One Year Later
I stare at Beau’s handsome face as he sleeps soundly beside me. Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that we’re finally together. I softly peck his lips before slipping out of bed, making sure to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake him. I pick up my purse and walk to the bathroom with it. Opening my handbag, I take out the object I’ve been hiding from Beau since I bought it yesterday.
How wonderful will it be if the result comes back positive?
I take the pregnancy test, then set the timer on my phone and wait impatiently in the bathroom. Beau will be so happy if I’m pregnant. We haven’t been trying to have a baby, but I know he’ll be pleased regardless. We’ve spoken about starting a family one day, so I know it’s something we both want.
After what feels like an eternity, the timer on my phone goes off. I pick up the test and see two lines. I’m pregnant.
“Two lines!” I scream. I can’t believe it. It feels like a dream come true. I know this isn’t the first time, but it’s different than before. I’m ready, and I want to have his baby now.
“Delilah, is everything alright? I heard you scream,” Beau asks from the other side of the door. I had locked it to keep him from walking in on me.
“Everything is fine, honey,” I call back. “Sorry, I woke you up.”
I throw the pregnancy test in the trash bin, using some toilet paper to hide it. I know Beau will be happy to find out we’re having a baby, but I want to tell him in a special way, so I need to keep it a secret for now. I don’t know how I’m going to tell him yet, but I’ll figure out something.
“Why did you lock the door, mon amour? Are you sure everything is okay?” Beau asks, concern in his voice.
“Yes, honey.” I unlock the bathroom door and open it. “Everything is fine.” A big smile graces my face as I stand before him.
“You look happy today.” Beau wraps his arms around my waist and pecks my lips.
“Today is the happiest day of my life.” I circle my arms around his neck, holding him close.
“Really, can I know why?”
“Not yet.” I pass my hand through his soft curls, loving the feel of his hair against my fingers.
“Not yet?” He looks at me with an arched brow.
“Yes, not yet.” I pull away from him and walk back into the bathroom.
“Why not yet?” he asks, following me.
“Because it’s important that I tell you why in a special way.”
“Hmm, I wonder what it could be then.”
“You’ll understand once I tell you.” I smile, imagining how happy he’ll be when he finds out we’re having a baby.
Releasing a sigh, I loosen the tie around my neck. Work is killing me these days. Since I got back to the office a month ago, things have been hectic. I’ve got a lot on my hands, and I wonder if it’s because when I left the company a year ago, nobody took over my duties or because I just recently took on a higher role.
My grandfather’s health started declining recently, so the board of directors asked me to step in. Running the family business wasn’t something I thought was still in the cards for me. I grew up knowing that since I was the first grandchild I was next in line to take over, but after Grandfather disowned me, I didn’t think there was any chance of it still happening. But here I am.
I snap out of my thoughts when my assistant walks in.
“Sir, I came to remind you about the lunch with your mother,” she says.
“Oh, it’s today?” I wasn’t looking forward to meeting with her, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that I forgot.
“Yes, sir, and if you don’t wish to be late, you must leave soon.”
“No problem, thank you for reminding me, Jane. You may leave now.”
As Jane leaves my office, I think about calling her back and asking her to reschedule with my mother. Her views on my relationship with Delilah haven’t changed, and I don’t wish for anything to spoil my day. Today is a special day for me and Delilah. If everything I have planned for tonight goes well, she will finally be mine forever. I can’t wait.
But I decide to still have lunch with my mother regardless of the risk of her ruining my mood. I’ll tell her my plans for Delilah and our relationship. I know she won’t be happy about them, but I don’t care.
My mother is hell-bent on being a part of my life, so she should get used to hearing me talk about Delilah because she is forever going to be a part of it.
My mother might be one of the worst people on this earth, but I know she’d die for me. I wish the love she has for me could extend to Delilah, because I do love my mother despite her horrible heart. But I know it might never happen, and as much as that pains me, I’ll have to live with it.
I spend the whole day at the office searching online for ideas of how to tell Beau I’m pregnant. I didn’t think it would be such a hard thing to figure out until I found myself unable to decide which way would be best. But, after a lot of research, I finally choose. I pick the idea that speaks to me the most. I can’t wait to see Beau, so I can tell him. As soon as I can, I leave the office and go home to prepare.
The office hasn’t been the same since Camila left to open another branch in Chicago six months ago. We had always talked about expanding our business to other states in the US, so after I learned of her and Axel’s struggles with long distance, I suggested we start with Chicago. Camila agreed, and she and Axel have been happier than ever.
