“Dad,” I whine as he holds a spoonful of soup close to my mouth. He is determined to continue feeding me even though it’s been a month since the kidnapping, and I am almost fully healed.
Dad had arrived the morning after I broke Beau’s heart. It was a surprise since I hadn’t had a chance to contact him yet, but I knew Beau must have. I saw my dad shed tears for the first time in my life that day. My injuries coupled with the news about the loss of his grandchild hit him hard. But he didn’t try to speak to me about it when I avoided discussing the details. I’m grateful for that. I know I need to speak to someone about it. And once I’m ready, I will, but I’m not ready yet.
“I know you’re doing better,” Dad says. “But I still want to feed you. The doctor says you need rest, which means no straining yourself.”
“How could I strain myself by eating? Please let me feed myself.” I put my hand forward to collect the spoon, but he hits my hand away. I sigh. “You do know I am twenty-five years old, right?”
“Even if you were fifty years old, I would still feed you.” He smiles while I roll my eyes. He’s treating me like a child. “Now, open your mouth.”
With a groan, I give up and open my mouth so he can give me the soup.
After I finish dinner, the girls come to see me. They arrived in town the same day Dad did and each cried a river once they saw me. I was scared Camila would pass out due to how many tears she shed. Axel came to check on me as well, but he had to fly back yesterday because of work.
I’ve been flipping through the channels on the TV for a while, but there isn’t anything good on. I throw the remote on the blanket in frustration. Being in the hospital and laying around all day has quickly become tiresome. My release day can’t come soon enough.
I turn towards Tamara to make conversation when I notice something. She’s here physically, but her mind seems far away. She’s staring at the TV even though I just switched it off.
I tap her shoulder. “Hey, what’s on your mind?”
Tamara releases a deep sigh before speaking, “Nothing.” She plasters a fake smile on her face and pats my hand gently.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong. Why would you think something is wrong?” She moves uncomfortably in her chair, avoiding eye contact with me. I turn to face Camila with a knowing look.
“Why don’t you want to tell us what’s wrong?” Camila asks, joining in.
Tamara looks like she’s about to lie to Camila too, so I say something before she gets the chance. “Whatever is bothering you must be serious, so you need to tell us. And don’t say you don’t want to because of my condition. I’ll be discharged from the hospital soon. I’m strong enough to hear whatever it is that’s wrong.”
“I wish your condition was why I didn’t want to speak. It would make everything so much easier.”
“I think that’s even more of a reason why you should tell us.”
Tamara momentarily closes her eyes and sighs. “I’m worried about what will happen to me if Edward hears that Harvey and I are thinking about being together. I’m just thinking about how much worse my situation would be since he could harm you this much even while you were pregnant.”
Camila and I share another look. Tamara recently told us she’d been gaining feelings for Harvey. I can’t say I’m shocked, considering everything that’s happened to her. But I don’t know how to respond to her fears. “Oh.”
“I knew talking about it would only make you worry and remember how horrible what you went through was. And I didn’t want to be the cause of that.”
“Trust me, Tamara, you confiding in me won’t cause anything. I’ll remember the incident forever and telling me about your worries for you and Harvey won’t make it any worse. So, talk about it. I’ll offer you advice or just a listening ear. Whichever you need.”
“Thank you.” Tamara gives us each a smile of relief. “I really needed someone to talk to. I’m so confused right now. The reasons why Harvey and I shouldn’t be together are numerous, and I don’t know what to do. There’s the fact that I shouldn’t even have feelings for him, but I do, and then there’s his grandfather. I’m losing my mind trying to figure out the best way to handle this situation.”
I sigh. “I wish I could tell you your feelings for Harvey are worth the risk of being together, but unfortunately, I can’t. The loss of my child is too much for me to bear, and I don’t wish that for you. Here’s my advice: lock up those feelings and try to forget about Harvey. Being with him will only bring you pain. I am living proof of that,” I say, tears pooling in my eyes. I sniff and push back the tears. It still breaks my heart that Beau and I can’t be together, but it’s for the best.
“I agree with Delilah,” Camila chimes in.
“I knew you were both going to say that,” Tamara says.
“I’m sorry, but it’s the truth,” I say. “It would be worth it if their hate didn’t make them do extreme things.” The lengths that Edward and Jenny will go to are terrifying. “I’ve spent a month in this hospital because of that hate. I don’t think a love that causes physical and mental pain is worth it.”
“I understand.” Tamara nods. “And I think that’s why I can’t bring myself to be with him yet. Harvey’s hurt me himself in the past, and I don’t know if he’s worth forgiving.”
“You should forgive him, because holding a grudge won’t do you any good, but you shouldn’t choose to be with him.”
Camila leans forward and clasps Tamara’s hand. “And just remember that no matter happens, you’ll always have us.”
“Thanks, you guys. I’ll keep that in mind.” She smiles softly at us both, and we return it.