I bite my lips as I pace the room. It’s been a few hours since Beau and Harvey went to get Tamara back. While we’ve waited, Camila and I tried to think of reasons why Tamara could have been kidnapped. Tamara comes from a wealthy family, but I don’t believe she was abducted because of money. If she were, there would have been a ransom call, and her family would have reached out to ask what happened. Right after he left, Beau texted saying Harvey wanted to ask me not to inform her family about the kidnapping. He doesn’t want them to worry about her. I told him it was wrong to keep it a secret from them, but he said if they didn’t come back with her by midnight, then I could tell her family. I glance at the stove clock. It’s nearing midnight. Harvey and Beau have been gone for almost six hours. I hope everything is okay.
A knock at the door snaps me out of my thoughts. Rushing over, I pull it open, and gasp in shock once my eyes land on Tamara in Harvey’s arms. They walk inside the room with Beau following close behind. Tamara is injured badly. Tears fill my eyes as I take her in. Her clothes are ripped, and she has cuts all over her body.
Harvey walks Tamara to the couch and sets her down, standing beside her in a protective stance. I quickly go to her and pull her into my arms. She winces but holds onto me as she begins to cry. I gently pat her blood-matted hair. Tears stream down my face as her wails fill the room. What the hell happened to her?
“Lilah, they hurt me. They hurt me so badly,” Tamara rasps as she cries into my shoulder. I wrap my arms tighter around her and feel another pair of hands touch mine. I look up and find Camila holding Tamara, too. We stare at each other, and the pain we feel for our friend can be seen in each of our eyes. I don’t know how we’ll help her overcome whatever it was she faced. But we will, together we will.
“I am so sorry, my friend.” I say, trying to soothe her.
“I am, too. Can you tell us what happened?” Camila asks, unwrapping her arms from around Tamara. I do the same, and we both look at her.
“How about Beau tells you what happened while I get her wounds treated?” Harvey interjects, lifting Tamara off the couch before we can reply. She snuggles close to him and closes her eyes. Well…that’s surprising. Camila and I look at each other with raised brows.
“Sure, of course,” I say to Harvey, but he’s already walking to the bathroom. I’m glad we decided to wait in Tamara’s room for her return, it will probably make it easier on her being in a familiar space.
“Let’s go to my room and talk,” Beau says, his eyes lingering on the closed bathroom door.
I want to stay near Tamara in case she needs us, but it’s clear she’s not in any danger from Harvey. Today at least, anyway. “Sure,” I agree. “Lead the way.”
All three of us leave for Beau’s room. I pray I didn’t make a mistake leaving Harvey to care for Tamara. But I will go back and check on her once I understand what happened.
We only walk two doors down before stopping. Beau retrieves a room card from his pocket and opens the door. I almost roll my eyes. Of course he’s staying in the room next to mine.
“What’s going on, Beau? Why was Tamara kidnapped, and how did you manage to rescue her?” Camila fires off all her questions once we are inside the room.
Beau takes a deep breath. “My grandfather kidnapped Tamara because he is unhappy with Harvey’s decisions regarding issues related to her. He handed her back once Harvey agreed to go back on said decision.”
“I don’t understand,” I say, confused.
“Harvey wants to divorce his wife so he can be with Tamara. My grandfather doesn’t want that, so he kidnapped Tamara and threatened to kill her if Harvey goes through with the divorce.” He further clarifies.
“What!” Camila exclaims.
“You’re joking,” I say, looking at Beau as if he has two heads. I don’t know what shocks me more. The fact that Harvey is willing to divorce his wife of seven years for Tamara, who he treats terribly, or how their grandfather reacts when he disagrees with a life decision.
“I know it sounds impossible, but Harvey is in love with Tamara and wants to be with her. And as for my grandfather…let’s just say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
“What does that mean?” Camila asks.
“Essentially, my mother is the female version of her father.”
“Wow, this is a lot.” I run my hands through my hair before wrapping them around my arms. “But honestly, I don’t think I believe half of the stuff you’re saying.”
“I know it’s a lot to take in all at once, but it’s true. Harvey loves Tamara, and my grandfather will do anything to ensure he doesn’t end up with her.”
“Your grandfather should back off. It’s impossible for Harvey to be in love with Tamara. Have you heard how badly he treats her?”
“Yes, but it’s the truth.”
I stare at him, wondering how any of this makes sense.
“Delilah,” Camila says, and I turn to face her as she speaks. “It sounds impossible to me, too. But think about it. It fits as a reason for why someone would kidnap Tamara. Harvey is even taking care of her right now.”
“You’re right, but…” I am just finding it too hard to believe.
“There is no way my grandfather would kidnap her if Harvey wasn’t serious about his decision,” Beau says.
