Shaun’s POV
Walking to Ahmad’s office was a little torturous. The letters I carried weighed in my hands like they were made of rocks. There was no real way for us to know whether what we were doing was the right thing, but this was the time for more action and less talking.
Noon had come already, with the promise of evening nearby. Wherever Lucy was, she had spent more than five hours already. I could only hope that she was still safe based on my speculations on the reason behind her kidnapping.
We got to Ahmad’s office quickly, or maybe it had to do with the fact that we jad all been walking as fast as we could.
Ahmad quietly perused the letters, making quiet huff here and there, but ever showing any emotion. When he finished, he carefully placed them on his desk and leaned back into his chair. He kept looking at them, as though there was something hidden within them that he had to uncover.
“These letters are incriminating evidence against Lucy, do you know that?” he finally said, looking up at me.
“Incriminating evidence? She didn’t write it-or at least, we don’t believe she did,” I said, trying to keep my cool.
“You told me yourself that you found the letters hidden underneath her sheets. Now, why on earth would she have had to do such a thing inside of just coming straight to us?”
“Would you have come to us if there was a chance that we’d consider this incriminating? Would you have if you were basically . . .” Something in my chest cracked, “Alone and had no one to turn to?*
‘Duty supersedes sentiment, Shaun. That is something that even you should know. She was the wife of the Alpha, and has that responsibility of ensuring that the safety of this pack isn’t compromised.”
“Like she even consented to getting married in the first place,” I retorted. Just thinking about that put a bitter taste in my mouth. A little drink after that conversation sounded good in my mind.
“I won’t go further with that argument you’re trying to stir. We won’t make any progress like that. You mentioned that she’s missing, but you seem to be more interested in picking a fight than going to save her.”
I clenched my fists. He had a very punchable face and the only thing keeping me from throwing myself forward and pummeling him was the faint memory of how he had been like a secondary father to us before our mother was killed in that gruesome attack.
Ahmad caressed his goatee. Grey hair had started to show among his obsidian strands. “If you’ll be willing to listen, I also have findings of my own, and it is possible that they are related to Lucy’s kidnapping.”
“These letters clearly show us that they’re from the killer, and it’s not just the killer that murdered your father, from what I suspect. Like Lucy so brilliantly stated the last time she was here, your mother’s killer was never found, which is why the Bloodbath pack members are still enslaved. It is a contingency plan.
I lifted a brow. “A contingency plan for what?”
“For whatever grand plan the murder of your parents is a part of. These letters threaten your lives, stating that the killer will not be sated until this pack is smeared with your blood. This vendetta has been in existence for far longer than it seems, and it is likely that Lucy is merely being used as a tool for this person to achieve their ultimate aim.”
His words struck me right in the chest. “You’re saying that going after Lucy would probably be a mistake that could get us killed.” I glanced at Seth and Scott, who stood by the door listening with rapt attention. “Are you saying we shouldn’t go after her?”
“I’m saying that they kidnapped her because they want you three. Now, I was under the impression that this would have been a simple situation to solve, but,” he watched our faces, “now it is quite obvious that after a few impassioned words from your STEPMOTHER, you all seem to have had a change of heart towards this woman, which . . . complicates things.” He clasped his hands together. “Now, I’m sure that telling you to stay back and allow me to handle the situation will only further infuriate you all, given that you already view me as some minor villian in Miss Harris’ story.”
“I’m glad that you understand that we wouldn’t agree with any plan that didn’t involve us going after her, Ahmad,” said Seth, stepping forward until we stood side by side. “Trap or not, we’re going after her, and nothing is going to stop us from doing that.”
“If you all wish to endanger your lives for a woman that might not be so quick to do the same for you, then I’m not going to stop you.”
“You’re wrong, Ahmad. Lucy already risked her life for me the day she threw herself in the path of a poisoned arrow meant for me. That’s enough reason for me to go after her and bring her to safety.”
Ahmad’s smile deeply unsettled me. He seemed to be the only one not really bothered about Lucy’s kidnapping, and I didn’t know whether to think that it was something he had been wishing for for a long time, or just a product of his lack of human emotions. “Oh, I see now” he said, a small smile still on his lips, “a honourable mission in order to gain redemption. That’s what this is. You all think you owe her this.”
“We don’t think,” I said, “we know. And I’m done yapping here. It’s time to take action. Whether you’re in or out doesn’t matter to us.” I turned around to leave the office, pausing at the doorway, “I used to think you were brave. But now, I just think you’re as much of a coward as father was. That’s why you’re hesitant to help”
He didn’t say anything, but the temperature of the room dropped several degrees. If Ahmad hadn’t been bothered before, he had definitely felt something from those words.
But I wasn’t done. I turned to face him, feeling a little triumphant when I saw that his face had gotten a slightly pink tinge to it. “Also, your services aren’t needed anymore, Ahmad. Hand over all your responsibilities as soon as you can. We’ll take over from here, as it should have been from the beginning.”
“I would be happy to oblige, but do you really think you can do this without me?” he replied, trying to hold on to some semblance of control.
Scott stepped forward. “You’ll see.”
Together, we all left his office, giving him the chance to make peace with our words.