Catching up with him before he walks back into the ballroom, I move to grab his arm, but he yanks out of my grip.
“Beau, please tell me you didn’t just say the word ‘fiancee’?” I ask, my heart beating hard against my chest. He’s about to reply, but someone beats him to it. My already cracked heart shatters into a million pieces once I hear her voice.
“There you are, my love,” Hannah says from behind me. I hear her approaching, but before she can get to us, Beau walks up to her. I turn around, and what I see breaks my heart even more. Tears fill my eyes as Beau captures her lips in a kiss. My shattered heart squeezes in my chest and suddenly breathing is difficult. Beau doesn’t close his eyes as he kisses her; instead, he stares at me. I bite my lip to stop it from trembling and try my best to contain my tears, but I can’t. My knees weaken, so I lean against the wall to prevent myself from falling.
I can’t believe he’s kissing her. Does Beau truly not love me anymore? When he said it at the office, I assumed it was because he was angry with me for some reason. I didn’t believe him, but here he is, kissing another woman right in front of me. Even if he is mad at me, he wouldn’t do this if he loved me. I can’t believe he doesn’t love me anymore. How is that possible?
My line of sight is suddenly blocked when Dad appears in front of me. Thank God, it felt like torture watching them kiss and thinking it would never end.
“I think it’s time for us to go home.” Dad holds my shoes and clutch in his hands. He must have been looking for me and found them. I’m sure he notices my bloodshot eyes and tear-stained face. I can’t even imagine how horrible I must look right now.
“Yes, I believe so, too,” I manage to say.
Dad wraps an arm around my shoulder and begins to walk us to the hotel entrance. I bury myself in his side, crying my heart out.
Beau is engaged again; but this time, I don’t think he’s doing it because of his family. The way he stared at me as he kissed Hannah and how he’s been behaving lately tells me that much. It will be impossible to convince him we belong together. He’s gone, and there is nothing I can do to get him back.
A few days have passed since the party. I couldn’t stop crying that night. I still can’t believe he’s getting married. It hurts so much worse than it did the first time I found out. Last time I could use the fact that he had cheated on me to hate him, but now I don’t even have that. Because I know that he only did it to protect me. I can’t believe he doesn’t love me anymore. Logically, I know it’s not impossible for a person’s feelings to change, but I find it hard to understand with Beau.
He never stopped loving me, even when we were apart for seven years. It doesn’t make sense that he would stop now. I can’t be sure, but I feel like he hasn’t truly recovered his memory. The way he talks and acts toward me would be different if he really remembered me. But if he doesn’t have his memories, then how can he claim to know who I am?
I pull the fridge open, sighing. I came to the kitchen to get some water, hoping it would help clear my head. I’m so confused. None of what’s happening makes any sense, and the only person who could clear my doubts doesn’t want me within five feet of them.
Uncapping the water bottle, I take a sip. Voices filter in through the open door. It sounds like Camila and Axel. Are they arguing? I move quickly toward the kitchen door to find out.
“You can’t seriously be asking me that,” Camila says, enraged.
“Of course I am. We’ve been dating for a while. I don’t see why you can’t move to Chicago to be with me,” Axel argues.
“My job, my family, my friends, everything is here. I can’t just leave.”
“You can do your work from Chicago and fly back once in a while to visit everyone.”
“I can’t just move my company there. Do you think Lilah would even agree to move?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.
I definitely wouldn’t, but I doubt Axel meant for her to move the company.
“I’m not asking you to do that. What I’m saying is you can start your own company in Chicago. I can even help you with the startup funds.”
“Are you freaking serious right now, Axel?” Camila asks, frown lines forming on her forehead. “Lilah is my best friend. What you’re asking me to do is the worst thing I could ever do to her. Don’t ever mention it again.”
“Fine, I won’t. But do you really plan for us to keep bouncing between cities forever?” he asks, lifting a dark brow at her.
Camila sighs, running a hand through her hair. “No,” she says softly, her shoulders sagging. The argument must be weighing on her. I can’t imagine how living in two different cities must be affecting their relationship.
