Book:Divorced In Love Published:2025-2-8

Sydney drove Emily to Authur’s house after dropping Ethan at coach Ryan’s house for practice. Luckily, Dandelions were able to win the match by a last-minute goal.
Gavin still hadn’t returned. Sydney buried the hatchet and called him, but her calls were sent to voicemail. Emily said when Daddy called, he sounded like a whipped rhino. He asked to speak with Ethan, but Ethan ran to his room and slammed the door so loud, that Daddy heard it, and Alexa started to malfunction.
Caleb did nothing to help dissolve Ethan’s charign. He scolded Ethan for half an hour over the phone and then asked to talk to Sydney. When Sydney took the phone, she said “hello” for ten minutes before she realized he’d ended the call.
“Mommy, why are they ripping your face off?” Emily asked, worriedly.
Sydney looked at two chauvinistic women who tore off her face from a poster of her and Gavin advertising sneakers.
She avoided Emily’s question. “Don’t put on the seat belt too tight unless you’ll feel queasy.”
Emily looked skeptical. She noticed her mommy’s face had been ripped out of most advertising posters with her and daddy in it. Some had been disparaged with markers.
Several minutes later, Sydney parked in front of Authur’s house.
Sydney held Emily’s hand as they headed to the front door of Authur’s luxurious house. Emily had always wanted a pool, but Gavin said it was too dangerous; he said when she was fifteen, he would build one.
Sydney rang the doorbell, and in no time, Authur, dressed in a white shirt, blue shorts, and red bowtie, opened the door.
“Mommy! Emily and her mommy are here.” He jumped excitedly and hugged Emily and Sydney.
Emily laughed at him. “What are you wearing?”
Vanessa appeared next to Authur; she was also funnily dressed. “Authur wouldn’t stop crying until I suggested we played dress up.” She drew him back and made way for them to enter.
Emily gave Vanessa a visiting present and hopped in with Authur. Vanessa dropped the swan figurine on the antic shelf in the living room and took Authur to his to change clothes.
“Thanks for the figurine, how did you know I cherish them?” Theresa walked into the living room, with an apron around her waist which had flour smeared on it. The house smelt like freshly baked chocolate cookies.
“Emily’s been here before,” Sydney replied uncomfortably.
“Oh, the girl has the eyes of a hawk.” Theresa smiled which made Sydney’s stomach churn.
Theresa’s workspace was in her home; she didn’t have any job. Sydney remembered being a lazy housewife; she followed Gavin around like his shadow and did anything he asked her to do. Every day was just a repetition of the previous days. Until Avery opened her eyes. Somehow, Theresa made her ache for those first five years of her marriage. She had seen how loving her husband was. He attended most of the PTA meetings and dropped Authur in school.
Gavin never did that; he made sure she did all the work, and she had to pretend she was happy with it.
“I have to leave now, I’ll return before seven to pick Emily up.”
Theresa frowned and walked to her. “I’m baking cookies, we could stay by the pool and talk .”
You mean gossip about women and their husbands. Isn’t that what women with nothing doing does? Sit home and gossip?
“I’m sorry, I can’t stay. I have to be somewhere soon.” Sydney declined politely.
Theresa nodded sadly and told her she was welcome anytime. Sydney kissed Emily goodbye and left.
She drove to a diner a few blocks down from Theresa’s house. The bells jingled when she got in. It wasn’t a five-star diner like the ones she always went to with Gavin for a romantic time together.
She spotted Avery at a booth, and a smile appeared on her face, and she went to the booth and slid in.
Avery looked up from the menu. “We are having grilled cheese and tomato soup you need more flesh in your skin.”
“It’s just after pregnancy effect.”
Avery gaped at her. “You are the only woman I know who lost weight during pregnancy.”
“I take care of myself.” Do you?
“No, you starve yourself. I know, working is good and all but at least you should consider your health.” Her tone dripped condescension.
Sydney sighed. “Well, I got put on three months probation, maybe that would help me get myself back.”
Avery’s eyes widened, and she leaned forward. “Why would you be put on probation? You work your arse off more than anyone in that firm.” She knew the answer she just wanted her to say it.
Sydney shrugged and changed the topic. “How’s your dad? He hasn’t visited you in a while.”
Avery’s fist clenched under the table. “He’s all good. He’ll be visiting next week.”
The waiter came and took their orders. “How’s Ethan? He must be sad about yesterday, the poor boy almost made me cry.” Or laugh.
“He’s better than yesterday. Gavin called yesterday but Ethan didn’t want to talk to him.”
Avery’s interest piqued. “He didn’t show up yesterday; normally, he’d sit in the front row and cheer the loudest. Maybe that’s why Ethan wasn’t himself.”
Sydney frowned. “Maybe he forgot.”
” I called earlier yesterday to talk about Emily’s improving grades then I reminded him about Ethan’s match.”
Sydney played with her fingers. Sydney noticed her anxiousness and continued.
“Maybe he’s still angry about your decision. He used Xavier’s death as a tool to express his frustration, so why wouldn’t he use Ethan’s game as an excuse?” She sighed. “Everyone knows how Ethan loved playing hockey, it’s inconsiderate of him to use this against you.”
Tears clouded Sydney’s eyes. “He wouldn’t do that.”
Avery held her hand. “I would never lie to you. I just don’t want you to end up like your mother.”
It was like a circuit fused in Sydney. She didn’t want to remember those treacherous days now. The waiter served the food, and Avery smirked when she noticed Sydney shaking while eating. Revenge had never been so sweet.
“Daddy, stop please!” Sydney screamed at the top of her lungs as Caleb sent a slap across Ashley’s swollen cheek.
Ashley fell to the ground, tears running down her cheek.
“Why can’t you do anything right? Now, the estate documents have been carried by the trash truck.” Steam came out of his nose and ears.
Anita hid behind the kitchen door, shuddering in fear.
“I… I’m sorry Caleb. The papers were scattered on the kitchen floor. I didn’t know it was for the estate.”
Caleb was beyond reasoning now. He walked to her and she moved back till she hit the wall. He was about to send a fist to her when Sydney shouted, “Daddy, it’s my fault, not Mommy!”
Caleb’s dark glacial eyes moved to Sydney. “What did you just say?”
Sydney looked at the kitchen door and back at Caleb. She had seen Anita play with the documents in the kitchen. “I needed to make a hat for my doll, so I took the papers. I’m sorry, Daddy, I didn’t know it was important.”
Caleb stared at her, the veins on his forehead bulging. “If your mother had trained you well, you wouldn’t have done such a thing.” He grabbed Sydney by her hair.
“Caleb please.” Ashley held his feet and begged. Caleb kicked her away and threw Sydney on the couch.
He began to undo his belt. “Young girls like you don’t play with dolls, why don’t you learn from your little sister?”
Sydney cried but it didn’t seem to do anything to Caleb’s stone heart. He took off his belt and turned to Ashley. ” If only you had trained her well. You just sit at home, doing nothing. I’ll show you exactly how women like you should be treated.”