Book:Rekindling Old Flames Published:2025-2-8

The following morning, I sneak onto the Williams’ estate to see Nana. Harvey says her bad days have been outnumbering her good, and she might be gone any day now. That’s why, even though Edward and Jenny will have my ass the moment they see me, I’m risking it. I don’t want to miss what might be my last chance to see her. She means a lot to Beau and has always been nice to me. I don’t even want to think about how he’s faring with her diagnosis, but he might not be struggling that much since he doesn’t have his memories. I hope he gets them back before it’s too late. I can’t imagine how torn he would be if he doesn’t get them back before she’s gone. He’d be devastated.
I spent all night thinking of ways I could help Beau recover his memories. I wondered which memory we shared would be most important to him. We’ve made many memories together, but I think the shared loss of our child is the most significant. Unfortunately, I had already told him about that one, and it didn’t do the trick. Maybe if I keep thinking, something else will come to me.
I’m almost to Nana’s room, but I halt when something catches my attention. I walk closer to the room door and tears sting the back of my eyes. I thought watching Beau kiss Hannah was the worst thing that could happen to me, excluding the loss of my child, but I was wrong. Seeing Hannah’s beautiful wedding dress tops the charts.
I don’t know when my legs move, but I find myself touching the gorgeous gown. It’s so beautiful. The heart-shaped embroidered lace dress is adorned with intricate detailing and a flowy overskirt. My heart aches knowing this gown isn’t for me to wear while marrying Beau but for Hannah.
I blink, pushing the tears back and sniffling. Hopefully everything will be fine soon. I turn around to leave but stop as Jenny walks into the room. She slams the door, making me jump. I quickly compose myself and stare at her with the same glare she’s sending my way.
“I knew you were a fool, but I expected more from you.” Jenny’s words drip with venom.
“What do you mean?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest and arching a brow.
“Do you really think you can stop the wedding?”
“If I didn’t believe I could, then I wouldn’t be here.”
“Do you even know why Beau is marrying Hannah?” Jenny asks.
“No, but that’s not important because once he recovers his memory, none of that will matter.”
“Of course, you wouldn’t think it’s important. If only you knew.”
“Why is Beau marrying Hannah?” I don’t know why but I have this dreadful feeling I’m not going to like the reason.
“Smart of you to ask; he’s marrying Hannah because it’s the only way he can secure his inheritance.”
“That’s a lie.”
“No, it’s true, my dear. Even if Beau were to recover his memory right this minute, he would still marry Hannah.”
“You’re lying; that won’t happen.”
“I can see you’re having a hard time believing it, but it’s true. Why do you think Hannah is bold enough to allow you to be here? She knows you can’t do anything to stop it.”
“That’s not true; if Beau recovers his memory, he’ll call off the wedding. Beau wouldn’t choose money over me.”
“Do you really believe that, Delilah? He got you pregnant the last time he was engaged in order to force the Clarks to call off the wedding. He could’ve easily given up his inheritance, but he didn’t. He knew if the Clarks were the ones who called the engagement off, then he could still get it.” Jenny shrugs. “I believe my son loves money more than you.”
I didn’t know Beau had agreed to marry Hannah because of his inheritance before. I knew his family was forcing him, but I thought they had threatened my life, and that was why he went along with it. This is news to me and not the good kind. I can’t believe what she’s saying.
“Do you believe me now, Delilah?”
I don’t respond, my heart sinking into my chest. A little part of me fears she might be telling the truth. But I don’t want to believe her. If I do, then my plan for Beau and I to get back together will become useless.
A big smile spreads across Jenny’s lips. She seems a little too happy about the whole conversation. This wasn’t something she had to share, but she chose to anyway. There must be a reason, and I think I know what it is. Jenny must be trying to make me give up on helping Beau recover his memories. I don’t think she’s telling the truth about why Beau almost married Hannah before. It must be a lie to throw me off. I can’t believe I almost fell into her trap.
I smirk at her. “You’re lying; you just want me to give up my plan of helping Beau to recover his memory. He might have gotten me pregnant to call off the wedding, but that wasn’t the only reason. It was because he believed it would force you and your horrible father to accept me since I was carrying a child that had your blood running in its veins. Stop trying to twist things, Jenny; I won’t give up.”
Her nostrils flare as she pulls her hands into tight fists. She’s pissed I caught on to her lie. Suck it, bitch.
“You’re smarter than I gave you credit for. It’s unfortunate you know Beau doesn’t love money more than you, but I’ll be damned if I let you help him recover his memories.”
“You can’t stop me, Jenny; Beau will have his memory back before Saturday.”
“I doubt your dad would be in support of that.”
“What does my dad have to do with this?” I ask, my brows pulling together in confusion.
“Do you know why Beau broke your heart the first time?”
“Good. Remember that we let your father live then, but that can always change.”
My eyes widen in terror. Did she really say that? Will she harm dad if I help Beau recover his memory?
“I’ll do it. So, stay away from my son.” Jenny answers my questions even though I didn’t ask them out loud. My whole face must be showing the thoughts bouncing around in my head.
My legs weaken as the magnitude of her words sink in. I try to find something to grab onto to prevent me from falling but there’s nothing, so I end up dropping onto the bed.
I can’t believe this. Tears well up in my eyes. Beau is going to marry someone else, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it, because if I do, then I will be risking my father’s life. A teardrop escapes my eyes and then more follow as all my hopes of a future with Beau come crashing down.