I scream into my pillow and try to cool down. Once I have had my fill of screaming, I lift my face and turn to lie down on my back. All I can do is stare at the ceiling as the events of yesterday and this morning replay in my mind. My thighs pull closer together as my thoughts linger on what Beau did on our way to his apartment last night and then on what he did this morning. Turning my head, I scream into my pillow again as I remember the look on Jenny’s face as Beau kicked me out. Pure victory. It annoyed the shit out of me. But the main source of my anger is that Beau asked me to leave. I feel so hurt by what he did. How could he kick me out of his house just because his mother wanted me gone? A part of me actually thought he would fight his mother and tell her I wasn’t going anywhere. His reaction isn’t surprising though. It’s not the first time Beau has sided with his mother. When we were together, he never defended me against the insults she hurled my way. I should know by now that when the time comes for Beau to choose, he will always pick her, as much as I hate to admit it. Which hurts a lot, because his mother is annoying as fuck. That woman belittles me every chance she gets.
It was hard dealing with her when Beau and I were dating, but I felt it was worth it back then because I loved him. We aren’t together anymore, and she still insults me. Plus my feelings are getting crushed by Beau to top it all off. My life is just perfect, isn’t it?
Sitting up, I release a sigh. I look down at myself, and all the things Beau did to my body flash through my mind. A massive wave of shame washes over me as I remember the way I came undone both times he touched me. I need to shower and rid my body of the feeling of Beau’s hands. Most importantly, I need to stay away from him. It shouldn’t be hard. I just need to remember his mother and that will do the job.
After a nice shower, I dress up and drive over to Tamara’s place. I haven’t seen her all week, so I want to check in on her. I walk up to her door and knock once I arrive.
“Hello,” she says, opening the door wide for me to come in.
“How are you doing?” I ask, stepping into her beautiful home.
“Good, I guess.”
I take notice of the dark circles under her eyes. “Why do you look so tired? Are things stressful these days at the restaurant?”
“No. Harvey is the reason I look like crap.”
“What does he have to do with it?” I take a seat on her couch.
“He’s just making things difficult for me.” She walks to her kitchen to get me a drink.
“Why am I not surprised?”
“I expected him to, but what he is doing is far beyond what I thought I could handle.” Her voice travels from the kitchen.
“How bad is it?”
“Bad. I have been thinking of leaving.”
“If it’s that bad, then do it.”
“I know I should, but…”
I put together the reason for her hesitation. “He won’t let you.”
“No, he won’t. Every time I try to quit, he threatens to have me blacklisted.” She walks out of the kitchen with two wine glasses.
“Does he hate you that much?” If Harvey blacklisted her, she’d never be able to work in another restaurant.
“Yes, he does.” She says, handing me a glass.
“Thank you.” I say, taking the wine. “So, what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know, Lilah. I go to work every day, and Harvey makes my life a living hell.”
“Except for the fact that Harvey doesn’t fancy our kind like that witch aunt of his, do you think there might be another reason he hates you so much?” I ask before taking a sip of my chardonnay.
“He makes me clean the kitchen floor until I can see my reflection in it. I don’t think there could be another reason.”
“Are you serious? You aren’t even kitchen staff.”
“I might not be kitchen staff, but I am his employee, so he can still ask me to do whatever he wants.”
“Wow, that’s horrible. Have you thought of reporting him to the police?”
“I could, but someone like Harvey will just make it disappear.”
“That’s true.”
“Enough about me,” Tamara says, taking a sip of her wine. “How is Beau doing?”
I almost groan at the subject change. “Please don’t even mention his name.”
“What did he do this time?”
“What didn’t he do is what you should be asking.”
The whole rest of the evening is spent ranting to Tamara about how pissed I am at Beau. She also guessed Harvey must have been the one who told Jenny that I was taking care of Beau. I’m sure she worried that if I cared for him, my feelings for him might resurface. But she doesn’t have to worry. Beau is doing an excellent job crushing my heart and ruining any possibility of that on his own.