If you tell me I can’t do something, it just makes me want to do it
more.” Josie Maran
It wasn’t until the day of the party that Aria finally got the chance to confront Sebastian
Not that she was trying to confront him – maybe that was a poor choice of words
She just wanted to talk to him
She tried to remember her conversation with Grace (or Mom, as the woman insisted on being called, but she couldn’t
bring herself to do
She’d settled Grace instead). \’)
Sebastian might not have told her about the party, but knowing him, it probably was for a good reason
“Aria? You’re in the kitchen?” She heard his footsteps echo through the house, and a moment later, he swung open the
kitchen door
The Alpha King’s Human Mate
“Tf you tell me I can’t do something, it just makes me want to do it
more.” Josie Maran
It wasn’t until the day of the party that Aria finally got the chance to confront Sebastian
Not that she was trying to confront him – maybe that was a poor choice of words
She just wanted to talk to him
She tried to remember her conversation with Grace (or Mom, as the woman insisted on being called, but she couldn’t
bring herself to do
She’d settled Grace instead). \’)
Sebastian might not have told her about the party, but knowing him, it probably was for a good reason
“Aria? You’re in the kitchen?” She heard his footsteps echo through the house, and a moment later, he swung open the
kitchen door
She paused, turned and looked at him. “You’re back much earlier than usual.”
He didn’t waste a moment closing the distance between them, and pressing a l*p to her temple that left her skin tingling.
“You’re baking,” he blinked down at her
Her cheeks turned pink. She could only imagine how she looked, coated in a thin layer of flower and sugar, and an apron
she’d borrowed from his mother
Still, there was a swell of pride in her chest as she said, “Yes, they’re cinnamon rolls. Or they will be, once I roll out the
dough. I got the recipe from your mother.”
The smile on Sebastian’s face was breathtaking. “That’s great, Aria. I’m sure they’ll be delicious.” He used a thumb to
swipe at a dusting of flour she’d missed on her cheek, and her breath caught. “What do I need to do to convince you to
save one for me?”
She swallowed. Better now than never, she supposed
“Actually,” she cleared her throat awkwardly, “You don’t need to do anything. I’m making them. For the party tonight.”
He tensed immediately
“Your mom told me,” she said, “A few days ago.”
“And I didn’t,” he said, “I’m sorry.” There was no anger in his tone, only guilt, and she wasn’t sure why that felt worse
“Why didn’t you?” She asked
Sebastian’s blue eyes were brimming with apology as he sighed. “I was going to mention it today, I just didn’t want to
stress you out ahead of time…or make you feel as if you had to attend a huge, crowded party just because our pack was
hosting it. It’s a diplomatic thing, but honestly, I’ll probably spend the night babysitting a bunch of wasted werewolves. I
didn’t think it’d be your scene, especially considering…”
That she’d seen enough drunk, wild men in her life. He didn’t need to say it. She’d been stingy with the details she
shared of her time at Liam’s pack, but since the night she’d tried to come onto him, he seemed to have a deeper
He’s just trying to protect me, she thought to herself
Of course he was
Sebastian didn’t have some underhanded ulterior motive. He was just trying to look out for her. Keep her from dealing
with, as he put it, a bunch of wasted werewolves
“Yeah, I think you’re right,” she finally said, “It’s not really my scene.”
Sebastian’s b*dy visibly relaxed, and his smile seemed to return now that his head was no longer on the chopping block.
“You know what the
good news is?” “What?”
“Once this party is over, we’ll finally get to spend real time together..
which I think we’re way overdue for,” he told her, “I won’t have to put in such crazy hours anymore. Plus, my dad gets
back next week, which means | won’t have to fill in for him either. You’ll have me all to yourself.”
Her heart thrummed at the thought of having him all to herself. She glanced at the tight-fitting t-shirt and worn jeans he wore, and something warm fluttered in her lower belly. She definitely wanted him all to herself
“I’d like that,” she said, her cheeks turning pink. Sebastian hadn’t been physical with her – at least not more than k*sses
on the forehead or the occasional hand on the waist – but since their conversation a few weeks
ago, her thoughts had been turning less and less innocent
She’d begun thinking about what it’d be like to have him sleep beside her, not down the hall
What his l*ps would feel like on his skin
What he looked like under that shirt
It was a dangerous train of thought, and not one she needed right now, but thankfully, Sebastian’s next words stopped
her from spiraling too
far. “I got you something.” With a grin, he pulled something from his back pocket and presented it to her
She hurriedly wiped her flour-covered hands on her apron before examining it
It was a small paperback, capable of fitting in the palm of her hand, called Pride and Prejudice. The name was familiar to
her, and she was sure she’d heard it before, but she couldn’t place it
“You got me a book,” she said, “How did you…”
His grin turned sheepish. “I noticed you burned through my sad little book collection, which I’m glad someone’s been
getting use out of. I figured you might like something new to read.”
She fl*pped through the pages mindlessly. “That’s so thoughtful of you.”
“T’m not sure if you’ll like it,” he said, “It’s a little different than what you were reading before, but I know it’s supposed
to be a classic. The girl at the bookstore recommended it to me.”
She flashed him the widest smile she could, and couldn’t resist wrapping him a hug, and sinking into his warmth
He pulled her into his arms immediately
“Thank you. I’m sure I’Il love it.”
His l*ps touched the crown of her head. “Of course.” Then, he sighed, “I
hate having to leave you, especially with such little time we’ve gotten together, but there are a few last minute
preparations I need to finish for tonight. I promise, as soon as the party’s over, you’re all mine, okay?”
Her heart stuttered. “Okay.”
He gave her one more glance before the kitchen door swung shut behind him, leaving her alone again
She sighed, placing the book on a portion of the counter where it wouldn’t get covered in flour before turning back to
the dough
Now that she’d talked to him, actually seen him, she felt so much better
His explanation had made sense. He wasn’t embarrassed or trying to hide her, he was just trying to look out for her
Perhaps she’d spend tonight reading her new book
That sounded a lot more fun than a wild party
Sebastian was right
That wasn’t her scene – there was no way she was going to attend something like that