Jade’s pov:
Meet me at the training grounds at 8 pm.
I reread Eli’s text as I headed there. I didn’t bother telling Alex, or anyone for that matter, since I would still be on pack land technically… Even though they were rather adamant about their need to know everything about my whereabouts.
But then again, Alex and the witch were busy trying to understand what happened exactly… And facing the woman wasn’t on my agenda if I were to be honest. I was far too jealous and far too reckless at times. I didn’t trust myself around her… She seemed to bring out the worst in me.
I reached the training grounds at 7:55, and seeing no one around, I naturally began to train. Over half an hour passed, and still Eli was a no-show. I decided to text him at that, “Calling it a night. You should have told me you would be running late.”
I was about ready to head back to the packhouse when a twig snapped from behind me, before everything came to a still.
I knew at once that this couldn’t be Eli as he never creeped up on me… And I began to question my decision to overlook the repeated warnings Alex, Luc, and Trevor gave me.
I decided to continue walking. But then, I heard another twig snap, and I soon went into a ready position.
A dark giggle followed, and soon the redhead I had met but once around Eli Sasha appeared from behind a nearby tree.
“What’s the big idea?” I questioned in a flat tone of voice, still giving her the benefit of the doubt.
“You tell me, Luna Jade,” she drawled, a little bit of a grimace on her face, “Do you think the world revolves around you?”
I rolled my eyes at her, “Naturally not.”
“And yet, everyone is worried about you, about your whereabouts… It almost makes me think you’re made of fragile porcelain.”
“Make no mistake. Before becoming a Luna, I am a warrior through and through,” I told her, gritting my teeth, not quite sure where she was leading with her statements.
“Are you? How about we put that to the test?” She taunted, her eyes glinting with malice.
“What’s wrong with you, Sasha?” I asked, my eyes narrowing at her as she approached me with steady steps.
“I cannot stand the sight of you. Do you know how many years I waited to make a move on Eli? And though he treats me well, he treats you better…”
“Oh, Sasha please, I am a happily mated woman,” I told her, trying to appease the jealousy I could feel oozing off her.
“Even so, you are a thorn in my side…”
“What did you do?” I demanded to know, sensing there was more to it.
“Mr Stevens and I helped the rogues in. I gave them details about patrol teams while he gave them a rough understanding of the land,” I stilled at once. If I recalled correctly, her father was a patroller. So, it could very well be true. Though I didn’t expect her involvement, Mr Stevens had more than enough motives to do that.
“So, you’re telling me you’re a traitor,” I let out calmly.
“If the shoe fits,” she shrugged.
And soon, she was lunging at me.
I dodged two of her punches before taking a powerful kick to my side. I favored defense over offense. That way, I could tire and capture her.
“So weak,” she let out in a taunting manner.
But I didn’t pay her words any mind. She wasn’t worth the trouble. Besides, if she were to rile me up, I could get reckless… And it just wouldn’t do for me to kill a pack member, not without a proper trial and all the necessary measures anyways.
Within 5 minutes, I had received two more hits. Only, she was starting to show signs of fatigue. Indeed, Sasha wasn’t much of a fighter.
A moment of distraction was all it took for me to pounce on her. I soon had her immobilized, with her hands in a tight hold.
Barely a couple of minutes went by and heavens knew that she struggled when I heard someone approaching. I wondered whether it would be friend or foe.
It turned out to be Eli. I breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of him, but she began to speak, saying absolute nonsense.
“Eli, love, Luna Jade seems to be jealous of our bond,” she said in a tearful whiny tone of voice. “She even attacked me, though I only meant to explain to her that she was already mated to the alpha…”
Eli’s eyes were now openly murderous, and I felt compelled to tell him, “Eli, you have to understand…”
He shook his head negatively at me, “Not a word, Jade.”
He didn’t use the honorific Luna before my name, even though we had an audience… And I briefly wondered what he meant, whether he believed her, or trusted me enough to know I would never betray Alex.
He approached us calmly, on steady feet, though he looked beyond angry. He squatted down when he reached us. And I knew then that he was on my side. Indeed, he wouldn’t have had to squat down if it were me his anger was directed at.
“You truly think such nonsense is believable, Sasha?” He asked, his tone of voice demanding but also incredulous somehow.
“But I… I love you, Eli,” she said in a desperate tone of voice.
“Oh puh-lease,” he let out in a tone that bordered on the disgusted. “You and I both know you were trying to use me for intel.”
She was speechless at that, and then began to trash.
“You had your mission, and I had mine,” he said with a deadly, chilly gaze that would have made me get the chills had it been directed at me.
“Also, you might have noticed it, dearie,” I let out in a teasing manner, “But I called Alex the moment I knew I was being followed. Your whole confession is in his voicemail.”