It’s been a few weeks since the celebration party. I have been avoiding Beau like he is COVID-19. I know we’ve seen each other only a few times since he came back into my life, and it may seem like I’m worrying too much, but I am not. Beau only touched me through my panties, and I was dripping wet. I can’t even imagine what would happen if he touches my bare core. Plus, Beau and I have history, making it easy for me to fall for him if we were intimate. What am I even saying? He’s only touched me three times, and my body practically wants the man to fuck her already. She clearly has no shame when it comes to him, and I know it wouldn’t be hard for me to fall for him again, so to prevent that from happening I am keeping my distance.
As an investor in my company, Beau inspects the houses we use his investment to build. I am supposed to go with him, but I’ve been asking Camila to go in my place. Today was supposed to be the same, but Camila had to visit her mom. She isn’t doing so well. I thought about sending my assistant in my place but remembered how she couldn’t even set up a meeting correctly. I doubt she would be able to give me proper feedback on the way things are going at the site. So, I have no choice.
I leave my office and take the elevator to the first floor. Beau’s waiting for me out front. I join him inside the vehicle, and he pecks my cheek once I am seated. He’s on the phone, so I can’t fight with him about how he should stop acting like we are together. I look out the window as Beau barks in Cajun French to the person on the phone. I don’t even want to know who he is talking to. I don’t really care.
Beau doesn’t get off the phone until we reach the site. I thank Beau’s driver as he holds the door for me, and I step out of the car. Beau walks toward me and is about to put his arms around my waist, but I move away from him and walk into the unfinished house. Beau notices the difference in my mood today but doesn’t mention it. I walk inside, praying Beau respects my space today and doesn’t touch me.
“Is something wrong?” Beau asks as we walk around the house. He’s keeping a reasonable distance from me, and I mentally thank him for that.
“No, nothing is wrong,” I lie. Everything is wrong. I can smell your amazing cologne even though we’re not close. It’s driving me crazy, wondering what it would feel like to be in your arms with that scent surrounding me.
“Are you sure? You seem distant today. Is everything okay?”
I stop walking and turn around to face him. “Beau, everything is-” Suddenly, Beau spins me around and covers my whole body with his. He wraps his arms around me and presses my head deep into his chest. I’m confused, but that only lasts a minute before a large plank lands on Beau’s back. A scream rips out of me as Beau’s body becomes limp on top of mine.
“Someone call 911!” I shout, watching the blood start to pour out of the side of his head. Slowly, I pull Beau’s body down to the floor and place his head on my thigh. Removing the scarf attached to my handbag, I press it to the bleeding area. I can’t believe I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear when the carpenter shouted for me to watch out. Beau must have focused his full attention on me and didn’t hear or have time to think before acting.
“Please be alright; you have to be fine.” Tears sting the back of my eyes as I continue to put pressure on his wound. My scarf is filled with blood, and my hands and legs are covered in it.
The ambulance arrives, and they force me away so they can treat Beau’s wounds and load him into the ambulance. I was worried that more blood would flow if I moved my hand, but thankfully it didn’t.
I hold on to Beau’s hand tightly as the ambulance drives At the hospital, they force me away from him again. While sitting in the waiting room, I consider if I should call Beau’s mother and inform her about what happened. The woman hates me more than anything in this world. I don’t think I can handle her right now, the fear for Beau’s life is all-consuming. I’ll wait till they’re done treating him. If his situation is serious, I’ll call her, but if it’s not- which I am praying it isn’t-then I won’t call her. Beau can call her himself once he’s okay. I just pray his situation is not bad. I don’t want anything to happen to him.
“Miss Stephen,” someone calls my name. I quickly lift my head and look for the speaker.
“Here,” I say, standing up from my seat and walking to the doctor.
“Mr. Williams sustained a minor cut and a concussion to the head. He also has a little bruising on his back, but he should be fine with a few days’ rest.”
“Thank God. I was worried because there was a lot of blood; I thought something serious might have happened.”
“No need to worry. Mr. Williams will be fine. The nurse will bring him out soon and you can take him home.”
“Thank you, doctor.” I shake the woman’s hand to show my gratitude.
“You’re welcome, Miss Stephen.”
I don’t have to wait long before the nurse walks Beau out to the waiting room. The second I see him, I burst into tears. There are bandages on his head and ribs, and he’s having to lean heavily on the nurse as she helps him to walk.
“Oh, Cher, please don’t tell me you are crying because of me?” Beau says, and it’s like he just turned on the faucet for my tears because I begin to cry even more. Looking at all the bandages on his body, I can’t help but feel guilty.
“I am so sorry this happened to you. I should’ve been looking where I was going.” I grab Beau’s arm that is not around the nurse’s neck and place it around my shoulder. He shifts his weight over to me, releasing the nurse, and I walk him to the closest available seat and help him sit down.
“It’s not your fault; stop feeling guilty.”
“Still, I am sorry,”
“It’s fine, I am fine. Please stop crying.” Beau wipes away the tears staining my face.
“I’m sorry.”
“If you don’t stop apologizing and crying, I’ll kiss you to shut you up,” Beau says, with his palm on my cheek.
I roll my eyes at him and try to stop crying.
“That’s better.” Beau drops his hand from my face. As he does, I don’t miss the wince that twists his features. He tries to hide it, but I still see. Because of his back, it must be hard for him to move his hands right now. I don’t even want to imagine the amount of pain he must be in.
“Your phone, please?” I request, sniffing, trying my best to keep the tears at bay.
“Why do you need my phone?” Beau asks, confused.
“I want to call your driver. I’m taking you home.”
Once we make it back to Beau’s apartment, his driver and I help Beau to lie down on the living room couch. After making sure Beau is comfortable, I take the elevator down to the garage to get my handbag. I forgot to carry it with me as we took Beau up. My whole mind was focused on getting him upstairs without causing him any more pain than he was experiencing already.
I make it back up and try the door to Beau’s apartment, but it seems locked. Why would Beau lock the door? Surely, he couldn’t have thought I left. How could I leave him alone in his state? I am the reason for his injuries; there is no way I am leaving him alone. I knock on the door, and it takes a while for it to open.
“You shouldn’t be walking around in your state.” I grab Beau’s hand and walk him back to the couch.
“I needed to open the door for you, woman.” Beau winces a little as I place him back on the couch. I can tell any slight movement causes him pain.
“You shouldn’t have locked the door in the first place.” Placing my handbag on the center table, I walk back over to Beau and adjust the pillows around him, ensuring the pillow supporting his head is soft, so it won’t cause the injury there to hurt. Then, I make sure the ones at his back are situated so he can be comfortable while he sits. While doing this, I can feel Beau staring at me. I look away from the pillow in my hand and shoot him a questioning glance. He just shakes his head, but I see a happy glint in his beautiful eyes, and he smiles a little. What could he have to smile about?
“Do you have anything in particular you would like to eat for lunch?” I roll my blouse sleeves back as I ask.
“No, why do you ask?” Beau replies, turning his attention to his phone.
“I want to make lunch for you. Would rice and chicken be okay?”
“Alright, I’ll be back in an hour or less,” I say, grabbing my purse and heading out to get the ingredients.