Luca quietly escorted a fearful Kane to the garage. He took a step back, his gun still pointed at him as he activated the unlock system. The wall pulled back, showing a narrow, dim path that led underground.
“Get in.” He ordered
Kane followed without a single protest. He believed he had the protection of the Grecos as promised, but he doubted if it was up to this point, so he cooperated.
Better to be safe than sorry.
They worked down the narrow path, further into the underground tunnel, until they reached a big brass door.
Luca knocked twice. Once. Then thrice, and the door was opened from within. He pushed Kane in, causing him to stumble. As soon as he found his footing, Kane’s eyes widened at the state of the room.
Being used to their way of life, he wasn’t surprised that they had an underground basement. In their world, it was a necessary place to conduct violent business without distractions, but the state of the room made him wonder if he’d ever come out of there alive.
It was like a whole new world compared to the path they had passed through to get in there. A wide-looking room was separated into two parts. The first part was demarcated into four holding cells, with only four chains attached to the wall of each cell.
Kane gulped.
Do their hostages even get a chance to sleep?
Judging from the stench that came from the cells, he knew they didn’t even get a chance to take a piss. And they looked to have been recently cleaned.
The walls of the room were completely bare and chapped all over. A simple colour of faded white made it look lifeless, the only thing adding colour being the small dark red dried splashes of red on the wall.
Kane retched.
Was that blood?
Forget cooperating and protection. He’d be lucky if he even made it out of there at all.
He sniffed, and the mouldy smell of the room made his eyes water.
“Which one did you decide on? I’ll be generous and let you pick your cell.” Someone mused, and he whirled around to come face to face with the one person he’d been trying to avoid since he got to the mansion.
Adonis sat on a simple wooden chair placed together with its desk in the middle of the room. Kane took the second part of the room in.
Weapons. All kinds of weapons and torture tools were arranged on the wall. The manner of the arrangement told him that someone had deliberately taken out time to make their presentation look nice.
Knives were in one role, and all shades and colours were categorized. Drills of all kinds were placed beneath axes, hammers, saws, and guns; they were of different styles and designs, forming a neatly placed pattern.
Kane stared at the wall in disbelief, unable to hide his disgust from his face.
Was this supposed to be a Hermes collection? What psychopath did this?
“I did the arrangement. Do you look like it?” Adonis piped up, with a dark chuckle.
Of course. No one else was this crazy; it had to be him.
“Don’t worry. I’ll not be using them on you. At least not yet.”
He nodded towards Luca, who placed a wooden chair opposite Adonis and then instructed Kane, “Sit.”
Adonis sat upright.
“Now, the faster I get answers, the quicker you can leave here. Today’s not the day I’ll get rid of you, so I don’t want to waste my time. Why are you here?”
Kane shrugged
“Cara called. I came.”
Adonis eyes pierced into him, his mouth letting out an unamused, almost programmed snort.
“You think I’m foolish? You walked in here knowing what you did to me and not being worried about whether I’d tear you to pieces or not. You must have something bigger you want to achieve to willingly risk your neck.”
“You can’t do anything. One move and my guys would bring down this place.”
A loud laugh escaped Adonis this time.
“Can you hear the pup, Luca? He thinks he’s brave!”
Luca rolled his eyes at Adonis’s mockery. Torture was something he enjoyed a little too much.
“I know who you are, Kane. Your father used to work with the Columbian mafia until he betrayed them and ran away. You joined the Grecos a few years ago and think you can go up in ranks if you’re loyal?” He dropped the smile, his face becoming hard.
“The Grecos know nothing about loyalty. They’re just a bunch of deluded, lying betrayers, but no matter what I say, you won’t listen. I’ll be watching you. If you do anything inappropriate to my wife,”
Kane snickered.
“Your wife? Does she even love you? Isn’t this all a charade? Cara was with me first. I was with her for three years. Capo or not, love cannot be forced. You have nothing to offer her like me.”
Adonis tutted at his defence. He wondered if Antonio was just using Kane or if he just lacked trained men. He could tell that it wasn’t a job for him anymore.
Irritation filled him as he ran his mouth and Adonis threw a glance at Luca, his face holding a pleading look, as they silently communicated
Can I rip his tongue out?
Luca returned a stern look.
No. It will ruin our plans. Later.
Adonis sighed in resignation to his fate. Very soon, he’d have his fun, and his tongue would be the first thing to go. He sighed again, rising to his feet.
“You shouldn’t have fallen in love on the job. If you were given a job, you should be professional till the end.” He advised tiredly, giving Kane a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll see you soon.” His eyes flickered over him. “Very soon, but do tell Antonio this: I know he’s planning something, and I’ll find out what it is. Come on, let’s go. I need to rest for a bit.”
Kane threw a dazed look at Adonis.
Was that all? Nothing else?
“Are you coming or what?” Luca asked, and he rose to his feet.
Was this person normal?
He had heard the news about Adonis. He always made sure to pay back. Be it good or evil. Were those words just rumours? This was not how he expected his first official meeting with him to go.
The moment they stepped out of the underground basement, Adonis turned to look at him.
“You’re living on borrowed time, so use it well. I’ll definitely see you soon, and then we won’t be talking at all.”
“One more thing: I may not have anything to offer according to you, but the way she screams my name whenever I take her tells me something different. Let’s go, Luca; my head is killing me.”
He announced, finally walking away.
Luca turned to stunned Kane.
“Twice a week and nothing more. If you’re seen more times than that, you’ll be shot on sight.” And then he left too.