Chapter 92

Book:The Breath You Left Published:2025-2-8

Ling was oblivious to anything but the feel of him. The way he fired her up to crazy horny levels like no other man had and was already snaking one hand down and under his jacket to get at his abs. She wanted the feel of him. His nakedness and muscles she had been fixated on since the convention.
Tian was the first to pull back, panting and coming back to reality a little at where they were and what they were doing. Sense prevailing because of the frustration of being unable to get this further. He craved her naked body, but her clothing was too restrictive. Her nails running up inside his shirt were making him crazy enough that he might cum in his pants if they didn’t stop.
Shellshocked by the intensity their meeting of lips had created between them, Tian managed to pry himself back enough to separate their mouths. He was so wound up that he knew if he didn’t stop, he was going to rip another outfit off her and bang her up against the elevator wall. He was so turned on that he couldn’t think straight. This crazy vixen was bad for his mental facilities.
“We should stop.” He ground out the words in a painful groan, meaning the exact opposite, still lingering so close because he didn’t want to. His voice was husky and laced with lust, and he had to force his eyes to move from the pouted, kiss-swollen luscious tools of fucking him up and move to her eyes instead.
Ling was breathing heavily, her exposed bust heaving just below his eye line and seriously making him fight himself to stay in control. Those two perky, perfect, and ample breasts right there under his nose and her longing whimpering moans as she tried to regain control almost ended him.
Ling nodded. Too breathless and caught in raging hormones to formulate words, he slid her down his body and back onto her own feet. Groaning at the way, she pushed him into a harder erection by letting her hand skim a very obvious trouser tent. Ling was not done with him by a long shot and wanted to clarify that.
Tian let her go, stepped back, and tried to pull himself together. Having to turn his eyes from the wild way she looked. Ravaged, lips kiss swollen, her blouse had opened another few buttons, and he was getting the full effects of a lace molded bra holding her left perfectly formed breast in full view. Her hair was a little bedhead, and her skirt was wrinkled up to her thighs, exposing her long, creamy legs.
Ling quickly started putting herself back together, eyes never leaving his as he did the same. Focused in ‘fuck me’ mode on his.
Tian tucked down his shirt that she had yanked up and fixed his jacket. He would have to see security and have those tapes wiped, but he had better things to do first. The way she was looking at him. The deep primal urge to rip everything she wore off with his teeth was way more appealing than ensuring no one saw what they had been doing. He honestly didn’t give a fuck if more rumors spread about them. In the last month, OTS staff had pretty much accurately spread that they had fucked at the convention. Maybe they hadn’t since, despite rumors, but he was about to rectify that. Maybe having staff confirm what they were doing in here would keep letchy fucks and their eyes off his woman.
Tian waited until she seemed more composed, even though neither of them was back to breathing normally. He leaned over and pressed for the executive floor again to reenact the doors and then straightened and smoothed his jacket, cracking his neck to bring back some cool and calm. Tian, the master of great recoveries, was struggling with this one. He picked up his bag, gave her a long, intense gaze, and then turned, knowing that staring at her would ensure he never calmed down.
“Come with me, but keep your distance. If we want privacy, we can’t be obvious.”
Ling was internally rattled and panting, yet all she could focus on was putting one foot in front of the other and following him. She had to use every ounce of willpower to act calmly and concisely. Even though she couldn’t yet formulate words, she walked behind him along the corridor as though she had not just had his tongue in her mouth and aching to have it in her panties instead. Looking like she was being dragged to a meeting she didn’t want to go to and using all her acting ability on full ram.
Ling had no idea where this came from, but she couldn’t deny she wanted it to have a conclusion. She didn’t want to stop what they started, and her inner thighs were clenched so tight with desire her pelvis had reached almost nuclear levels of hot and throbbing. All she could think of right now was meeting this excruciating urge and trying not to think about the after.
