Sophia’s POV: Hiccups
The annoying shrill sound seemed to be coming from a faraway distance. I expected it to stop but it persisted…
It stopped then it started again almost immediately.
A hand slapped my arm. “Girl, pick up your fucking phone!”
“Ow! I didn’t know it was my phone ringing. I thought I was dreaming,” I grumbled as I reached blindly for my phone and found it. The brightness from its screen woke me up completely.
6 missed calls from Harry.
2 missed calls from Rosie and 4 more from an unknown number.
21 missed calls from Nick. “Really, Nick?” I muttered.
Why did he have to call so much, so early in the morning?
My eyes moved to glance at the top of my screen and I shrieked, “One twenty-two pm?” Shit! I’m so fucked. I overslept and it’s already noon and way past lunchtime. I have to be at work.
“You’re too loud! I’m trying to get some sleep here, ugh!” Daisy groans.
I ignored her and jumped out of bed. I’m never getting wasted on a weekday ever again. I rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and showered quickly.
I groaned loudly when I realized my work clothes reeked of alcohol and I didn’t have my usual suit outfit in Daisy’s house.
Maybe I should just wear her clothes for today, I thought to myself.
I ransacked her wardrobe for clothes. I held out two outfits that looked good enough for a corporate setting but they were both flashy and sexy, much more Daisy’s style than mine. I decided to go for the black flare gown. I searched her wardrobe until I found a new pair of black pantyhose.
Today is going to be a long and uncomfortable day.
I put on light makeup with what I could use from Daisy’s makeup kit, fixed my hair, and got dressed.
Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I let out a tired sigh, I was already late. I couldn’t pick or choose what I could wear.
I booked an Uber rider to get me to the office since I didn’t drive down here.
I decided to reply to my texts while I waited for my ride.
Harry: Hey. I saw the news.
Harry: Are you okay? You’ve not been picking up.
Harry: Can I come over to your office?
Harry: My father is upset that he wasn’t informed about this, but don’t worry. I’ll talk to him. So if he calls, don’t pick up until I’ve reasoned with him.
Harry’s father, Prince Philip invested lots of money in the business after I was betrothed to his son. Harry was supposed to get 10% of shares each from both companies after we got married. So there’s that, new problems every day. I doubt Prince Philip was the only investor who would be pissed by this news, none of them were informed beforehand and things like this sudden change might place doubts and distrust about the company’s future in them.
Nick: *inserts an article link*
Nick: How true is this?
Nick: Hey?!?!
Ignoring the texts I clicked on the article link.
I exited the page, didn’t need to read much of that annoying shit.
These damn reporters. Seriously, how did they even know about this? It’s been barely 24 hours.
Luckily, I didn’t sleep at my place or dad’s so there will be no reporter accosting me in the streets for any information.
I quickly replied to Nick and Harry, reassuring them that I was okay and would explain everything later. The Uber driver pulled into Daisy’s driveway.
It was about 2:39 pm by the time I arrived at the office. The word ’embarrassment’ is not enough to describe what I was feeling right now, the judgemental stares from employees made me want to turn right back and run away.
It was almost like I could hear them say stuff like; “No wonder her dad trusted someone else with the company.”
“How can she oversee the running of the company if she is a mess?”
Don’t overthink this, don’t do that. I repeated over and over in my head.
They have every right to judge me anyway, it’s not every day you get to see a newly appointed CEO already slacking on their second day.
Rosie sees me as soon as the elevator door opens on my floor. She jerks off from her seat before she rushes over to meet me.
“Hi, good day, Miss Smith,” She said, sounding a little out of breath.
“Hi, what did I miss?” I asked heading straight for my office, hurriedly, with Rosie right behind me.
She blew out a breath. “The new chairman came looking for you, severally. You were supposed to approve the deal between us and the K&M law firm today, and you missed an important meeting with Allegro Corp. They were very upset.” She explained, all in one breath.
I really did fuck up there and I had no single clue how to fix this, seriously I’m going to blow all these up.
“The K&M law firm deal and the meeting with Allegro Corp are very important. You’ve been with my dad when he worked with these people. Do you have any idea how I can deal with this issue?” I asked.
“I’m not so sure about the K&M law firm but for the Allegro Corp, you might want to set up a date with the CEO, Dante Allegro. He likes it when you talk about sports and Italian culture. Now this isn’t a guarantee that he would be appeased but we could try,” She said reassuringly.
There was a swift knock on my door before the beautiful lady who was with Ivan entered.
“I’ll be outside Miss,” Rosie said, leaving the room.
“You didn’t wait for me to give you permission,” I snapped. Normally, I don’t care about all that, but she was on Ivan’s side, and that put her on my blacklist too.
Who was she to him though? A pang of jealousy shot through me even though I had no right to be jealous.
“I’m sorry. This couldn’t wait, we have been waiting for you all day and I tried calling you,” she said politely.
She just had to point out the fact that I came to work late. “Whatever,” I muttered. “Why are you here?”
She moves in closer and shuts the door behind her. “Ivan needs to discuss some urgent matters with you,” She explained.
Meet with Ivan? Fuck no. I was still upset and I knew he was hiding something, he may not have killed dad but he did something to get the majority shares. Until I figure things out, I want nothing to do with him.
As if she read my mind, she pins me in place with a firm look. “Nope, it is non-negotiable, honey.”
I crossed my arms in defiance. “I do not wish to see Ivan.”
She sighed exasperatedly, “You have to, it’s important. You have to report to the chairman anyway, it’s your duty as the CEO.”
Ugh! I hate that she is right.
“Who are you anyway,” I countered.
“I’m Sasha KozlovMoretti, Ivan’s sister.”
I visibly relaxed at that revelation, I knew he had sisters but I never saw what they looked like and she-Sasha-didn’t look like Ivan, she had chestnut brown hair while Ivan had ink-black hair.
“You’re siblings with that arsehole?” I scoffed.
She smiles, “Unfortunately, yes. Look I don’t care how upset you are with Ivan, but you have to come with me so we can have a proper discussion for the benefit of the company.”
When I hesitated, her gaze softened. “It’s for your good too, trust me.”
“Fine, I’ll go with you. It better not be a waste of my precious time.”
“Sure.” She smiled and held out the door, “Let’s go.”
I walked with her to the elevator while I held my breath. There were so many reasons why I’d like to stay far away from Ivan. I didn’t trust myself around him, how was I going to cope when I practically work for him now?