Cara let out a deep sigh, taking a seat at Adonis’s desk as she turned over to the men who had escorted Sarah up.
“Thank you. You can leave and tell everyone I would not like to be disturbed.”
The two men paused with an apprehensive look, considering if it was a wise thing to leave their Capo’s wife with an unfamiliar face.
“We have orders that-
“I give the orders now, remember?” She interrupted
However, her stern gaze said, ‘I’m safe for now.’ Other than that, she gave nothing away, so with a subtle nod of their head, the men filed out of the study.
She turned to address Sarah, who was so busy admiring the room, with shameless astonishment drawn all over her face.
“I don’t think I’ve said this to you before, but you’re one shitty mother. Adonis deserves better, and you’re only here because I want you to be. I only brought you up to let you know that. Be constantly reminded and keep your mouth shut.” A brief thoughtful look crossed Cara’s face.
Maybe it wasn’t about the position. Maybe it was something else that she couldn’t say straight out.
Tilting her head to the side, she rephrased.
“What would it cost you to keep your mouth shut?”
Sarah scoffed, not bothering to rein in her slackened facial expression even at the insult.
Her eyes kept sweeping up the entire view, excitement shining through them at the sight of the safe behind Cara.
“You can say all you want and more. I live based on my terms, so I can be barefaced however I want.”
“Are you even listening to yourself? I’m talking about your son… With everything you’ve done, you’re still back to ruining what’s left of him?”
Her gaze finally met Cara’s desperate eyes.
“Adonis’s father knew what he signed up for the moment he fell in love with me! Living under someone else’s rules or being tied down by extra luggage is not what I want for myself!
Extra luggage?
Cara couldn’t understand how someone could be so brazen. She hadn’t even delivered her child, and didn’t know its sex, yet touching her bump had become a habit; she didn’t think she could bear with herself if anything happened to her unborn child.
Yet the woman in front of her didn’t even care the littlest bit for the one she’d grown to know.
Her brows pulled down in annoyance.
“Adonis is extra luggage?”
The woman remained silent, earning a dry, unamused laugh from her.
“You should’ve thought about that when you were going around, spreading your legs for anyone who cared to. If you didn’t want the responsibilities that came with being a mother, then you shouldn’t have become one. You’ve lived more than half of your life high; the other half should be put to good use, don’t you think?”
“Well, it didn’t change anything, did it?” She mused.
“It did!” Cara yelled back, jerking upright, “You didn’t just destroy Adonis’s life but the life of his father’s.”
She took in a sharp inhale at the flare of pain in her waist, before leaning back comfortably against the swivel chair.
“I don’t want to discuss-no, I won’t discuss a thing with you until Adonis awakes. Please leave.”
Sarah let out an irritating cackle.
“You’ve forgotten that you asked me to be here. We both know that you honestly don’t want me to leave.”
“I do! Leave. Even if you have no regard for your son, I’m sure you at the very least, loved your husband. He lived entirely for you.”
It was a low blow, but she didn’t care. It had never been heard of a mother hating on her son yet that was Sarah’s case.
She was ready to say anything just to get Sarah to keep her mouth shut. Although, judging from the slight curl of the shameless woman’s lips, it didn’t give her the desired effect.
“Whoever said anything about loving Adonis’s father?”
“Don’t tell me-
“I only agreed to be with him to make my previous husband jealous. I should’ve left the moment it proved successful, but life as a woman of the Bernardi household is too nice to give up. Am I right dear?”
Cara’s mouth fell open.
“Do not call me dear,” She spat out in disgust. “You truly have no shame. Was that why you slept with Sebastien too? For money?”
Sarah waved her off.
“No… Sebby was just a good f*ck. The children couldn’t be helped; he disliked it if it wasn’t raw.”
The disgust switched to horror.
“What is wrong with you?”
“Don’t act like you have no clue about what I’m saying.” She giggled. “How else did you both conceive my grandchild-
“This child is not your grandchild and would have nothing to do with you!” Cara snapped through clenched teeth. “He or she is a child of the Bernardi and rightful heir to the throne.”
“Even if their father is a bastard child?”
“Why do you find joy in tearing your son down? What would you gain from that? The Grecos are dead. So is your beloved love. Who else can lead the throne like Adonis can?” She exclaimed frustrated.
It wasn’t about her dislike for her mother-in-law anymore. She honestly wanted to know what her deal was.
Was this an aftereffect of her high? Shouldn’t she understand what was at stake? What nonsense was she spewing?
Apparently, that was the least of the rubbish Sarah had to say.
“I can.”
This time, an involuntary laugh flew out of Cara’s lips at the obvious joke.
“Are you crazy?” She shot up to her seat. “The men know you either as a whore or a crack, do you think they’re dumb?”
Sarah knew Cara was right, even if they weren’t on the same page but it wasn’t her choice to make.
Her eyes were set on the throne, whether she wanted it or not… it was important for the deal she had made.
It was why she showed up after a long while.
When she heard from her second husband’s men that Adonis had visited and was his killer, she made a silent promise not to return.
It was, after all, the message he was trying to relate; she heard it loud and clear.
Yet this was different. Her mind churned thinking of an alternative when it suddenly occurred to her.
There was still a child left.
And from what she could remember, the Bernardis law never stated anything about a female not being allowed to wear the crown.
Of course, there had never been such. Still, if she pushed the right buttons and pulled all stops, it should be doable.
Looking up at Cara with a determined smile. Sarah parted her lips.
“I can have his sister take over then.”
Cara’s eyes slanted into slits.
Were their thoughts the same?
She’d suspected, that Sarah would come to that conclusion. The problem was she imagined her in a high state to come up with such an idea.
It definitely had to be that. Was her addiction really bad?
“My Augustina would be the best Queen this family had ever seen.”
Okay, it was bad.
Worse than she assumed. There was no shock on her face; the confession was just a confirmation, and that didn’t go unnoticed by Sarah, who tipped her head back with a scrutinizing look.
“You’re not surprised?”
Cara blinked, bored.
“Oh. I am surprised, not just at what you think. Letting Augustina be the queen is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“So you know about my Augustina too?”
The word ‘my’ stood out.
She studied the elderly woman.
Hadn’t Tina said her relationship with her family was strained? Why did Sarah refer to her like they were best of friends? Had she always known that she was related to Adonis?
Her lips parted to voice out her curiosity, just as the door to the study was pushed open.
At the door stood a stoic Luca and a giddy Tina clinging to his arm.
They walked in, Tina throwing a wave at her mother acting like she didn’t exist as they made themselves comfortable on the sofa
“Stop pretending Cara.” Luca finally spoke
Cara eyed him with a disgruntled look.
Why was he here?
“Adonis must have also known.” He continued. “Didn’t you stumble on the picture in his safe?”