Book:Rekindling Old Flames Published:2025-2-8

I gently knock on Tamara’s door. Leaning against the wall as I wait for her, I try to fight my tiredness.
“Who is it?” Tamara calls from inside the room.
“Oh, I’ll be there in a sec.”
“Alright.” I hear some movement inside before Tamara finally opens the door.
“Sorry I took a while, come in.” She steps aside so I can enter.
“It’s fine; I didn’t wait that long.” I walk inside and sit on the couch close to her bed. “How are you feeling today?” I rake my eyes over her body to check if Harvey treated her injuries well, and he did. That’s good.
“Better.” She takes a seat beside me. I turn to face her and look into her eyes, trying to tell if she’s lying. I don’t know all the details of what she went through, but I know it must have been bad from how she looked last night.
“Beau told us everything. I can’t believe Harvey is in love with you.”
“Apparently so.”
“You sound like you don’t believe it.”
“Because I don’t.”
“Even after what happened yesterday?”
“Why don’t you?”
“Because Harvey can’t be in love with me.”
“It was surprising to me, too. But if he isn’t, then why would he want to divorce his wife?”
“He wants to divorce his wife?” Tamara’s eyes widen. “I didn’t know that.”
“That’s what Beau says.”
“Do you believe he’s in love with you now?”
Tamara purses her lips. “Not really; Harvey has been horrible to me for months. More recently, he started treating me like a human, but he’s still unnecessarily possessive. I know he says he’s in love, and his grandfather must believe him since he was willing to kidnap me in order to scare me away from Harvey, but I’m not sure what to believe. It just seems too impossible to be real.”
“I understand. I would also find it hard to believe if I were you.”
Tamara sighs, leaning back on the cushions. “Some vacation this has turned into, huh?”
Despite my exhaustion, a laugh slips out. Some vacation indeed.
I walk over to answer the knock on my door. I woke up a few minutes ago from my nap, and feel so much better now. Maybe I just needed some rest.
“Thank God you’re awake!” Camila says once I open the door.
“Why?” I open it wider so she can step inside.
“I just ran out of tampons. Do you have any?”
“Oh, check my toiletries bag in the bathroom; I should have enough to spare.” I take a seat on one of the chairs in my room. Unlocking my phone, I check the messages I got while sleeping. Not surprisingly, I have quite a few from Beau. I might as well text and let him know that I’m awake and feeling better so he’ll stop blowing up my phone.
“Wow, you still have a lot left!” Camila calls from the bathroom. “Your flow this month must have been light.”
“I haven’t had my period yet.” My fingers freeze mid-type. Camila’s words make me realize something. I quickly open the app on my phone that I use to track my period, and check to see when my last one was. My heart rate increases as I see how long it’s been.
“Really?” Camila says coming out of the bathroom. “You usually have it before I do.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“I’m sure the stress of everything going on has just made you late.”
“Yeah.” My racing mind won’t allow me to come up with a different response. Hopefully Camila is correct because I don’t even want to think about the other potential reason that I haven’t had my period yet. It’s been thirty-five days since my last one.
I’m so lost in my thoughts, trying to deny the unthinkable, that I don’t even realize Camila leaves and Beau enters my room until I see him standing in front of me.
“You’ll bruise your lip if you continue to bite so hard on it,” Beau says, and uses his fingers to pull my lip from in between my teeth. I stare up at him and see a lustful glint enter his eyes as his fingers rests against my lips.
“When did you get here?” I slap his hand away.
“Just now.” He gives me a strange look for not noticing but must decide to let it go. “Have you eaten lunch?”
“Great, I made a reservation for us at a restaurant close by.” He holds a hand out.
“Just because I let you close to me this morning does not mean we are friends.”
“I know; I just want to make sure you’re okay.” He grabs my hand and lifts me off the couch. I wasn’t expecting it, so I bump into him as I stand. Beau steadies me against his body by wrapping his arms around my waist. I stare at his eyes, getting lost in them. How can someone with such beautiful eyes, a perfect jawline, and inviting lips be as cruel as Beau is? This world is not fair; Beau should be hideous, not a walking Greek god.
“Let’s go,” Beau says, and unwraps his arms from around me before walking to the door. I try to pretend as if I don’t immediately miss his touch.
“Do you believe me now?” I ask Beau as the waiter clears our table. We just finished lunch, and I’ve managed to keep everything down, but Beau doesn’t believe I’m feeling better. He says he’ll only believe it once he’s sure I won’t throw up.
“Too soon to say.” He checks his wristwatch, actually timing it. Earlier, it took me about a minute after I took a bite of food to throw up. He must want to wait that amount of time before believing me.
“I’m fine.” I roll my eyes.
“Okay, I believe you,” he says, apparently satisfied that I’ll be able to keep my lunch down. “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?”
“Nothing yet.”
“Well, that’s good, because I was thinking we could bother the whole city with your screams as I make you cum multiple times.” Beau moves his hand up my leg, caressing my thigh. The cup of water in my hand almost drops. Beau has told me about his fantasy of fucking me in public places, but I’m surprised he’d bring it up here.
“Get away from me. That is not happening.” I move my leg away from his reach.
“We’ll see.” He smirks as an evil look fills his eyes. I shake my head at his confidence. I am not going to spread my legs for him ever again. I might have already caused enough problems doing that; I don’t need any more.