“But do you really think he loves her? I didn’t even think he liked her.”
“I think he has loved her for a while and has just pretended to hate her.” Beau answers.
“Oh my God! I really can’t believe this.”
“I know it’s shocking, but it’s the truth. He had threatened Harvey saying he was going to take her, and I was afraid he might do the same with you, so that’s why I came to Hawaii. To warn you. My mother hasn’t brought our recent activities to his attention yet, but I know it’s only a matter of time before she does. Please, Delilah, promise me you will be extra careful from now on.”
“Oh my God, are you serious right now? I might face the same fate as Tamara?” I grab the edge of the couch to prevent myself from falling as my knees become weak.
“Yes, and that’s why I need you to be extra careful in the following months. My grandfather is a dangerous man who will stop at nothing to keep us apart.” Beau grabs my hand from the edge of the couch and gives it a warm squeeze.
“We are not in a relationship, Beau. I shouldn’t have to worry about my safety.”
“I wish that were true, but the day I laid eyes on you at that party nine years ago. Your life became twisted with mine forever.” Beau stares into my eyes as he speaks.
He’s talking about the first time we met when I was sixteen and he was eighteen. I will never forget that day. My dad was still trying to make a name for himself in the car industry, and Beau’s dad invited us to his party. He was my dad’s college buddy, and he wanted to help him make some connections. All it had taken was one look between Beau and me, and I was hooked. If only I’d known then how we’d end.
“Fine,” I say with a sigh. “I’ll be extra careful from now on; you don’t have to worry.”
“That’s good to hear, and I’ll ensure you are safe for the rest of the trip.”
“No, I don’t want to see you anymore. You have told me what you came here to say, so you can leave now.”
“I am not going anywhere, and neither are you. You are spending the night here.”
“You’re funny,” I laugh dryly.
“I am not joking. You either spend the night here, or I’m spending the night in your room.” Beau shifts his position to block the only door.
I turn to Camila, barely containing my anger. “Camila, do you mind waiting outside? I need to remind Beau that he doesn’t have a say in my life anymore. I’ll join you shortly.”
“No problem.” Camila sounds almost relieved. Beau steps aside to let her out and I try to quickly follow Camila through the open door, but Beau catches on to my plan and grabs me by the waist, keeping me in place as the door clicks shut.
“Nice try, cher.” Beau walks away from the door and throws me down on the bed.
“I am not staying here!” I try to stand, but Beau pushes me back down.
“Yes, you are.” He gets on top of me and lifts my hands above my head, pinning me down.
“Let me go; I am not staying here.” I try to wiggle my hands out of his hold but fail.
“We can do this the hard way or the easy way, cher.” Beau begins to trace his fingers across my skin with his free hand. He caresses my face before working his way to the middle of my chest. My back arches as his knuckles lightly brush my breast.
“Get your hands off me.” I ignore the heat suddenly filling my body as Beau slowly shifts to whisper in my ear.
“How long has it been, cher?” Beau nibbles my ear and leaves hot kisses along my neck and shoulders. I stare up at the ceiling, trying my best not to acknowledge how much I love his lips on my skin.
“None of your fucking business.” I bite out, my wrists flexing in his unyielding grip.
“I can bet it’s been four weeks.” Beau’s hand trails up my leg. I suck in a breath as I feel him stop at the edge of my waistband. “Tell me, love, do you want me to go slow or fast?” Beau moves his hand into my shorts, pushing my underwear aside, and inserts a finger into my dripping core. I clench around his finger, but Beau slowly takes it out. A silent cry escapes my lips at the absence. Suddenly, Beau rips my shirt off with one hand. He kisses his way up from my waist to my breast. Somehow, he unbuckles my bra, and the second it’s off, Beau’s lips capture my right breast.
“Beau,” I moan, arching my back and pushing myself deeper into his mouth.
He releases my breast and says, “Tell me, Delilah.” His finger returns to my core. “How do you want it tonight, cher?” He moves his finger slowly in and out of me, and my eyes roll to the back of my head, pleasure filling my body.
“Any way is fine with me,” I rasp as his movements slow.
“Are you sure?” He adds another finger, thrusting deeply.
“Yes!” My toes curl as the level of pleasure flowing through me increases.
“I hope you don’t regret your words, cher.” Beau suddenly removes his fingers from inside me and releases his hold on my hands. I sit up to find out why and realize my whole core is exposed as the cool air touches it. He ripped off my shorts and underwear! I watch as Beau takes off his clothes, quickly discarding them before coming back to bed. Lifting my hand, I slowly trace each of his abs. God! He is so sexy. My actions are halted as Beau fills me without warning, and I gasp.
“Now, where were we?” He smirks down at me as he begins to move.