Cara’s POV
Remember when I said no luxury in this mansion could blow my mind away?
I lied.
The first thing that came to my mind the moment we walked into what looked to be Adonis’s study was, ‘what the actual fudge?’
This wasn’t a study; it was a freaking intelligence room.
I wouldn’t even be able to tell that it was supposed to be a study if it wasn’t for the in-built wall library that held over a thousand books-I am definitely sure about that, and the big black mahogany desk and chair that was placed a bit further from it.
On the desk was a big globe that had a map of the world.
Even if I tried, there was no way I could ignore the five computerised screens neatly arranged on what looked to be a little conference table. They were of different models and styles and spread out around them were different gadgets, of which I did not even know their names.
Was Adonis a secret spy or what?
I thought things like this were only reserved for movies.
One glance around the room, and I could already tell from the not-so-kept environment that he spent more time in here than anywhere else. That means I’d be having the room to myself most of the time.
I let out a subtle breath of relief at not having to spend every waking moment with the bipolar hulk beside me.
He quietly hissed as we walked towards a big sofa, taking a seat opposite his grandfather, who still had a bitter expression on his face.
“When were you going to tell me that you’ve gotten a bride, Nipote?”
Suspicions rose within me.
Straight to the point. No greetings. No side talks. I felt curiosity stir up within me. Aren’t they supposed to be family?
“When I was ready,” Adonis stated bluntly.
“You had a bride all along, but you were keeping her from me?”
“As I said, I was going to tell you about her when I was ready.”
His grandfather looked at the men in the room.
Although I couldn’t speak Italian, I was sure he told them to leave as they all filed out of the room. This was something I was going to busy myself with the moment the wedding was over. It’s a bit frustrating to live in a house filled with men who were always speaking in Italian language without understanding it yourself.
“Talk to me, figlio.” Adonis’s grandfather said in a voice so soft, I almost wondered if the sound was coming from someone else.
But we were the only ones in the room, and I’d recognize Adonis’s deep baritone voice anywhere. It obviously wasn’t mine.
I looked between the both of them; Adonis’s grandfather was more relaxed than he was when the men were in the room. Was his previous behaviour all a facade to act tough in front of his men?
“I have nothing to say. You know how much the family means to me, yet you refused to give it to me because of some stupid rumours the people were spouting?” Adonis’s voice rose
“They might be stupid rumours to you, but they could develop into something more. Those words could determine if you’d have an easy reign or spend most of your years fighting wars like me.”
“I do not care. I told you. Let me wipe them out.”
“Murder isn’t always the solution. This is the reason why you need a wife, Adonis. Maybe if you have a life you desperately want to protect, you’d know the value of others.”
Adonis chuckled darkly.
“That has always been your philosophy, and look what it did to you!”
“I do not regret how I ruled!” His grandfather sighed. “Sometimes… I think I trained you too hard. Your father would have done a better job than me. You remind me of your father.”
Adonis whipped his head to look his grandfather in the eye.
“Do not compare me to that weak man. I am not my father, and I never would be-
“Alessandro!” His grandfather roared.
I shuddered at the abrupt change in his tone. Moments ago, he was speaking like a grandfather with many regrets and hopes for his grandson, and now his eyes were blazing with murder intent as he shook violently in anger. Adonis had touched a sore spot, and though I wanted the confrontation to end as soon as possible, I could still feel a little flare of curiosity within me.
What exactly was that about?
“Show some respect. Your father… my son… was the best father you could ever ask for. He had his flaws, yes. But he did his best to raise you the right, and you’d do well to remember this.” He heaved heavily.
I guess I was the only one startled by the sudden tension as Adonis relaxed in his seat, settling comfortably like his grandfather hadn’t, almost crumbled the entire building in anger.
“Whatever you say, Nonno.” He replied nonchalantly.
My mouth dropped at his attitude. Here I was, scared of an impending earthquake, but he was acting like this was the norm around here.
Wait, was this the norm around here? A constant battle of testosterone?
I threw what was meant to be a discrete glance at his grandfather but was caught in the act. My eyes met his narrow ones as he was already staring my way.
I felt uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze as he openly assessed me.
Adonis brought his attention back to him when he heard his grandfather speak again. He grunted.
“What is it this time?”
“Not you.” His grandfather waved him off and then extended an accusing finger at me.
“I know, but speak to me.” He demanded but got ignored.
“No! You.”
I pointed to myself, unable to hide the shock from my face.
“Yes, you! Why do you want to marry my grandson?”
That. Was not the first question I expected from him. I expected something more like, ‘What’s your name?’, ‘What do you do for a living?’, ‘What about your parents? That was a question I expected to come last, so my mind went blank.
I looked to Adonis for a quick save, but I got-as expected-only a blank stare. I looked back to his grandfather.
“Ummm… because he’s the best, and I’ve never met anyone as nice as Mr. Bernardi, I mean Adonis.”
I knew that was a mess up, but anyone under the intense stare of the elderly man would do the same. I let out a small shriek disguised as a cough as I felt a small pinch by my side.
The old man raised an eyebrow at my unbelievable he’s-the-best story, a grim look on his face.
Who the hell was I kidding? Somebody like Adonis was the best? It’s time to be honest because this wasn’t working.
I knew it was just a matter of time before I flipped this entire scheme.
Clearing my throat, I put on a serious expression.
“I lied. Adonis is not the best. In fact, he’s not even on my list of prospective suitors.”