Sophia’s POV:
I woke up feeling a little better. Maybe I should think of resuming work, but I know it wasn’t time yet. Everything was still a mess after everything that’s happened.
After I had a shower, I went down for breakfast.
“Morning sunshine,” Nick said, sounding chirpier than it’s considered abnormal for this time of the day.
“Morning,” Daisy said, flashing me a warm smile as I joined them at the kitchen island.
Nick handed me a cup of coffee. “It is weird how comfortable you both are here at Ivan’s place and it is even weirder he lets you guys stay here like you own the place,” I murmured, taking a sip.
“I am not always here,” Nick grumbled. “And is that a subtle way of telling us that you’re sick of us?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Literally,” Daisy added, turning a pancake mix into a bowl.
I rolled my eyes at their dramatic behaviour. “I never said that. I just pointed out how weird all this is.”
“Yeah, well, get used to it,” Nick said. “‘Cause we are never leaving your side.”
“Guys, I’m alright now,” I insisted.
“No, you’re not. You don’t have to lie to us. I see how jumpy you have been since the incident, you’re distant now, and your smiles are no longer bright,” Daisy pointed out. “There are so many things I wanna do to that bastard, Harry, but I know it would do more harm than good at this point.”
I took a big gulp of coffee and set the mug down. “I’m sorry I was being a bitch, you’re right, I’m not okay but I just didn’t want to be a burden to you guys-”
“You could never!” Nick slapped his palm against the counter. “You could never be a burden to us babe, never.”
“True that,” Daisy added. “C’mere.” She pulled me in for a bear hug and Nick joined us.
I should tell them the truth, about what had happened… that was the first step to letting go right? Right.
“Guys, I have something to tell you both…”
And I do, spilling my guts to them the same way I had done with Ivan last night.
By the time I was done, my throat felt tight with emotions, it was hard and almost painful to swallow.
Nick’s eyes were glassy. “Babes…” He took my hand in his.
“Soph…” Daisy’s voice broke. “You went through all that alone? How… how did I never notice?” She was sobbing now and my chest twisted painfully.
“It’s not your fault, please!” I sniffled, unable to stop the tears from falling.
“How is it that you’ve gone through the same thing twice, that’s a lot.” Daisy’s full-on crying now.
“Is there anything we can do to help?” Nick asked cautiously.
“I’m fine, I promise. Just don’t treat me any differently or fragile, it would make this worse,” I flashed them a warm smile. “I already plan to speak about this to Dr Amelia, you both have nothing to worry about.”
“Promise?” Daisy searched my eyes as Nick cradled my cheeks.
“I promise.”
Everything would be fine, Ivan promised me. And I trust him, he won’t let Harry get away.
Ivan’s POV:
I pinched the fucker’s chin, inspecting his useless face.
Not enough damage done yet.
I rear my right hand back and drove it straight into his nose watching as the bone cracked underneath my knuckle dusters.
He cried out in pain, tears, and snot wet his face and I smiled. I’m not even done with him yet. I was only getting started.
“Get me a pair of pliers, Igor,” I ordered.
At my order, the bastard started shaking against the restraints but it was useless. “W…why are you doing this?” His voice was hoarse from crying and screaming. “I don’t even know you, who sent you?” He cried.
I grabbed a fistful of his chestnut-coloured hair and yanked his head up so he could meet eyes. “This is what happens when you fuck with what is mine!” I growled.
Tears rolled down his cheek. “I… I… Forgive me, please. I don’t know who you’re talking about but, please forgive me.”
I scoffed. “I don’t forgive people like you, Mr. Brown. Does the name Sophia ring a bell?”
His eyes widened despite being ballooned shut from the punches he’d taken.
“Good, today I’m teaching you never to touch what is mine, and most importantly, I will be teaching you to stay away from little girls, you’re gonna learn how bad rape is-”
“I am sorry!” He cried out, fear rolling off him. “I promise, I regret my actions, I will never hurt anyone again. I swear on my life!”
Igor handed me the pliers. “Too late, I own your life now.”
“No, please!”
“Hold out his fingers,” I ordered.
Igor and Aleks held out his right hand for me. I moved and took his index finger. I used the pliers to clip his nail and in one swift move, I pulled the entire nail off the nail bed.
“Nnghh!!! Oh god! Fuck, fuck, please.” He was sweating profusely now, and more saliva dripped to his chin as tears escaped his eyes.
By the time I got to the third finger, he was breathless and weak from all the screaming and crying.
I tossed the pliers, ready for my next round of punishment. But first, I had something in mind. She may not approve of it but I was going to do it anyway.
“Aleks, hold his head up.” He moved to do as I’d asked and I took off my gloves and dug into my pocket for my phone.
Opening the camera app, I clicked on the video and started recording. “Alright, you dirty pig. You are going to make an apology video and you better make sure you mean it.”
I moved closer and placed the phone in front of him. “You’re going to apologise to Sophia, let her know what a piece of shit you are. Then I might consider reducing your punishment, ’cause death isn’t an option for you, it is way too fucking easy. Now, start!”
His bruised eyes looked straight at the camera and he swallowed hard. “So… Sophia… I-I am so…so-”
“You need me to pull out your tongue? Since it has become so useless you can’t form a damn sentence!”
He managed to shake his head, despite Aleks’s strong grip on his head. “No, please,” he sobbed and then looked back at the camera. “Sophia, I’m truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. I’m worthless and useless. I’m an arsehole for doing that to you. Please, forgive-”
I smacked my hand across his face. “How dare you ask for forgiveness? It is up to her to decide if she should forgive you or not! I fucking told you to make a decent video, but I can see you have a death wish.” I gestured to my men, “Strip him, let’s stitch his dick up, maybe that way he’d keep it in his pants.”
“Please! I beg you, please,” he cried.
But Igor and Aleks were already at it, pulling his clothes off him as he thrashed around.
A text from Sidorov had me halting my plans of giving Brown more torture.
Sid: There’s an emergency!!!