Women usually had little to no impact on his physical self. Women he dated in the past hadn’t stirred much passion except when he wanted it to for obvious intimate relations. He had always been a hundred percent in control of his emotions and bodily urges. So, this was making him feel weird.
He had one day of the convention to attend for a specific meeting, seeing as he missed the first, and then he was heading back to the one part of the city he swore never to return. He wasn’t entirely sure about this decision, but it had plagued his life long enough, and he longed to be free from the prison cell it had cast on his sanity. To move forward in his career and life, he needed to stop hiding and ask her to let him live his life no longer under her shadow.
He checked the people at the barrier, read the welcome signs, and looked for the face of the person who was getting him there. A driver sent by the company he was meeting with this afternoon. They had told him to come and had arranged everything for the next two days. After that, his time was his own.
He smoothed down his jacket, checked his watch, and headed out via the opening to see if he could locate them. Looking around before he finally spotted his name. With a wave, he caught the suited man’s attention and closed the gap between them as the smaller man hurriedly reached for his case to relieve him from it.
“Thank you.” His American accent rang through even though he was fluent in this language, given it was his native birth home, but he had been raised mostly abroad with little reason to return here over the years. His family was long gone. He had spent time here only because of circumstances a few years ago.
He spotted a playing ad on one of the giant TVs hanging over the main area towards the exits and glanced at it briefly. Watching with interest as a familiar name flooded a high-tech promotion for some upcoming app.
“Yanhue Corp? I thought they left the domestic market to focus on international.” He said aloud, mostly to himself, a little unnerved by that name’s appearance as soon as she set foot on this soil. It felt like a bad omen.
“You know much about Yanhue?” he asked the man before him, who had slowed to make conversation easier.
It was unusual for a second generation to take control while their parents still held positions and to switch out all that stood with any power dramatically. It had seemed like a bold move to remove previous restrictions set by elders in their company and to refresh in a modern new movement.
“You know him well, sir? It sounds like you have a personal acquaintance with them.” The driver was impressed, given the infamous reputation of the Xuchens. They were not a family that was easy to contact.
Zhao faltered. The name was a shock, given what he had learned about it in the last two years and the thought of both he and Kai being in the same place again after so long, and he let it slide with a smile.
“Maybe.” He deflected, knowing that should never happen. The history between them was complicated and full of secrets. Seeing him again would not be good for anyone. He pitied her if that was how they had been reunited.
“This way. The car is out here.” The driver led the way out onto the street and the awaiting car, which took up a prime spot for VIP pick-ups. A long, low limousine for an important guest, and he waited while his door was opened before he slid inside.
He was tired from his long flight, resting his head against the seat to close his eyes while his driver put his case in the trunk. His cell vibrated in his pocket, and he slid it out, opening one eye to see who it was before he answered. A wave of warmth overtaking him, pushing everything aside when he saw her name.
“Hello, It’s Zhao.” He curtly greeted her despite their closeness.
“What kind of hello is that? Did you just land? Did they pick you up, okay? I miss you already.” She was being sarcastic, having no real emotion concerning his departure. They had a platonic friendship, a close one, but nothing romantic.
“Yes, Boss.” He joked, being the one with the superior position in their company, seeing as his investment initially set them up. He had put everything he had into it in a bid to set up his future and life for financial independence.
“Do me a favor.” Her voice was suddenly serious, and her level dulled to a concerned hush. She had been turning this over in her mind while he was out of contact on his flight, unsure she should bring it up, but she had to. Being back there after so long, she couldn’t rest easy.
There was a long silence between them as San slowly released his uptight breath and nodded. He knew she was right, and trusting her all these years had set him on a better path. Leaving that mess and chaos behind and helping him break the burden held over him.