Cara’s POV
“You’ve been expecting my call, mio amore (my love)?” Antonio’s curious voice filtered through the phone.
My lips thinned as a grim look adorned my face. The bastard still thinks he’s funny.
“Adonis has been searching for you since you went off the grid. You have no choice but to reach out to me. What better ally than his disloyal wife?” I attacked, not in the mood to humour anyone.
He let out a reverberant laugh that broke into a fit of cough, letting me know he was in convalescence.
“He did a number on me.” Then his voice became deadly serious. “A number I’d repay.”
I rolled my eyes at his reply. What is it with these men always having something to repay?
The clothes in my hand fell onto one of the bags I had out as an idea popped into my head. My plan never really flopped. I just wasn’t interested any longer.
Kane was dead. Carlo was dead. That was it from the very start, and they were making it easy for me. Although I never planned for others like Dimitri and Sabestien or even the men who lost their lives to fall victim, it wasn’t any of my concern. I just had two more people to finish off.
Adonis and Antonio.
And they’ll do the work for me as usual. A bitter look crossed my face. Months ago, the emotion running through me would’ve made me feel like the devil, but I didn’t care anymore.
To kill a devil, you need another one.
I kissed my teeth. “You’re at fault. How could you be so stupid as to go to war with Adonis without proper planning? All you did was ask for this, ask for that; you never told me of your plans. I could’ve been of help.”
My brow shot up. “I am not the same Cara you used to know. Isn’t that why you sent Kane to me? To train me? Just give me your word.” I smirked. “You don’t have anyone else anyway.”
The sound of his heavy breathing filled my ears.
“You were just a backup plan if the main one flopped, and it did.”
“It did?” I mocked.
“Dovrebbe essere uno scherzo, mio amore (Is that supposed to be a joke, my love)? You know what I lost! What that bastard Adonis took from me.”
“You’re always ahead of yourself.” I retorted. “Your men were unskilled. I watched it all. You underestimated Adonis. It’s not the number that matters but the brute strength.”
The voice of another person underground could be heard but before I could ask who, he responded.
“That would serve as a distraction. Time to switch to plan B.”
“Your distraction strategy is becoming too easy to predict. You had better come up with something good once and for all, or Adonis will have your head.”
Antonio chuckled.
“That’s where you come in, Cara.” His thick accent drew out my name. “All the information you gave to me, it’s time to make use of it.”
I could hear the smile in his voice as I pondered his words. The information? I didn’t think I gave him anything important.
“How?” I asked, half expecting him not to tell me his plan like always, but he did.
“The blueprint shows there’s a back door that leads into the underground tunnel. I’ll come in through there.”
Why was he being so loose? Does he trust me completely now? Why?
Nevertheless, I pressed further. It was all working out in my favour anyway.
“You all will be dead before your men make it through-
“There will be no one but me.” He deadpanned.
Silence reigned as it took a moment for the penny to drop.
“You must be crazy if you think you can just walk in here like James Bond without any help. Look, Antonio, I’m tired of waiting. I want him dead as soon as possible. If you’re not going to get it done and let this opportunity slip through your hands like the last time, then I want out! I’ll find a way to get it done myself.” I told him plainly, but his next words caused me to reconsider if he was really crazy or just going to place the best for last.
“I never said I wouldn’t have help. You will be there, and someone else who has been very… helpful too. All you need to do is exactly what I tell you.”
My brain piped up ‘Natasha’ when he said someone else, but he doesn’t need to know that I know.
“That’s all? You’ll just come in to fight with words?”
He scoffed.
“It’ll be more than words, amore (love). Let’s just say I have a ticking bomb. One of which just exploded in Adonis’s study a few minutes ago.
My cold demeanour slipped a little, and the hurt threatened to resurface. Did he know about my family history, too? Was I seriously the only one who was unaware? I clenched my fist in anger. There was no need to discuss it with him. He’ll be going down either way.
“Your source must be active.”
I had to hand that to him.
“Even better than the last.” I heard a smile in his voice. “I wouldn’t trust you if it wasn’t for them-
Them? Natasha wasn’t the only one left?
“You’re carrying his child after all, but not to worry; I would be merciful enough to send you away alive when Adonis is gone. That’s the bonus you get for being a useful ally.”
My lips curled into a dreadful smile.
Everyone had different goals, but there was no need to make it known.
“Whatever. I was surprised you were being this open about your plans. I don’t care what you do as long as Adonis ends up dead.”
“I see you’ve grown to hate him more.”
I didn’t give a reply to that. There was something at the back of my mind that I’d been curious about since his call came in. Glancing at the door to be sure I could go on a little bit longer, I tried
“I have a question.” The rhythm of his breathing spikes up over the phone.
“And that is?”
“How did you escape that night, Antonio? Let me rephrase. Where have you been hiding out?”