Book:Rekindling Old Flames Published:2025-2-8

Beau clears his throat. “I think you should take a seat.”
“Okay, fine.” I walk into the room and sit on a couch close to the bed. My patience is running thin, but it’s probably for the best if we don’t have this conversation in the hallway.
“Where do I start?” Beau swallows and rubs a palm across his face.
“I don’t know, maybe from the beginning?” I suggest, sarcastically.
“Yes, you’re right; from the beginning would be best. But first, will you promise me something?” Beau bends down to my level and tries to take my hand, but I yank it away. He sighs and turns to face Nana. She nods, encouraging him to continue.
He looks back at me, but I speak before he has a chance. “I don’t think you can ask me to promise you anything after everything you have done to me and what you just said a few seconds ago.”
“I know, you’re right. But promise me you won’t leave until you’ve listened to everything I have to say.”
I consider his request. “Fine, I can give you that; I’ll wait for you to finish talking at least before I kill you.”
“Thank you.” Beau stands and takes a step away from me. Probably a smart move.
“Begin,” I say, gesturing with my hand.
“So, you know how my mother and grandfather don’t like you?”
“Of course, I do. Your grandfather just kicked me out of his house and refused to let me eat at the same table as him.”
“Yes, that’s true, but what you don’t know is the full extent of their hatred for you and the lengths they would go to in order to keep us apart.”
“Why do I feel like there is something important I’m missing?”
“There is.” Beau sighs again. “Do you remember the car accident your dad had when we were dating?”
“Yes.” My brows pull together a little. I don’t understand why he is suddenly bringing this up. My dad almost had a bad car accident a few years ago. But luckily, no one had been seriously hurt.
“Do you remember how the driver just lost control of the car? And it was only by chance your dad survived?”
“Yes, I do.” I narrow my eyes, wondering where he is going with this.
“My family was the reason why that happened.”
“What?” I close my eyes for a second before opening them back. My brain isn’t processing his words or their implications. I don’t want to believe what I just heard. “You’re lying,” I say, wide-eyed.
“Unfortunately, I’m not, mon amour.”
“No,” I shake my head, unable to believe him. How could his family have been that cruel? Dad’s car was hacked that day; it was a miracle the driver regained control of the vehicle.
Oh my God! It must have been a warning to me, and I didn’t even know it at the time. I almost killed my dad. Disbelief settles over me.
“I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not your fault. If anyone is at fault, then it’s me.” Beau wipes away a teardrop that falls from my eyes. I can’t believe I almost killed my dad because I didn’t respect Beau’s family’s wish for us to be apart. I’m starting to wonder what would’ve happened to my dad if Beau hadn’t cheated on me, and we decided to continue to be together against his family’s wishes. Oh my God, I would’ve never forgiven myself if they had really harmed my father. He means so much to me. I would’ve been devastated. Could that mean Beau cheating on me was a blessing in disguise?
“It wasn’t either of your faults,” Nana says from the bed.
I turn to face her, tears swimming in my eyes. “I really wish I could believe that, Nana.”
“Well, you should, because neither of you should feel guilty about wanting to be together. And Beau shouldn’t have done what his mother asked him to do all those years ago. He should’ve listened to me and ran away with you.”
“You know I couldn’t do that, Nana,” Beau interrupts. “Delilah had her whole life ahead of her. She had just graduated high school; it would’ve been selfish of me to ask her to do that.”
Listening to their conversation, I feel even more lost. “What are you guys talking about?”
When Beau doesn’t reply, Nana gives an exasperated huff. “Beau cheated on you to protect you. He didn’t mean any of the things he said to you that day.”
“I don’t understand.” None of this is making sense. I look between Beau and Nana. Could she be telling the truth?
“Tell her, Beau,” Nana says.
“What difference would it make?” he asks.
“A big one,” Nana argues back.
“Explain what she just said, Beau.” I’m tired of being kept in the dark. He owes me the truth. “Now.”
