Happiness spread through her at the sight, but she hid it well. She got him on that
one; she never wanted him to forget. Vetta blinked hard to make sure the tears ran
down her cheeks. “But now I know I was wrong. I almost killed her. I should never
have let my pain get the best of me.”
Silence. The silence stretched.
Finally, King Lucien cupped her cheek. “It’s alright, Vetta. I’m glad you finally
understand that you did wrong. I punished you because I don’t want you to become a
monster because of everything we went through.
“Let me bear those burdens alone; it is my cross to bear. I gave you freedom, and I
want you to enjoy it. To bask in it. Do not become like me. I don’t want to see you
become a monster.”
“Yes, my king,” she whispered, rubbing her cheek on his rough palm.
He pulled back then, severing all contact. He picked up a brand-new scroll and
unwrapped it. “You can go now. I need to get some things done.”
“Um, I can come in later. I promise to make you feel so good,” she trailed off
He shook his head dismissively. “I will call you when I need you.”
Anger, hot and swift, slashed through her. But she nodded and got up from the
floor, then bowed to him before walking out of the room.
Outside his room, Vetta gritted her teeth angrily. She wanted the king to herself,
dammit! Now he wouldn’t even let her come to him today-all because of that bitch!
What happened in her absence that she didn’t know? Not knowing was driving her
The memory of seeing Danika lying on his bed caused another round of swift rage
to course through her. Her day was officially ruined. A lot of things were out of place!
Which charm did she use on him to make him sleep? Sleep for that long!?
Something had to be done about Danika. She would do something, and fast. She
couldn’t let this-whatever this was-continue!
Because deep within herself, she knew that something had gone wrong. She didn’t
know what, but she could feel it.
Karandy stayed in his bedroom, nursing his wounds. That bitch, Danika, almost
beat him to death. That bitch. Rage filled Karandy. If not for a servant who found
him, took him back to his house, and called a medicine man for him, he would have
He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Raging wouldn’t help him
now at all.
The king’s guards had come earlier in the day. They’d paid him a visit. Apparently,
Danika told the king everything.
“That bitch!!” he cursed angrily as he got up from bed. He never knew she had it in
her. He never knew she’d tell! Also, he didn’t know that the king would ever believe
He’d underestimated that bitch.
“Shit,” he groaned.
The worst part was that the guards returned and summoned him to the palace. “The
king wants to see you,” one of them said.
The king would surely punish him if he admitted that Danika’s allegations were
true. Hell, the king might order his execution. Other kings did that.
As Karandy prepared to be confronted by the king, he raged. That bitch didn’t
know him at all. There was no way he’d admit that her allegations were true. He
would also make sure that the king ended up betrayed for even trusting her a little and
believing her.
He would make sure that Danika was the one that got punished. Publicly.
Danika reached the underground bedroom to see Baski walking out of the door
with a bowl of water and closing the door behind her.
Baski saw her coming, taking in the fear on her face, her swollen eyes, the
tentative way she walked, and the red mark on her arm.
“Please, how is Sally?” Danika asked, her heart in her throat.
She was most surprised when Baski’s eyes teared up.
“Oh, Danika.” She dropped the bowl of water to the ground and walked to her. It
shocked Danika when Baski wrapped her arms around her. “You made him sleep. He
slept because of you. You don’t know how happy you made me!” Baski cried in a
Stunned, Danika remained still until the older woman pulled away from her.
She had a smile on her face as she looked up at her. “I checked on him twice, and
he was still sleeping,” Baski said with awe.
“Um, does it mean that the king doesn’t sleep so well?” Danika asked, confused. “I
know he’s awake most of the time, but I thought it was his choice.”
Baski shook her head. “It was never his choice. The king hasn’t slept well in
fifteen years.”
“Oh, no!” Danika’s eyes widened. That’s a long time for a person not to sleep well.
Guilt joined when she knew it was because of her father. She didn’t bother to ask.
Baski nodded her head sadly. “He could sleep last night. I’m so happy about that.
I’ve made so many potions.” She took a deep breath and stared up at her. “Don’t
worry. I’ll give you potions for the aches and sore muscles.”
Danika nodded gratefully. “Thanks, Baski.”
Baski wiped her eyes and composed herself. “I bet you must be famished. Uyah
brought in your food and Sally’s food early. Come on; let’s go in. We wouldn’t want
more people to know we’re here and why.”
Danika dug into her heels, forcing her to stop. “What a-about Sally, Madam
Baski?” she asked again, her voice fearful.