Chapter 98

Book:The Breath You Left Published:2025-2-8

“Hmmm, I guess.”
They were like awkward teens, shyly stepping around one another with careful words, and neither wanted to step too deeply into old hurts and make this something bad. This was a stepping point into something new. Hope finally raised its head for Kai.
Meilei’s eyes filled with unexpected fat tears, her heart spiking and aching at words she never thought she would hear from Kai’s mouth. Her lip trembled, and she had to bite down to stop the sudden need to wail a real sob. Lingering in her throat, it made it hard to swallow.
“I forgive you,” Meilei uttered it so quietly a tear slid from her lashes and rolled down her cheek, having the same effect as stabbing Kai in the heart. He gulped painfully, holding in his intense emotions, and instinctively reached up to trace away the wet rivulet from her skin with his thumb.
“Fuck.” He mocked himself with a watery chuckle when he finally regained the ability to speak and smiled at her with damp eyes, letting her go. “I didn’t think coming down here would be so emotional. I haven’t wanted to cry for a long time.” He sniffed again to try and man up a little, seeing that Meilei, too, was getting control over her sadness. Awkwardness returned to the tension between them.
He was steeped in shame.
Meileie paused, letting his words sink in, confused by the barrage of hurt and ache running through her. She needed to absorb it and understand what he truly meant with what he said. Process why she was in pain at his admissions, yet her heart soared at knowing Anna was not someone he wanted. The statement had been true for that part. She hadn’t been sure, given that the rest was fabrication.
There was comfort in that, which made those bleak years after he was gone seem less lonely in hindsight.
Kai extended his hand in a physical show of agreement.
“Now, Saturday, where are we taking our little girl, Miss Liu? I think I better spend tomorrow buying a car.”
“I can change plans today and stay. You don’t have to do this.” Ling was staring at the road as she pulled into the car park and kept side-glancing at Meilei with concern. Her furrowed brow almost pushed her eyebrows to her lashes, strung tight with nerves even though she knew she shouldn’t be. Her insides were doing a rhumba.
This was not the first solo outing between Kai and Meilei, in fact, it was the fourth if she counted the convention weekend. It was just the last time Ling would be the driver to drop them off and collect them, given that Kai had now purchased a car. She wasn’t taking it too well and seemed to be spiraling in mood.
“Saturday was always girl’s day out. Now you’re even taking away the brief trip to drop you guys off away from me.” Ling furrowed her forehead further, knitting her brows in a slightly huffy way, knowing she could see Yue any time, but she would miss this day and wasn’t yet used to this new dynamic. They always did something like an outing on a Saturday if all three women were work-free.
Yue didn’t need more adults on the scene while they were figuring this out. It was bad enough that she would have to find mutual ground with Kai so they could do this every weekend. She was not looking forward to spending time with him that way.
No longer needing Ling even as a taxi service was another step for Meilei, but to Ling, it was severing another responsibility she depended on having. Ling was clinging on to being needed.
Ling flicked her eyes to her rearview in slight discontent, seeing Yue still engrossed in the cartoon she watched on her iPad and sighed. The pose of a child completely switched off to the environment around her and mesmerized by a bright, annoying character on screen. Knowing they would be fine today, she was stupidly anxious about nothing. Even she knew Kai could be trusted. There was nothing to worry about anymore.
“Nope.” Meilei butted in again. “Kai said he bought a car and would bring us home. He’s only not picking us up because you fiercely insisted on seeing where he was taking us as though he was some sinister kidnapper with bad intentions.” Meilei softened with a gentle smile at her friend’s overprotectiveness and shook her head. Amused that not so long ago, she herself really did believe Kai was an evil kidnapper with designs on their daughter.
“If he drives like an idiot with my princess in the car, I will maul him.” Ling ground her teeth, screwing her face up in mild irritability, seeing the stubbornness in Meilei and knowing she was losing the battle. Lately, this shrew had become so much harder to look after and had developed more of a backbone. It’s not that Ling found it that bad; it was just that she was used to being the one Meilei always listened to.
Meilei was becoming her own person again, and glimpses of the headstrong girl of their youth was showing face. As she took off on these visits without chaperones these past weeks, Ling felt weird. Suying was way more relaxed about it, but Ling was having a hard time. She felt like she was losing grip on her family dynamic.
Ling parked with little fuss, nodding toward Kai, who was standing nearby, leaning against a large blue SUV, and he waved their way. Dressed casually yet looking far too sophisticated and put together for a day at the park. He moved off the bumper in such a bro way to retrieve his precious child with a dazzling smile and genuine joy radiating from his entire posture. He was a different man from the dark, foreboding CEO who had walked into their life some months ago.
Ling appraised the newly acquired vehicle, somewhat appeased it was not some sporty number she feared he would buy. It was a sensible, slow choice and had family vibes. She could relax a little that he was not going to boy racer her family out of sight.
“Have fun today, but behave.” Meilei giggled and flashed in to kiss her friend’s cheek with a noisy thwack before leaning back to get Yue’s attention with a wave. “Look up. We’re here.”
Yue dropped her iPad, blinking at her mother with large doe eyes, and then turning to the window, she saw her father walking toward them. The slow dawning of reality returning.
“DADDY!!!!” She shrieked, overcome with instant excitement, and began to wriggle and struggle with her harness to be free. Her youthful energy blitzed out all logical thought, like a caged puppy trying to get free to see its favorite human. Her iPad slid to the seat, and Ling sighed with dramatic effect before leaning in to unclip her.