Once Camila walks back into her office after seeing Beau off, she says something that makes even me consider accepting his offer.
“If Beau is really planning on becoming an investor so he can ruin the company, remember he is the one who will lose a lot of money, so there is no way that is why he’s doing it.”
After she says this, I take a minute to digest her words.
“You’re right. If anyone suffers a huge loss, it would be Beau, not us.”
“Exactly, so let’s not dwell on the past. Instead, let’s focus on making good use of his money. We don’t really have a choice if we want our dream to come true. Beau has left us no other options.”
“Is he truly the only choice?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“Give me the day to think about it.”
“No problem. Let me know what you decide before tomorrow,” Camila agrees.
“I will.” I leave her office and spend the rest of the day wishing a very slow, painful death on Beau Williams.
The following day, Beau and his lawyers arrive early for the contract signing. I agreed to let him be our investor. Camila is right, and as much as I don’t want him anywhere near me, I am open to using every penny he has to build our dream. I step out of the conference room to welcome them. Beau and two men step out of the elevator and walk toward where Camila and I are standing. I shake hands with his lawyers, but ignore Beau’s outstretched hand. He doesn’t say anything but smirks. I roll my eyes at him in return.
I move out of the doorway, so Beau and his lawyers can step inside. I expect Beau to walk in first, but he lets his lawyers walk in before him. I guess he’s not as pompous as I thought. I know many CEOs who would never let their subordinates walk into a boardroom before them.
“After you, Mr. Williams,” I say and gesture to the open door. As I wait patiently for Beau to walk in, he surprises me by grabbing my hand and pulling me into his chest, using his strong arms to hold me firm against him. I stare at him, wide-eyed and confused.?
“What are you doing?” I ask as I try to free myself from his hold. His arm is firmly locked around my waist. I look around, praying we are alone. We are the only ones in the hallway, thank God. I don’t even want to imagine what my staff would say if they saw us.
“Times like these are when I love that you are dark-skinned,” Beau smirks as he stares at my face with great intensity.
“What are you talking about?” I suddenly start feeling hot as we stay glued to one another. I look around the room, wondering if the air conditioner is on.
” I’m only able to tell how much our closeness affects you by your eyes.” His lips lightly brush my ear as he whispers huskily. I blink my eyes and swallow the lump that’s formed in my throat. God! Why does it feel like it’s getting hotter in here?
“I don’t know what you mean. Being close to you doesn’t affect me,” I lie through my teeth. I am supposed to feel cold and disgusted, not hot. It scares me that I still feel hot around him, even after so many years.
“But it does, honey; you feel hot in my arms, so much so you could just melt in them,” he whispers into my ear, nibbling my earlobe as he takes his mouth away. All the baby hairs on the back of my neck give a standing ovation as my eyes widen from what he’s doing. I know I should feel disgusted, but I don’t. I don’t even want to accept how he makes me feel. I am ashamed to say it.
“Now, I’ll ask my question. Why didn’t you shake my hand?” Beau takes a strand of my hair that escaped my bun and tucks it behind my ear. His hand lingers on my face, and I almost close my eyes and melt into his palm. I try to remove my hands from his hold so I can move his fingers away, but this only makes Beau tighten his grip on me.
“Because I didn’t want to,” I respond, wiggling a little in his arms to get free, but Beau is stronger than I am, so all my efforts are in vain. I am about to speak when the door behind me opens.
“Is something wrong? The meeting is about to start,” Camila asks, poking her head out of the boardroom. The second she opens the door, Beau loses focus, which gives me a chance to get away from him.
“Nothing is wrong; we’re coming,” I answer, getting free from Beau’s hold. I wonder how long we would’ve been in that position if Camila had never come. Beau is becoming more confusing by the day.