Sophia’s POV
Chandeliers seeped from the ceiling and the marble floor sang with the clinking heels of other dancers.
Jonathan dipped his head to mine, taking my hands in his, and placing his other hand on my waist.
His green eyes scan my face.”You look beautiful. Even more so than minutes ago when I first saw you,” He praised.
“Good to know, ’cause I really put an effort into this look and I’m dying to get out of this dress,” I laughed and he joined me.
“But we both know you are naturally beautiful, you’ve always been. Even back then in secondary school,” He said, twirling me around. “I used to have a big crush on you,” he admitted.
My jaw dropped. “What? No way, I never knew that. You didn’t say anything.”
I hadn’t either, so we are even.
He seemed to think about it for a few seconds. “Well, for some reason, I was scared of getting rejected. I didn’t want to break my heart and you were always hanging out with your… friends-what are their names again?”
“Nick and Daisy,” I supplied.
We swirled together, along with the other dancers. “Yes, Nick… for a while, I thought you and him were toge-”
I shook my head, cutting him off. “Nick’s gay,” I laughed.
He groaned, fighting back a grin. “I found out later on. That was silly of me.”
Well, I wouldn’t blame him, Nick wasn’t exactly out when we were teenagers neither did he hide his sexuality.
“I had a crush on you too,” I confessed.
His eyes widened, “You did?” He asked.
“When I got the courage to tell you, you left school and I found out it was because you went to live with your mum in the U. S,” I explained.
He laughed. “That sucks and now you’re engaged, missed my chance.”
I shrugged. “We were both childish and it was just a silly crush.”
“Congratulations by the way,” He flashed me a warm smile. “Your engagement seems to be the only news around here these days.”
I forced a smile. “Thank you.”
“So… Lord Harry, that’s quite something. Does he treat you well?”
“Yes… sure, he’s very nice, kind, thoughtful and sweet. He’s good to me, he likes me,” I replied.
He studied me closely. “But?”
I chuckled nervously. “Why do you assume there’s a ‘but’?”
“Your eyes gave you away. Is something-” He paused, frowning as he looked behind me. “There’s a guy over there, who looks like he’s seconds away from murdering me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Let me show you,” He said simply.
Jonathan spun me and then dipped me low, and I caught those familiar blue eyes and a cold shiver ran down my spine. And then he pulled me back up against him and I met Jonathan’s questioning eyes.
I blew out a breath. “That’s the new chairman of my dad’s company now.”
His lips formed the shape of ‘O’ “I heard the news but didn’t bother to look up who took over,” He explained. “But that doesn’t explain the death stare he’s been sending my way.”
I glanced over my shoulder, locking my eyes with Ivan’s again. His eyes burned into mine and my heart raced. I looked away quickly. “He’s just an arsehole, probably pissed I’m having fun instead of doing what we are here for.”
He hummed. “He looks dangerous though,”
“Please, ignore him. That’s just how he is.”
We continued our dancing, but my eyes kept drifting back to Ivan. His gaze was hard, jaw clenched tighter than I thought was possible. What’s his deal anyway? Is he pissed I ignored his text or what?
I don’t care anyway, I like the pissed-off look on his face.
The music changed and Jonathan spun me expertly. “You really are a fantastic dancer,” I laughed.
He bowed slightly. “Thank you.”
I noticed Jonathan staring at Ivan too and I wondered why.
“Why do you keep looking? I told you to ignore him.”
He glanced down at me. “I have a theory,” he said simply, grinning mischievously.
“A wha-”
He leaned in, his lips brushing my ear. “Hi, I’m Jonathan.”
Has he gone mad?
I tried to pull back but he held me firmly. “Are you nuts? You’re acting fucking weird. Let go,” I bit out.
He let me go and I glared at him.
“What was that for?” I snapped.
Instead, he grinned widely, his eyes fixed behind me. “I was right,” He said. “It worked.”
I groaned with frustration. “Why are you acting weird?”
“I believe it’s my turn.” I heard Ivan’s low voice booming behind me. I turned around with a scowl.
I crossed my arms in defiance. “I’m not dancing with you, Ivan. I have a dance partner already.”
“Actually, I need a break,” Jonathan said. “You can dance with whomever, Sophia.”
I turned to him with a glare and he winked.
That traitor.
“We can talk later, Soph. I’ll be around for a while.” And with that, he was gone.
Ivan stood there, glaring at me. His six-foot-three frame towering over me. His ink-black hair smoothed back to perfection. He looked unfairly handsome and that was too dangerous for me.
I noticed half the women around us looked at him like he was some kind of god. And that, for some reason, put me on the edge. I didn’t want them looking at him.
I groaned inwardly, I couldn’t possibly be jealous. I didn’t like Ivan, I hated him.
Sasha’s words from last time assaulted my mind. ‘Do you really hate Ivan or do you hate that you don’t hate him despite everything?’
Shaking off the unpleasant thoughts, I broke the silence between us. “Ivan, I don’t want to dance with you.”
“Give me your hand,” he said instead, ignoring me.
“You heard me, Ivan,” I gritted out
“And you’re being rude,” He said calmly.
I scoffed. “If anyone is rude between us, it’s you. You’ve always been rude.”
He looked infuriatingly calm. “You’re causing a scene.”
I glanced around, realising he was right. And I took his hand grudgingly.
He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled flush against him. It was embarrassing how fast I leaned into him. I felt my body heat so fast and I wanted to step out of his hold and jump into a pool of ice.
“You and…” His eyes moved to where Jonathan was now seated, chatting with his friends.
“Jonathan,” I supplied.
“You both seemed close,” he grunted.
I tilted my head, trying to read the weird expression Ivan had on his face. “He’s an old friend,” I replied.
A muscle on his jaw ticked. “He was too close.”
I rolled my eyes. “No shit. We were dancing,” I pointed out.
He hummed a reply.
We danced for a minute or two until I couldn’t hold it in any longer. “What game are you playing at Ivan?”
His gaze softened as he peered down at me, and my stomach tightened. “I’m not playing games, I’m dancing with you.”
“You know that is not what I mean. Why do you keep forcing your way into my life,” I said through a fake smile when I noticed more people staring at us. “I just want you to leave me alone,” I said firmly.
He shrugged. “But I don’t want to.”
I scoffed. “You really think the world revolves around you? We are enemies, not friends.”
A smirk graced his lips and wanted to slap it off his face. “Who says we are enemies?”
I opened my mouth and closed it. Is he crazy or just delusional? Did he really think I should smile and wave at him after what he had done to me? Did he have any idea he had stolen what I’d wanted for years and all in one day?
If we weren’t enemies, then what are we?