Chapter 60

Book:The Breath You Left Published:2025-2-8

“Are you telling me I am the first guy you have gone on a date with?” he was perceptive, and Suying groaned, embarrassed to her core, and avoided his eye by turning her face away.
“Hmm.” She had never been able to lie.
“I think I just fell in love.” Dee laughed, hooking her under the chin with his forefinger and thumb, and tugged her back to look at him. Suying chewed on her lip, internally dying because she knew she was making herself come across as a sad loser in life and not the kick-ass doctor she knew she was.
Suying was silenced by the meeting of warm lips on hers in a closed mouth pressing together of lips. Her eyes widened in startled shock, and then she realized he wasn’t pulling away and instead lingered. Dee tilted his head to the side and kissed her gently, slightly parting his lips to see if she would follow, and Suying’s eyes slowly closed.
Knowing she had never dated, he guessed she probably never kissed anyone either, and that was something he was more than ready to rectify. She couldn’t stay nervous and shy if he took the initiative and got the first time out of her way.
Suying’s heart raced, and her blood rushed through her head at a rate of knots, but somehow she relaxed with his guiding touch. Not bodily together in any way, just his fingers on her chin and his mouth molded to hers. His kiss was almost inquisitive and reserved like he allowed her time to relax, adjust, and coaxed her.
It was her first kiss, and she let him tease her lips apart for a better fit before trying to follow the motion of his movements. He took it slow, teasing and brushing sensitive skin with his own, an unhurried, intimate caress, and seemed to sense she wasn’t sure what to do. Instead of being weird and messy, he somehow handled her in a way that urged her to follow him.
Kissing her on the more platonic side rather than passion until she found how to move with him. Her lips fit between his, and becoming accustomed to the motion of what he was doing, she corrected herself until it felt right. Suying couldn’t breathe, yet she didn’t want him to stop and moved in toward him as he sunk against her with more intent.
It was a few seconds of trying to follow his lead before she found a rhythm, and then he opened her mouth further and kissed her in a way that almost made her legs give out.
Dee was well aware she was a novice to this. It was written all over her, and he wanted her first time to be memorable. It didn’t matter to him that he was having to teach her. It made him want to kiss her harder. She had no idea how crazy sexy she was, and he couldn’t believe no other guy had ever wanted to devour her like he did. She was insanely addictive.
Dee made out with her, moving them into a slow passion, and finally slid an arm around her waist to tug her to him and backed her up against the nearest car to hold her steady. He was trying to keep his horny levels under control and struggling when she was this fast a learner, from a shy and robotic start to a kiss that made him lose his mind. Suying snaked her arms around his neck, ignited by how good he felt and how kissing him was more natural than she thought it would be. Lost in the headiness of it.
He took the awkwardness out of it and seemed to be guiding and taking control, yet it wasn’t as hard as she always imagined. He fit her perfectly, and their kissing style matched flawlessly. Like a skill you didn’t know you possessed until you tried it, and then wham.. here she was making out with him like she wasn’t a first-timer.
Her heart almost catapulted out of her chest when his tongue slid against hers, and she tensed her thighs together at the strange sensation. It was somehow the most erotic thing she had ever experienced. Dee leaned down, using both arms around her to tug her nearer to his height, and locked them together bodily in ways that made her squirm with rising need.
Suying was getting hot, breathless, sure her body would explode like a firework with what he was doing to her. Lost in the sensation of heat and passion, his body molded to every inch of hers, and Suying wondered if it was possible to fall in love with a guy after briefly knowing him. Knowing nothing much about him yet felt like he was somehow a perfect fit for her.
Dee was the one to break away first, resting his nose against hers as they both panted to catch their breath, gazing at her while still lassoed in each other’s arms. He knew he wouldn’t be able to if he didn’t stop them, and he had no intention of screwing this up. This was her first kiss, and he wouldn’t push her for more.
Kissing was one thing, but she knew she wasn’t ready to do anything further no matter how much she liked him, and common sense was shaking her now his lips weren’t glued to hers. Her body had been too compliant and too eager. She needed to cool things down.
He needed to put a little distance between them and slow down.
This wasn’t him at all. He was normally the cool, controlled, and confident one who liked to drag out the excitement of first kisses and first sex. He never dived in and rushed things because then the challenge was over, and he lost interest. She was different though. The insane urge to kiss her had lingered since their first meeting, and his heart was pounding through his chest that he wanted to take her home with him so badly. They had insane sexual chemistry that was off the charts.
Suying’s cell rang before she could answer him, and she broke away like she had been caught red-handed doing something awful. Color flushed her face, and slight shame washed over her. Startled by its invasive ring, she scrambled in her jacket for it.
Dee leaned in with a cute chuckle and pressed it for her, a smile spreading across his face at how all over the place she was, and even though it was too dark to make out her complexion, he could tell she was blushing. Her clumsy stumble to put space between them as she answered made him smile harder.
He was totally into this girl.. everything about her made him want to pick her up and squeeze her. He knew he had a serious problem with how quickly he had become attached to her and that this could become a serious addiction. He was in so much trouble.
“Are you done with work? Yuelin seems to have woken running a bit of a temperature and just wanted you to check her over. It’s probably nothing.” Meilei sounded exhausted, and Suying was instantly alarmed.
“On my way. Don’t worry. I will be twenty minutes.” Suying hung up and, regretfully, turned to Dee, longing to be back in his arms. Hating that, for some reason, they always seemed to have brief interactions before someone had to go.
“I finish at five tomorrow, so I can definitely be here. Eight on the dot.” She slid her cell away and turned to see where she had parked, realizing it was practically beside them.
Suying was nowhere near calmer from their encounter, and his mouth on hers was still lingering enough to keep her cheeks flushed. Her heart rate was still high, and her legs were trembling now she was sitting.