Tian walked ahead at a faster pace, quicker than normal, and headed into his office, leaving the door open. He looked mildly angry to anyone watching, which was normal whenever Ling was nearby. Ling meandered with less haste because she knew that a few staff members were milling around, and she had to make this look normal. It afforded her time to recoil her wits and slow her rapid heartbeat. Finally, she could catch her breath and hopefully say something.
Tian startled her as he popped his head back out, making her jump in nervous guilt, and looked opposite to her at the main reception desk. Full CEO mode back on show and not at all like a rattled sex-starved man who had just pelvic banged her into madness.
Jesus Christ, it was only nine am. She balked at his confidence.
“Yes, sir,” came the mousy response.
Ling walked towards him and purposely smiled graciously when he stepped back to let her inside and pulled the door closed behind her. Aware of a couple of interested glances her way and then disinterested in their seemingly normal behavior. Given rumors of late, she was disappointed they did not seem more suspicious. She wondered if she had been too subtle in trying to stake a claim so flirty hoes would stop making passes at their CEO.
The blinds in here had not yet been opened again because he had only just arrived, and he flicked the lock to ensure no one would be walking in. Tian turned to Ling as they stood there silent and heavy with atmosphere for a second. Locked in a slight unspoken moment before she cleared her throat and found her voice.
She was trembling now that they were in a dark room because he had not yet switched on the main lights. All the windows were drawn as it was something he liked to do himself in his arrive-at-work routine. It added to the sexy spark of the air and the very obvious reason they came in here.
“Only if you know how to be quieter than last time. I can explain us in here for a couple of hours; I can’t explain you screaming my name like I’m murdering you.” Tian smirked, unbuttoned his suit jacket, and slid it off in one easy movement before tossing it to the nearest chair. It was weirdly sexy to Ling. He had no qualms about proceeding. He was a guy who was confident in himself, his body, and his abilities. He had made her cum more than once before and knew she would be putty in his hands again.
Tian chuckled under his breath, eyes never leaving hers.
Ling watched him, her body growing hotter and achier by the second, and she lifted her foot to clutch the heel, ready to slide it off properly, when Tian held up a hand.
He had sat here pouring over this statement for over an hour and a half, finally writing a draft that wouldn’t cause Tian mayhem. As much as he wanted to go in all guns blazing, take all the blame, and clear Meilei of any wrongdoing, he also had to be smart about it. He could cause her more drama by getting too honest, and Tian wouldn’t appreciate the mess it would leave.
He had emailed it to him, but he seemed to be busy. No replies to his internal messages, and his cell had rung out when he tried ten minutes before. Kai checked his watch, wondering if he had a meeting, and blew out air. It was unusual not to have Tian answer him at any second of the day. He guessed that not being the boss anymore made a difference, and his friend was now the one in high demand while he was twiddling his thumbs.
He was no longer in the loop of OTS goings-ons and felt oddly detached and restless. Despite spending more time on his investments and self-sufficient businesses, he missed these hands-on, day-to-day tasks and knew he would soon have to find a new role in one of his businesses. He was using Tian’s old office now that he had moved to the CEO suite, yet he couldn’t be bothered to walk along the hall and see him. He would call back when he was free; Kai needed a coffee and air for now and some processing time to think over his statement more objectively.
A rap on the door pulled his gaze, and whoever it was didn’t wait for an answer before sliding in. Elbows and the butt of a grey-tailored suit came first because they had something in their hands.
“Morning, Cus.” Qian’s bright, boyish smile was a welcome break as he turned in fully and butted the door shut behind him. He held up a paper bag and a cup carrier from a nearby coffee shop to show off his gifts with a smile that softened his entire face. “Thought you might need breakfast, given your early arrival and no-show outside this door all morning.” Qian was back to being Tian’s EA, yet he had been dismissed for the last couple of hours.
“What’s that face all about?” Kai knew when Qian had gossip brewing, and he leaned in conspiratorially while sliding the bag he was opening onto the desk beside the hot coffee. Qian slumped down into a chair at the desk.
These guys were suckers for some hot scoops, like old fishwives.