Chapter 12

Book:The Breath You Left Published:2025-2-8

“I don’t think he cares right now. They are reshuffling many departments, and a few projects have been prioritized.”
Meilei was incensed and turned around to storm to the kitchen before slamming down jars and mugs to calm her fury by making tea. The act of doing something to focus her expanding erratic energy.
Never what? Use weapons to get at her? Punish her?
Meilei knew that wasn’t entirely true. Hadn’t he been the one who pushed the investigation of Yuelin’s death that had seen Meilei held in interrogation for three days? A traumatic and terrifying experience while still suffering the shock of seeing her best friend die right before her eyes. That police station and its smell were so imprinted on her mind’s eye her body could still feel the icy cold hardness of the chair she sat in for almost eight hours straight the night she died. That dark, small square room, the stale air, and the loud tick-tock of the clock over the table. His persistence that it wasn’t an accident and his family’s influence. He used them well even then.
Meilei shook that memory from her mind’s eye, shivering with the sickening lurch it caused in her stomach, and slammed her hands flat down on the surface. Those three days of hell and mental torture they put her through were enough to confirm Kai was very capable.
“I can do it for you, so you don’t need to come to the company.”
Meilei stood still, staring at the shelves before her for a second, pondering before turning to Ling with a frown, slight worry tightening her lips. Her body was trembling, and her limbs were shaky and weak.
Meilei had watched her friend work hard to get where she was, and she wouldn’t jeopardize that. She loved her to death and would protect her the best she could.
Ling narrowed her gaze and reached up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Meilei’s ear.
Ling conjured up a picture in her mind’s eye of the slender bitch. Around her age with a high fashion blunt, bold bob haircut. So black it made the girl’s pale skin almost white. Perfect winged eyeliner and blood-red lips. Her sharp, tailored outfit was not dissimilar to Ling’s, and they stood around the same height in killer stilettos. Matched in stubborn fierceness. She was attractive and seemed too young to be in such an important role.
She had interned there right after giving birth to Yue. Not allowing herself a long maternity leave because she wanted to push forward and provide for her child. Determined that she wouldn’t fail as a mother through the pain and mess of her current situation. Graduating pregnant while hiding it with clothing had been hell, studying and staying on top of her classes. Her past was such a blur of tears and sleepless nights. Constant exhaustion and crippling depression that didn’t feel real anymore when she stood back and looked at where she was now. OTS had been the constant that gave her something to hold onto when she was spiraling out of control in her personal life.
“What did that poor bag do to you today?” Tian sat on the ring floor, unwrapping his hands after exhausting himself with a session and watching his friend continue. Kai had been relentless for the last hour. Despite being drenched in sweat from head to foot, his cheeks flushed with heat, his hair flat falling in his eyes, he didn’t seem ready to give up.
Kai ignored him, eyes slaying the black swinging back, and continued his assault. Boxing was one of the few things that helped him expel his inner demons.
“I’m just not as weak as you and have more stamina.” He eyed Tian with a side eye and smirked at the glare the comment got him.
The buzzing at his left side drew Tian’s attention, and he looked down to see Kai’s phone lit up with a call, sitting on top of his unused towel, and nodded.
Kai strolled towards him, a vacant expression as he ripped off his gloves, dropped them, and leaned down as though to retrieve his cell. Only he caught the towel instead and yanked it up, so his phone slid off and landed face down on the padded floor. He straightened and dried his face, raising a brow with an attitude.