Book:Divorced In Love Published:2025-2-8

” It’s sweet of Gabriel to cook up the meals. ” Sofia remarked as she lay on a chaise lounge watching Gabriel cook. She moaned at the aroma of the turkey.
It was freezing on the yacht, but Sofia and Sydney couldn’t care less. They didn’t want to miss the serene views of birds flying across the waters, waves crashing, and whatnot.
Sydney hadn’t felt any sense of relaxation since Gabriel professed his affection for her. She wanted to believe it was some sort of joke or dream.
He must have been feeling lonely and needed a shoulder to lean on, and Sydney was there for him. Maybe that’s why he confused their friendship for love.
The heart is a tool the devil uses to ruin people’s life. Ruin friendships. Ruin good relationships. She reckoned.
The only source of relaxation she found was when she stepped into Blake’s yacht. It was a good thing she’d accepted his offer. Ethan and Emily would love it here. She would have loved to bring them, but Gavin called and said he wanted them to shop for Christmas decorations and gifts.
It was the longest conversation they’d had since she left home. She didn’t know why she didn’t abridge the conversation and ended the call quickly.
She wanted to tell him she kissed Gabriel but she was scared he’d hear the regret in her tone.
Sydney gave a coup d’oel at Gabriel and caught him staring at her with a frown.
Sydney changed the topic. ” When are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and Blake?”
Sofia flushed and curled to the side to look at Sydney properly. ” Same old.”
Sydney cocked a teasing brow, ” You don’t want to tell me you’ve found yourself a stunning boyfriend?”
Sydney had heard Gil calling Sofia pet names Gavin used to call her. She caught them kissing twice and she figured they were either dating or in something just sexual.
Gil came over to the deck where they were. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt and white sweatpants with a blue and white sailor’s hat.
” Oi, aren’t you ladies freezing? It’s terrible cold out here.” He tried to forge an Australian accent but failed miserably.
Sofia laughed at him. ” We are cold-blooded creatures, we don’t feel cold. Right Sydney?”
Sydney played along, ” Of course, runoff, Blake before we transform into vampires and make you one of us.”
Gil touched his chest and pretended to be scared. ” I’m shuddering in fear, squash it. I would have believed that if I turned into a vampire from all those neck bites yesterday. Right baby?”
Gil winked at Sofia, and she looked away, flushing in embarrassment. How could he say that in public? A**hole.
Sofia melted into the chaise lounge as Sydney laughed at her.
” Why don’t you join Gabriel in the kitchen and quit being a douche?” Sofia pouted, arms folded around her chest.
She noticed Gil’s smile drop for a second before he grinned.
She had noticed he and Gabriel hadn’t said anything to each other since they came to the yacht. They kept staring at each other like they wanted to say something but wouldn’t summon up the courage too.
Gil bent over and held her shoulder then put his lips to her ears. ” The feast would begin in thirty minutes. I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intention to be a douche when you tease me like that. ”
He chuckled and kissed her neck then walked back inside.
Sofia felt a pit in her stomach and held it, wincing. She’d been having stomach upset for some days now.
” Are you all right?” Sydney voiced in concern, noticing Sofia’s wincing face.
Sofia smiled wryly and adjusted on the chair, ” Yes, just a slight stomach pain.”
” Can I have this Daddy?” Emily puckered her lips, holding up a Disney princess book.
Gavin nodded with a small smile and collected it from her, ” Sure baby, take anything you’d like. ” He dropped it in the shopping cart.
Emily’s eyes widened at Gavin’s statement, ” Anything?”
Although Gavin had all the money in the world, he was a bit too strict with them. He’d never told them to take anything they wanted, he always chose things for them.
” That’s if you don’t go to the drug section.”
Emily screamed happily, jumping as she hugged Gavin then and shouted thank you countless times.
She was about to run off when Gavin shouted, ” Don’t go too far.”
” I won’t.” And she had disappeared into a toy section.
They were done with Christmas shopping already; Gavin had to wait a little longer at the shop before a van arrived to pick up the Christmas tree since it was too big to fit into his car.
” Can I also take anything I want?” Ethan asked in a faint tone.
