Cara trailed behind Adonis as he pulled open one of the closed doors, a frustrated pout on her lips.
“I would not lie and say I’ve not thought about it, but is it really necessary?”
“Why? No one would notice anyway.”
“Yes, they would. The mansion is like a chill house for the guys. Luca stayed over yesterday and he does that whenever we have pending work or his girlfriend is out of town. Moreover, the other guys would be suspicious if we claimed to be married but are staying in separate rooms.”
“Luca has a girlfriend?” Cara asked incredulously.
“Yes. Been engaged for over a year now.”
“Oh. Wow.”
No wonder he sounded like a sap the night before. She peeked at Adonis, a calculating look on her face.
How exactly were they friends when they were totally different?
A small ding echoed and she watched Adonis pull out his phone from his back pocket, scrolling through it. He looked up when she refused to go into the room.
“Are you coming in or what?”
“Coming coming.”
A gasp escaped her lips at the first object that came into view, the moment she set foot in the room. She took her gaze off the sight, taking cautious steps, she walked in further until she came to a big grey fluffy rug at the centre, halting her steps.
The room was magnificent.
It was a little too enormous for just a person, but considering the fact that they would be staying in the same room, the extra space might just be needed.
Willing herself to take her eyes off the surprising sight for a moment, she did a quick 360-degree sweep of the room; they sparkled with satisfaction as she took in the view.
Apart from the need to eat, Cara didn’t think she’d ever have a reason to leave the room.
Just by the wall at the centre of the room, stood the biggest bed she’d ever seen. It was fit enough for five people to sleep in comfortably, and she wasn’t even exaggerating.
A medium-sized fancy desk stood to the side, with two chairs around it. Not too far from the bed was a two-seater white sofa with a small coffee table in front and a large TV screen on the wall. Her eyes followed a small corridor, and she made a mental note to check where it led to later.
All gadgets, supplies, and pieces of furniture were in pairs except the bed.
Two chairs, two laptops, two dressers, and even two sleeping robes.
The tone of the room was the same as the entire floor, with little simple pieces of aesthetic decor here and there, but it wasn’t enough to get rid of the unsettling feeling in her mind.
She brought her gaze back to the big transparent cubicle she had first set her eyes on when she entered.
“Please tell me there’s a curtain for that!”
Adonis glanced up from the phone in his hand.
“There’s no curtain.”
Cara wore an apprehensive look. The bathroom was the best she’d ever seen, no doubt. It had a built-in jacuzzi and shower room, a toilet area, and some extra unnecessary furniture that could arguably make it for a spa room, but that was beside the point.
What was with the architect of this mansion and transparent bathroom cubicles?
She wrinkled her nose at the information.
“How am I supposed to pee or poo with someone staring? Or even shower?”
Adonis walked over to one of the small desks and picked up a small rectangular object.
“Like this?”
He clicked a button, and the glass became dim. He clicked it one more time, and the glass became completely covered; you could hardly see a thing. Placing the control back down, he stored his phone away in his pocket.
“Come on. This is our final stop for today.” He announced, the skin on his arm grazing Cara’s as they headed down the little corridor.
“This is the closet.”
Adonis announced. Cara trotted in behind him, wondering if she had just walked into a boutique or an actual closet. At this point, no luxury in the mansion could blow her mind away. The closet had two sections, one on the left filled with everything male and the other on the right filled with every piece of clothing a decent lady would die for. A closer look at them had Cara realizing they were majorly designers.
Her eyes analyzed every shoe, bag, and jewellery neatly stocked as though this were a showroom.
“You didn’t tell me you had a fetish for women’s clothes.”
“Very funny. They’re yours. I do not know your style, so I had them bring in everything this morning. Make your choice, and I’ll have the rest taken away.”
Cara hummed.
For the first time since she met Adonis, she didn’t know what to say. Mr. I-don’t-care-and-I-make-all-the-choices-here was being considerate. She didn’t know what to make of it.
Did he have a plan behind this?
First, the extra perks, and now this? Was Luca right? Maybe if she took her time to know him better, he’d have an excusable reason for what happened.
She felt the light feeling that had vanished in the morning return in full force. That was until Adonis spoke up.
“As my wife, all eyes would be on you. I can’t have you looking shabby.”
Faster than it returned, the feeling was gone. She felt insulted.
“What’s wrong with my clothes?”
“Nothing. They’re not just up to the standards. I make millions in a day. I should be able to afford the best for my wife, shouldn’t I?”
Cara opened her mouth to retort but his phone dinged again. Adonis pulled it out to see what it was about, and judging by how his lips thinned and the hard look on his face, she could tell he wasn’t happy about the information or whoever it was.
He looked up at her.
“That’s all for today.”
“What about the fourth floor? I haven’t seen it yet.”
Adonis’s head jerked, his voice dropping an octave. If she thought he was displeased about the messages from before, then she was wrong. His hard expression on his face became harder, if that was even possible.
“The fourth floor is off limits. Under no circumstances should you be seen there. Am I clear?” He boomed.
Cara felt the hairs on her skin rise at the sudden change in the atmosphere. There was something about the way he spoke that associated the fourth floor with fear.
What exactly was up there?
“You’ve not given me a reply.” His phone dinged again, and he scanned through it, an angry scowl replacing the hard look. “For your good, Cara, don’t go up there.” His Italian accent emphasising the word ‘there’.
Finally, she agreed with a bob of her head.
“Good. Now, get changed. My grandfather just landed on the estate grounds.”