Book:Rekindling Old Flames Published:2025-2-8

“Gin and tonic,” I say to the bartender as I take a seat. The dive bar I found close to the airport seems as good a place as any to wait to check in for my flight.
I try not to think about Beau as I down my drink but it’s hard. The last time I was out drinking because of him was the night we created our baby. Our poor child, they never got to see the world.
I throw back the rest of my drink and ask for another. It wouldn’t be a good idea to get drunk and miss my flight, but one more won’t hurt.
While on my second glass, I’m surprised to see Beau walk into the bar. He takes a seat at one of the booths, joining a man I haven’t seen before. What is he doing here? Even if he wanted a late-night drink, there are bars closer to the estate.
I’ll have to get closer to them to figure out what’s going on. Taking a seat in the boot opposite theirs, I drop my head and use my hair to cover my face. It’s wrong to eavesdrop, but I can’t help it. Beau shouldn’t be here, and I know if I were to walk over and ask, he wouldn’t tell me why he is. My ears perk up when I notice they’re in a heated discussion.
Beau’s voice is clipped. “How can you tell me not to lose hope when the wedding is in three days? Three days, Henry. How can you expect me to be hopeful when you still haven’t found the information I need?”
“I know it seems hopeless right now, but trust me. I’ll get you what you need before Saturday morning.” The man says, taking a sip of beer.
“Please, Henry; I can’t imagine what’ll happen if you don’t get it. Everything I’ve done these past months will have been for nothing. I need that information.” Beau sounds desperate. What does he need and how can this man get it for him? They haven’t said anything that could give me a clue as to what they’re really talking about.
“I will, I promise,” the man says. “So, how is she?”
“As you would expect, heartbroken.” Beau passes a hand through his hair and takes a sip of his drink.
Are they talking about Hannah? Probably not. Hannah isn’t heartbroken. She’s excited about the wedding. But who else could it be?
“Well, hopefully she won’t be for long.” The man places his drink on the table and gets up to leave.
“I pray so.” Beau stands and shakes the man’s hand before they turn to walk toward the door, which happens to be right next to where I’m sitting.
I quickly get up so I can hide before they see me but fail to notice the waiter standing behind me. We run into each other, and everyone in the bar looks at us as the glasses on her tray fall to the ground, shattering.
“Sorry!” I bend down to help the poor lady, but before I can, someone grips my arms and lifts me up.
“Delilah?” Beau says, staring at me wide eyed.
Damn it, he caught me.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, looking confused.
I open my mouth to explain but find myself at a loss for words all of a sudden. Both men look at me, waiting for an explanation. God! I wish the ground would swallow me whole right now. This is so embarrassing. I search for something to say, but am coming up blank.
“Delilah, I asked you a question,” Beau says, staring at me intensely.
Oh my God! He’s waiting for me to reply. Think Delilah, think. Fuck! I can’t think of anything to say. It’s like my brain has forgotten how to work. I’m about to blurt out why I was eavesdropping when I realize they aren’t asking about what I was doing but rather why I’m here.
“I’m leaving,” I answer.
“Leaving? To go where?” Beau asks, looking flustered.
“I’m going home.”
“You can’t!” Beau exclaims, moving closer to me.
“I can’t stay here anymore; I have to leave.” It hurts too much to see you marry someone else, I almost add but don’t.
“No, you can’t,” Beau says, sounding desperate.
“I think I’m allowed to choose if I want to stay or not.” I don’t understand why he’s behaving like this.
Beau pulls me closer to him. My hands land on his chest as I try to put some space between us. I stare at him, confused.
“Listen to me Delilah, you can’t leave; you must stay. Please stay.” He stares into my eyes as he speaks. I can see how desperate he is, and I don’t know why but my heart is telling me to listen. I close my eyes and try to decide if I should stay or not. My brain says I should go, but the feeling in my heart telling me to listen to Beau is stronger.
“Okay, I’ll stay.” I open my eyes and watch as his face lights up. Why is it so important to him that I stay? He hates me, so none of this makes sense. I know he’s done things that would suggest he has his memories, but it hasn’t been enough for me to believe they’re entirely back. If Beau got his memories back, he would end this wedding in a heartbeat, and he hasn’t.
“Thank you,” he says. I get a strong sniff of Beau’s scent as he closes the space between us. His breath fans my forehead. My eyes widen as I realize what he’s about to do. I feel his lips about to kiss my forehead, but he pulls away at the sound of someone coughing. We both turn to face the man Beau was talking to earlier. He shakes his head, and Beau removes his hand from my waist before stepping away.
“Let’s go. I’ll drop you off at your hotel.” With that, he pulls me out of the bar.
We walk to his car, and he opens the door for me. He locks the car once I get in, and I watch with wide eyes as he disappears back into the bar. When he returns, he has my suitcase and puts it in the trunk.
I stare at him as he walks to the driver’s seat, gets in, and starts the car. Was he really going to peck my forehead earlier? I don’t think so. Maybe he was about to hug me as a way of thanking me for staying, but even that would have been strange considering how he’s been acting toward me. I’m truly confused right now. I don’t understand what’s going on with Beau, and it’s getting tiring trying to figure it out. Shaking my head, I pass a hand through my hair. I close my eyes and rest my head on the window. I need to get some sleep. It’s been one hell of a day.