Gavin had been staring at the parking lot through the glass windows since he’d excused himself to take a call. Ethan wondered if he was still waiting for the van or something else.
Gavin half-looked at him when he replied, ” Yes, stay by your sister’s side.”
Ethan noticed his Daddy’s muscles tensed when a Tesla drove into the parking lot. Gavin told him to run along. Ethan nodded hesitantly before going to his sister.
Gavin released a breath and went to the checkout lane. His gaze momentarily diverted to the parking lot as he waited for the items to be checked.
When he’d paid for the items, he glanced at Ethan and Emily before leaving the store. He stared at his brogues as he walked to his car. He could feel a pair of blue eyes watching his every move. He put the items in his car and walked to the Tesla where Alejandro waited patiently for him.
Gavin bent over to look at Alejandro, who was smoking cocaine. He grimaced at the awful stench.
” You said you were coming.”
Alejandro’s eyes were focused on something inside the shop. On someone. ” Get into the car.”
Gavin’s fist tightened. He walked over to the other door and got in. He looks straight ahead, not wanting Alejandro to see his fear.
The car was silent for a few seconds before Alejandro spoke in a cracked voice, ” I heard you played savior in a spelling bee contest some days ago.”
Gavin watched as Ethan helped Emily up to grab something from the top row. Alejandro was looking at them too.
” Did you send that man to kill my wife?”
Alejandro laughed. Loud and humorous. ” What do you mean by wife? Do you have a wife? Look, Gavin Reed, if you dare question me again, I’d make you loathe the ground you walk upon.”
Gavin gripped the door handle tightly. He didn’t move. He didn’t breathe.
” I want out of this. I’m not interested in the money and fame again; I want me and my family to go back to the way we were.”
A faint smirk tugged the corners of Alejandro’s lips. His fingers were playing with the lighter he held as he watched Ethan and Emily. Specifically Ethan.
” There is no going back from this Gavin Reed. Once you strike a deal with me, there is no turning back, except one and you know what it is. I told you from the start you said you could handle your wife. Now, look at the mess you’ve become. Your liabilities have risen over your profits. You are failing me.”
Ethan looked at the Tesla. He looked at the man talking to his Daddy. The man smiling at him.
” Perhaps I chose the wrong guy. I had too much faith that you wouldn’t let me down, but no worries… I like your son better.”
Gavin’s eyes darted to Alejandro almost too quickly. He was shaking. His mind was a maelstrom of the worst kind of possibilities. He didn’t want to imagine Ethan doing Alejandro’s dirty work. He didn’t want to imagine his son’s life being ruined because of his mistakes.
Alejandro was part of the Mafia, he kills people for fun. He could harm Ethan.
His voice was raised. ” I told you to keep my children out of this, we agreed that you wouldn’t bring them into this mess.”
Alejandro’s eyes finally met Gavin’s. He looked less like a human being and more like a demon. Earrings bathed his eyebrows. He had tattoos all over his body. Scars coated every inch of his body. A finger could fit into his ear hole.
His blue eyes were intense and mirthful at the same time. ” You broke your promise; I can break mine too. Don’t worry, I’m joking.” He held Gavin’s shoulder and laughed wickedly.
” Chill, I can feel the tension in your shoulder. You wouldn’t see your son working under me, I assure you.”
There was a focal point to every of Alejandro’s words. He was an oblique speaker. He always knew how to manipulate his words. That’s why no one knew they would be getting themselves into a do-or-die affair when accepting his deals.
Gavin had grown to know what Alejandro was made of, so it was easy to decipher what Alejandro meant.
Gavin was fidgeting. His eyes were on Ethan. Ethan was looking at him, too, with a raised brow.
What have I done, what have I done? Gavin asked silently.
Alejandro took a card out of his pocket. There was a snake coiled on a vine on one side and a number 5 on the other side.
He placed it on Gavin’s lap. Gavin didn’t need to look at it. He already knew what was on it. He hoped the number was two digits. Two digits could do a lot. It could give him enough time to fix his mistakes.
” This will be when you’ll see me again, and I’ll be ready to claim what you owe me.”
He turned the key in the ignition. ” Go to your family and tell your boy I’ll see him soon.”