to hit it again, I would have fallen right over, and with how I was tied up, I would have likely gotten very, very hurt.
“What are you doing?!” Shaun said, pressing me against his chest with clear, unfiltered fright flashing in his eyes. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
He was here. He had come . . .
I relaxed against him, ao relieved that I could cry from exhaustion. He turned back and saw his brothers tied up, and his expression became even more relieved.
“Oh, goddess . . . you were here all along,” he said softly, and untied the gag around my mouth.
“Shaun . . .” I started to say, but his lips swallowed every other word I hoped to utter.
He was kissing me. Desperately. Fervently. Completely. I could feel his fear, relief and hopes all compressed into the act. I leaned in to him, kissing him back, not caring about the wounds on my body or the fact that we were right in the middle of an old dusty basement where his brothers had been captured.
I leaned into the kiss, baring all and leaving behind whoever was watching. I wanted him, and in this moment, I was very sure of what had been growing in my heart towards him.
His hands went over my body, freeing my bindings with a snap of his claws, and granting me the luxury of wrapping my arms around him.
When we finally came up for air, we realised that the room had fallen eerily silent. More silent than it had been before..
“Well, that was something I wasn’t expecting to see. So eager to taste your father’s leftovers, Shaun? I didn’t think you were the type,” said Gert, emerging from the other side of the room with her brother by her side. In her hand, was a silver blade that caught the moonlight and glinted.
Maybe I should have been ashamed of being found kissing the son of my late husband, but Shaun was my mate, vound to me by the Moon Goddess, and I had grown tired of running away from that fact.
Gert’s glowing eyes went to the window briefly. “At least you’re all here now, which makes everything so much easier.”
Shaun moved me behind him gently, standing taller. Our kiss, long forgotten in the presence of looming danger. “What is the meaning of this Gertrude? Have you lost your mind? Kidnapping my brothers?”
“It wasn’t very difficult. Just a little taste of our special recipe and they just fell asleep like princesses,” she said, chuckling to herself. “But playtime’s over. I hope you made the best out of that kiss, you lovebirds, because it’s going to be your last.”