It was almost impossible to keep the idea to myself while they were going through that rough patch a year ago. But I had wanted to confirm with our accountant and draft a good proposal for the board before I mentioned it to her. That’s why I couldn’t tell her before I flew to Louisiana last year.
Once I make it home, I cook dinner, prepare the pregnancy reveal, and shower. I decide to watch a show while I wait for Beau to return from the office. When my phone rings, I smile and mute the TV before answering the call.
Beau’s voice filters through the speaker. “Hi, mon amour.”
“Hi honey, when are you getting home?”
“I don’t know, mon amour, that’s why I’m calling. I wanted to tell you not to wait up for me and to go to bed early.”
“Oh.” It saddens me that Beau is working late. I really wanted to tell him about the baby.
“Sorry, mon amour, I promise to make it up to you.”
“It’s fine, I understand.”
“Thank you. Goodbye, love you.”
“Love you, too.” I hang up the phone.
I look at the box sitting in front of me with a balloon attached to it. Inside is a house model. It symbolizes how we will need a home to raise our baby. It’s nothing special, but I feel it’s a nice way to say I’m pregnant. I pick up the remote to unmute the TV when my phone rings again. I quickly answer without checking the caller ID. Beau must be calling back to say he’s on his way home.
“Yes, honey?”
“I didn’t know I was your honey,” Tamara says.
“Oh, it’s you.”
“Were you expecting Beau?”
“Sorry to bust your bubble, but it’s just me.” Tamara chuckles.
“It’s fine; how are you?”
“I’m good, you?”
“Good. So, what’s up?”
“I called to ask you something.”
“Ask away.”
“My period suddenly came, and I don’t have any tampons. Can you bring some to the restaurant for me? All the stores here have already closed.”
“Of course. But you know, I have told you before that you need keep extra on you whenever you have to close the restaurant late.”
Tamara laughs. “Yes, I know. I’ll start listening to you more often. I’ll see you soon. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I hang up and go upstairs to get ready.
Taking off my sweatpants and Beau’s t-shirt, I put on a brown heart tie-strap mini dress and gold sandals. Then, I grab some tampons and put them in my purse before heading out.
Twenty minutes later, I walk inside the restaurant. Tamara had texted me and said she left the front door unlocked so I could use it. The second I open it, I’m blown away.
“Oh my God!” I say, shocked by the beautiful scene before my eyes. The whole restaurant is decorated with candles and flowers. “All of Me” by John legend is being played by a live band.
I look ahead and see Beau standing a few feet away with a small box in his hand. Oh my God! He’s going to propose.
He slowly walks towards me with a beautiful smile on his face, and his eyes glittering with love.
“Delilah,” he says, taking my hand. He brings me to the middle of the restaurant, which has been cleared of all its chairs and tables. A gasp escapes my lips as Beau drops to one knee. I can’t believe this is happening.
“You are the most amazing woman I have ever encountered in my life. I don’t think anybody else on this earth could make me as happy as you do. You are my light, my joy, my happiness, and my safe haven. You are everything to me, and it would be the greatest thing to ever happen to me, if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife. Delilah Stephen, will you marry me?”
I blink twice to ensure I’m not dreaming and that he’s really kneeling in front of me. Tears of joy fill my eyes as I stare at the ring in Beau’s hand. It’s a beautiful, black-speckled diamond engagement ring. It reminds me of Beau’s eyes. Unable to find the words to speak, I simply nod my head. Beau slides the gem onto my ring finger.
“I love you,” he says, standing up and pulling me close to him before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss.
“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out once he releases me. I don’t think there could be a better time to tell him such fantastic news.
“Are you serious?” Beau asks, looking down at my belly and then back at my face.
“Yes, I’m pregnant.”
“Oh my God, I can’t believe it!” He picks me up and spins me in the air. “Oh, I hope this doesn’t hurt the baby,” he says before quickly putting me back down.
“It won’t.” I chuckle.
“Oh, thank God.” Beau places his hand over my flat belly. “I can’t wait to start a family with you. I love you.” He rubs his palm across my stomach.
“I love you, too,” I say, and Beau kisses me again.
After so much heartbreak, we’re finally here. Was it worth it? Definitely, it was. This man is the source of my happiness, and a world without him would not be worth living in. I love him and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him.