Jade’s pov:
As we bid farewell to Tyler and Randall, I remained at the front with Alex, even though I felt like I was not worthy of my place by his side at the moment. Tyler’s last words, which Alex had relayed to me once we reached the pack house, only made me more acutely aware of my inadequacy.
Although I teared up and cried, I did my best not to sob. Knowing the resonance issue might make the whole pack feel the sorrow I felt, I knew I needed to be in better control of my emotions.
There was no denying the fact that Tyler’s early departure hit us all hard, and more particularly his family, as to be expected.
However, when his mother approached me, and I froze under her scrutiny, wondering if she would blame me for Tyler’s tragic death like I did she offered me a weak watery smile, “I must thank you, Luna Jade. Tyler had explained in length a few weeks back how you saved him during the vampire attack. You gave him another shot at life, and he lived happily as a warrior. Dying on the battlefield, to protect the pack, is but a warrior’s calling.”
Her words were so at odds with what I expected to hear from her, that I teared up all over again.
“Tyler was a dear friend, and he will be missed,” I told her in a soft tone of voice, tipping my head ever so slightly so as not to cry. “And I offer you my most sincere condolences.”
“Thank you, Luna Jade,” was her soft albeit strangled response.
Soon, when it was time for me to offer my condolences to Randall’s family, I could see the resentment burning in his wife’s eyes. Truth be told, I expected no less. And I knew that if it hadn’t been for my title as luna of the pack, there would have been quite the issue.
Whether born healers were rare and coveted or not, all she could see was that I fueled the fire of the war by simply exisiting.
I ignored her looks and soon moved on, away from her. I could do without a meaningless conflict. I had so much on my plate already…
** ** **
By the time night came, I was no longer restless, and I went to talk to mom, whom I had barely seen all day.
I found her sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her framed wedding picture. I knew that today’s funeral must have brought back memories, and it was partly why I was here tonight.
“I should have knocked,” I said in a hushed tone, as she hurried to wipe away the tears which had fallen down her cheeks.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” she said simply, shaking her head negatively, before placing the framed wedding picture back in its place, on the nightstand.
I went to sit next to her, took her hand in mine, and began in earnest, “I know that losing one’s mate is undeniably one of the most frequent causes for depression among wolves.”
“I will be okay, sweetie,” she cut in at once, her tone of voice hopeful, despite the tears threatening to fall again.
“I know, mom,” I nodded at her at once. “But how about we speed up the process a little bit?”
“How?” She asked, her eyes twinkling in a playful way that gave me hope for her recovery.
“Let me start right from the beginning, mom. I am pregnant,” I drawled in a soft tone of voice.
“Oh my god!” She cried out excitedly. “You are? I am so happy for you, sweetie. My little bean is going to become a mom,” she cooed lovingly, happiness showing on her expression for the first time in weeks.
She then hugged me and I said in her embrace, “But there’s more to it.”
“More good news? Tell me everything,” she urged me as she put some distance between us, a sweet smile stretching her lips, her eyes boring into mine.
“I met the Alpha King, and he demanded that I train under an earth witch,” I lost a little bit of my smile. “He said that if I were to give birth in the current circumstances, I would be putting the pack in danger.”
“Oh? That bad?” She observed in a grave tone of voice. “Where are we supposed to find a trustworthy earth witch to begin with? The last witch we dealed with was no ray of sunshine…”
“That’s just it, mom,” I told her in a strangled voice as I recalled what awaited me, the training, the loneliness… But it was something that needed to be done. I needed to become stronger and more reliable. I needed to ensure that I could stand next to Alex proudly if the pack were to be under attack another time. “He said he had one at the palace. I am supposed to leave the day after tomorrow.”
“Oh, my baby,” she cooed softly, as she opened her arms for me a second time. I didn’t hesitate to seek comfort in her embrace. “You’ll be okay. Everything will be okay. I am sure of it.”
“I wish I had your confidence, mom,” I let out in a hushed tone of voice.
“It will be okay. Besides, it’s for the best, isn’t it?” She retorted.
“Absolutely,” I assured her, even though I had my own doubts.
“I am going to miss you dearly,” she then let out in a woeful tone.
I looked up into her eyes and said at once, “You don’t have to.”
“What do you mean?” She was a little bit taken aback, and it showed from both her expression and her voice.
“You could come along with me,” I suggesed weakly, not sure how she would respond to such an offer. “Think about it, mom. It could make for a nice change of pace for you too.”
She shot up at once, and began to pace the room.
“Are you okay, mom?” I asked tentatively.
“Fine,” she said dismissively, “I am just trying to remember where I put our suitcases. I need to start packing.”
I was absolutely stunned that she would agree so easily. I thought she would need more convincing.
“What’s that expression on your face for?” She asked after a moment, coming to a halt in front of me.
“I am just blown away by how easily you agreed to come along,” I admitted without thinking twice about it.
“Of course I would agree,” she scoffed at me. “I only have one precious daughter. She made a request which doesn’t happen often to begin with it was therefore only natural that I would agree, silly.”
I teared up as I told her, “I love you, mom.”
“I love you too,” she nodded at me.