Beau shakes his head, but then begins to speak. “After what happened to your dad, I knew my family was serious about not wanting us together, so I planned to ask you to elope with me. But my mother found out. She threatened to finish the job with your dad, and to make sure you knew it was them who did it. Of course, I couldn’t let that happen, because I knew it would kill you if something happened to your dad, and you would have hated me forever since my family would have been the cause. My mom asked me to break up with you. I didn’t know what else to do, so I agreed. I had planned to do it in a simple way, but she said I needed to break your heart so that you would never want me again. That’s why I cheated on you.”
I don’t say a single word after Beau finishes. I’m too shocked to speak. I can’t believe this. Oh my God. Getting up from the couch, I pace the room. My hand passes through my hair as I try to absorb everything he said. I know Beau’s family hates me, but this is too much. My dad’s accident and now this. I don’t even know what to believe at this point.
“I know all of this is a lot to take in,” Beau says. “But I swear it’s the truth. That’s why I always said I would do it again when you asked me. I meant I will always do anything I can to protect you.” He moves so he’s standing behind me as he speaks.
“Why did you come back then?” I turn around, facing him. “Why did you come back and try to be with me after so many years? Is it safe to be with me now?”
“I came back because now it would be more difficult for my family to hurt you or your father. Your father is well-known in the car industry, so my family won’t dare harm him, even if they wanted to try and force you to leave me. They wouldn’t be able to get away with it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me the truth the minute you came back?” He could’ve told me all of this the second he saw me at that meeting, but he didn’t. Instead, he only proved I was still in love with him and couldn’t resist his touch. And got me pregnant.
He hesitates briefly before answering. “I was scared.”
“Of what?”
“That the truth would only make you run away from me.”
“Oh.” I didn’t know what to say to that.
“No woman would want to be with a man whose family could hurt her own just because she chooses to love their son.”
I take a minute to process his words before a feeling of resolve washes over me. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not just any woman then,” I say.
“What are you saying, Delilah?” Beau’s eyes light up, and hope gleams in them.
God, how could I have ever doubted this man’s feelings for me? I can see the love he has for me swimming in his eyes. He still hurt me badly. But I know the truth now, and I can finally work to forgive him. “I’m saying I believe you and want to be with you, but it will take some time. You might have done it for the right reason, but you did hurt me, Beau. It’s going to take me some time to forgive and forget.”
“Really? You think you can forgive me one day?”
“Hopefully, yes.” I smile softly at him. It will take some time, but it’s possible.
“Oh my God! I can’t believe this!” Beau grabs me, spinning us both around.
“Be careful, Beau!” I cry, trying to contain my laugh. “Don’t forget I’m pregnant.”
“I could never forget you’re pregnant, mon amour. You are carrying the fruit of our love.” He gently places me back on the ground and looks into my eyes. “I love you, mon amour.”
I take a deep breath before saying, “I love you, too.” For the first time, I don’t feel ashamed to say it. I had known my feelings for Beau were still alive the minute I saw him in that board room months ago. I didn’t want to accept it because of what he had done to me, but now I know the truth behind that day. I haven’t forgiven him fully, but I don’t resent him for what he did anymore. How can I? He had been trying to protect me.
Never in a million years would I have guessed Beau would tell me the things he just said minutes ago. I’m still trying to comprehend it all. I know Beau says his family won’t try to hurt my dad or me anymore because of my dad’s status, but a tiny part of me is worried. The way they behaved earlier in the dining room and what Beau’s grandfather did to Tamara concerns me, but surely they wouldn’t try to hurt me at least until the baby is born. They might hate me, but I don’t think they would truly harm me while I’m pregnant.
The thoughts swirl in my mind, but I try to push them aside as Beau and I say goodbye to Nana before leaving the estate.
We drive into town and stop somewhere to eat before trying to find a place for the night. It took us a bit longer, because we had to find somewhere with two vacant rooms. I told Beau I wasn’t ready to share with him yet. He was upset, but said he understood. Once I get to my room, I immediately hop into the shower. Even if I wasn’t pregnant, I think I would still be as exhausted as I am right now. The revelations of the day are beginning to take their toll. Walking out of the bathroom once I’m done, I change into my pajamas and climb into bed. I hope tomorrow will be better than today. I’m ready to focus on my relationship with Beau, without the clouds of the past or his family’s hatred hovering over us.