Facing away, dark, messy hair, a thick, strong neck, and naked, tanned, very wide shoulders were nestled in the bed beside her, the rest concealed in sheets, and she couldn’t breathe.
There was a very hunky-looking sleeping man, completely naked in a bed that was not hers, in someone else’s hotel room.
Ling cringed and closed her eyes to mentally curse herself out, shuddering away from him and sliding slightly, pulling her arm back as quietly as she could as she tried wrapping her brains at what she had done last night.
This was not good.
Lifting her head slightly from the cushion to try and angle to see his face, she stopped dead when he shifted in his sleep, turning towards her without waking. Ling’s entire body drained of blood, her skin ran cold with ultimate shock, and her heart stopped beating.
Oh, hell no.
Whipping her face back toward the ceiling, she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and instead told herself she was hallucinating because there was no way this happened. It wasn’t really him because she would NEVER.
She must still be drunk. That’s what this was. Some freak drunken half-dream.
Ling swallowed hard as another flash hit her in the center of the forehead like a lightning bolt. One of making out with him in the elevator completely winded her.
She could see it clearly. Pushing him against the wall, dragging her nails through his hair to loosen it up, she had allowed him to completely devour her as they made their way to this room. Using the walls to hold them up as they ravaged one another like two sex-starved teens in the height of a hormone rush. She blushed all the way to her roots when she remembered where she had been putting her hands on his body in that insane kissing session. Tian picked her up and manhandled her like she weighed nothing.
She could recall quite clearly what he was packing in his pants.
She felt sick. Not hangover induced, but I have made a horrible mistake, and my life shall now end kind of nauseous.
She was not wearing one stitch of clothing.
Ling’s heart completely sank out of her chest, slid down the bed, and exited the room.
Scoping out her completely naked view, she yanked them back down over her breasts and blew a long, slow breath.
Ling knew she had to escape before he woke, or this would be super awkward. If she ran away, maybe he wouldn’t even remember she had been here, and she could carry this shame alone to the grave. She wouldn’t tell anyone, not even Meilei and Suying. That’s how bad this was.
She was cringing, trying to stop the snippets of memory that were flooding back to her now she was awake and fist-knocked her temple in despair.
“Stop remembering,” she hissed at herself. Flashes of naked Tian crossed her mind as he did very ex-rated things to her in this bed.
“Oh god.” She screwed her eyes shut again to force them away. Her face was so hot she felt like she was having premenstrual flushes and being baked alive.
Ling was in a minor meltdown, slowly escalating as she bodily slithered onto the floor like a snake, leaving its skin and the sheets behind. Trying to mission impossible escape without waking that beast. She started hand trawling the floor for her underwear, eyes glued on him for fear he might open his, crawling about while ducking down in case he woke up. She was mortified and blushing right down to her toes as another flicker of visuals hit her with every movement.
Ling slumped back on the floor, banging her forehead on the hardwood in complete shame. Giving herself three knocks to try and bring some sense back to her normally quite intelligent brain.
She peeled herself up and returned to crawling around, searching for something to cover up with, and sat back in frustration at finding nothing nearby. A wider scan of the semi-lit room showed a haphazard, wide splay of clothing near the hotel door, and she went off in pursuit on hands and knees, cursing him out.
Her dress was in a heap by the bathroom door, and as she finally reached it, glad to have something to flee in, she was reminded of how he got her out of it so easily.
Her ‘eight hundred dollar’ ‘took an hour to pour herself into’ dress.
A flicker of him trying to unzip it, and then a stomach-lurching rip right down the entire center back as passion took over and impatience kicked in. Tian had ripped it off, picked her up, and groin-ground her into the wall while kissing her senseless. She almost felt her legs wrapped around his waist and shuddered at the memory.
Ling curled up into a little overheated ball of regret. Her face flamed as she clutched the ragged dress and slumped her head down. Her mind was torturing her with these agonizing clips of a porno she didn’t want to be associated with. She had done so many brazen things with that man, all in the name of unleashed drunken stupidity.
She had no clothes to escape with, and this was not her room. The longer she took to escape, the more chance he had to wake up, and she couldn’t face him. Not having those awful memories returning to haunt her and every life decision she ever made.
His slight movement in the bed as he restlessly turned on his side sent her into a major panic, and she dropped down on the floor, pressing her breasts to solid surface in case he looked around. Flattening herself like a pancake with wide eye terror, palms pressed down at either side of her head so she could turn and check his way. Lying still, her heart pounding through her chest, listening intensely like some crazy serial killer was stalking her. She held her breath until she was sure the deep, heavy breathing she could hear was that of slumber, and she exhaled in relief.
After a minute, sure he hadn’t roused, she belly shuffled like an awkward reptile to his abandoned shirt. Finding it mostly intact, minus a couple of buttons she had recklessly ripped off in her haste to get him undressed and cringed. Remembering clearly that she had run her tongue up and down the length of that man’s abs.
What the hell was wrong with her?
Alcohol was the devil’s drink. She should never have gone for a drink with him if she had predicted this outcome. She had no clue how them, comparing their reasons for never dating, had ended up in a night of the wildest sex she had ever had and a morning of shameful regret and ‘fuck my life.’