“Well, that’s good to hear at least.” Axel moves closer to Camila and wraps his arms around her waist. “I’ll drop the topic for now. You know I love you, right?” he says, gazing into her eyes with so much affection it could be seen from a mile away.
“Yes, and I love you too,” Camila replies, with the same look in her eyes.
They are so adorable, I think to myself. But then Axel buries his nose in her neck, and Camila moans. My happy feeling immediately turns to disgust. Eww, that’s my que to leave.
I walk back into the kitchen, thinking about how I can help them fix their problem. Suddenly, the best idea comes to me, but I decide to wait till they’re done fucking to speak to them about it.
Plus, I have a lunch date with Tamara that I’m late for now due to my eavesdropping. Quickly leaving the kitchen, I take the stairs to my room to get ready.
Once I’m in my car and on the way, I wonder how Tamara has been doing since the last time I saw her. Things between her and Harvey haven’t been great these days. Harvey is still possessive, even though they’re together. He says it’s the only way he knows how to express his feelings toward her, but Tamara wishes he could try something different. It’s really making dating him difficult for her. I pray Harvey sees her point of view and changes, because Tamara is risking a lot to be with him. He needs to be willing to make changes for her, even if he doesn’t like them.
When I arrive at the restaurant, I walk in and take a seat at the first empty table I come across. A waiter comes over soon after.
“Good day, ma’am. What would you like to order?” he asks, placing a glass of water on the table.
I choose the first thing that catches my eye on the menu. “I’ll have the creamy squash and hazelnut fettuccine with sauteed mushrooms.”
“What would you like to drink with that?”
“A virgin mojito, please,” I say, shutting the menu.
“Okay, ma’am, your food will be ready soon.” The waiter closes his notebook and walks away.
As he leaves, I see Tamara walk inside. I raise my hand in the air, hoping to help her spot me easier. She smiles once she sees me and begins to walk over.
“Hey,” Tamara says, taking the seat across from mine.
“How are you doing, babe?” I ask, taking a sip of water.
She releases a deep sigh. “I’ve seen better days,”
“Things still aren’t great with you and Harvey?”
“Yes, as you would expect.”
“Hopefully, things will turn out for the better.” I move my hand across the table and pat hers.
“I pray so, too,” she says with a tight-lipped smile.
“So, you said you had something important to speak to me about?”
“Yes, Harvey’s restaurant has been hired to cater Beau and Hannah’s wedding.”
“Okay…” I trail off, squinting my eyes at her. It’s not something I would deem important, so I don’t understand why she’s telling me.
“Harvey asked me to oversee it. And I was enraged when he did, but then he explained why he suggested it.”
“What’s his reason?”
“He believes it’s the best way for you to get Beau back, and I do too.”
“You need to stop the wedding from happening until you can figure out why Beau claims he doesn’t love you anymore. If you come as my assistant, then you will have access to the wedding, and it will be easier for you to stop it.”
I consider the idea. “That’s true.” Tamara is right; until I figure out what’s going on, I can’t let Beau marry Hannah. I need to do everything I can to stop this wedding.
“Yes, exactly. So, are you in? We leave for Louisiana next week to begin the preparations. The wedding is in two weeks.”
“What did you just say?” I ask, wide-eyed. I’m praying I heard her wrong.
“It was a shock to me, too, Lilah. But apparently, Hannah never stopped preparing for the wedding. Harvey says even when she found out you were pregnant, Jenny told her the wedding was still on and that she would handle ‘the problem’, which she did.”
“Oh my God! I can’t believe this,” I exclaim, running my hands through my hair. “Why is it happening so fast? I haven’t even come up with a plan on how to stop the wedding. I need more time. They can’t be getting married so soon.”
“Don’t worry, we will find a way to stop him from marrying her,” Tamara says with a reassuring smile.
“I hope so.” I can’t believe it. What am I going to do? There is no way I am going to let Beau marry Hannah. I have to figure out something to do and fast. This wedding must be stopped at all costs.