Sophia’s POV: Confronting Dad.
Ivan was the last person I’d expected to see outside of Dad’s office this afternoon. My stomach did its usual flip-flop whenever I was anywhere close to him. He had on a black button-down shirt that was folded up to his forearms and black slacks. There was something about Ivan dressed in all black. He had that tall, dangerous, big bad Russian, jerk vibe.
“What are you doing here?” I had asked once I was able to compose myself.
He stared at me with that usual blank expression on his face, until the good-looking guy, I’m assuming is the cousin he spoke about last time, called his attention.
His eyes scanned from my head to my toes. “I’m not here for you,” he said evenly.
Immediately I felt embarrassed. “I-I… t-that’s not what I meant,” I stuttered.
He studied me a bit and then opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but kept it to himself. He inhaled sharply instead. “Good. I’ll be on my way.” And then he walked away without looking back.
I watched him walk away as a pang of pain clawed its way to my chest. But why bother? I had asked him to stay away and I was getting married, all these didn’t matter.
I pulled myself together as I walked to open Dad’s office.
Rosie immediately gets up from her seat. “He seems really upset, shouldn’t I let him know you’re here?” She asked.
I waved a hand at her. “Don’t worry, he might just say he’s busy like he’s been doing for weeks.”
She looked like she wasn’t sure it was a good idea but nodded anyway.
The sound of objects clattering to the floor and a shout from Dad cut through the atmosphere at the same time I opened his office door.
I took in his appearance, his face red with rage, his hair disheveled like he’d tugged on it severally and his suit jacket tossed aside.
There were papers, a computer, documents, his phone, and pens scattered across the floor while Dad paced about like a restless animal.
“Dad?” I called tentatively as I closed the door behind me.
He stopped and turned to me like he was just noticing my presence for the first time. His expression went from frustration and irritation to fury, he looked more angry than I’ve ever witnessed in years
“What is going on?” I asked carefully, I certainly didn’t want to be on the receiving end of his anger. But I needed to know what had happened.
“Get out, this is none of your business,” he snapped, and turned back to continue pacing about with his palms on his face.
I ignored his command and walked closer to his desk. “What do you mean?” I asked. “You’ve been avoiding me for weeks and then I come to discuss with you only to meet the last person I expected to see at the company walk out of your office while you’re having a mental breakdown but you say it’s none of my business? I-”
He slammed his desk with his fist, cutting me off. “It’s all your fault! This… everything… it started with you, your foolishness. I had everything under control and you ruined it for me.”
I stared at him, confused by what he had just said. “What do you mean? I don’t even know what is going on so how is everything my fault?”
The look of disgust was clear as day in his eyes. “Get out or I’ll have the security force you out! I don’t know why I am still stuck with you, you should have never been born!” He spat out with contempt in his voice.
The pain cut through my chest and it felt like my heart was being stabbed repeatedly, my throat constricted as I fought back tears. What did I ever do to him? Why did he hate me so much?
I could feel rage build up inside me and for the first time, I dared to stand up to him before I could stop myself. “I didn’t ask for this! I didn’t ask to be born, maybe if you kept your dick to yourself or used protection we wouldn’t be here! News flash; if you have unprotected sex, you should be expecting a fucking baby! And if you hated me so much you should have given me up for adoption,” I yelled as tears blurred my vision.
He stared at me like I’d grown to heads like I was a different person and I don’t blame him. I’ve only ever endured his abuse and hatred all my life, I never said anything. There was a time when I thought it was my fault for being born and I hated myself every day. I have been trying hard to prove myself, to get his recognition but it was futile.
His expression hardened, his jaw clenched in anger. “Don’t you dare talk to me in such a manner, ever again! You’re just like you’re whore mother, weak, stupid, and useless! I told her I wasn’t ready for a child but she went ahead to have you anyway, would have been better if it were a son if she was so hell-bent on having a child!”
The sting of his words cut deep and the mention of my mother made me even more furious. I didn’t know who I hated more, my mother who had abandoned me as a toddler, or my dad who made every day a living hell for me. They are both selfish arseholes and they deserve the worst.
“You’re a pathetic loser. A weak man who hates women to feel better about himself. As if that isn’t enough, you decided to be a worthless father,” I bit out. These words would probably cost me everything I worked so hard for, I didn’t know what would happen next but I refused to show fear.
He flinched at my words as if he was slapped, his eyes widened and he turned bright red with rage. “How dare you!” He bellowed. “Get out of my office and never show your face to me!” He reached for the intercom on his desk, his fingers trembled with fury as he pressed a button. “My office, now!” He barked into the intercom.
“You have no right to do this to me! All you ever did was tear me down and discredit me. I was only a child, a little girl and you never hid your contempt for me, you never failed to remind me of how much you preferred a son. I spent days in my room crying and starving and you didn’t care and I was just a child,” My voice shook on the last sentence.
This time I let my tears flow freely as pent-up anger and frustration for years came to the surface.
He scoffed as he rounded his desk and walked toward me. Cruel eyes I’ve come to know for years bore into me. “You’re going to regret this foolishness and insolence,” he gritted out. It took everything in me to not cower to his cruel gaze. I was an emotional wreck, I was hurt, angry, scared, and pained. I was going to regret my outburst later but right now, I was determined not to show any emotions.
His door swung open and the guards entered.
“Get her out of my office, make sure she is never allowed back here,” Dad bit out and stalked off back to his desk.
I should have endured, I thought to myself. The logical part of me knew that my outburst would mean nothing to Dad, it wouldn’t change a thing, he’s who he is. But I wasn’t able to control myself. How long do I have to live like this? Why wasn’t I born to loving parents?
The guards escorted me out of the office and I went straight home. I needed to be alone. I don’t know what the future holds for me any longer.
I sure made Dad furious today, and he said he was going to make me regret it. What if he decides to take away my inheritance and decides the business won’t come to me once he retires?
I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as fresh, warm tears fell to my cheeks. If Dad does that, I wouldn’t know what to do, it’s been years since I’ve wanted this dream and it took me a day to jeopardize everything.
Why couldn’t I just keep quiet like I’d always done? What he told me today wasn’t any different from the horrible things he’d said to me in the past. At least he didn’t hit me today…
“Stupid,” I muttered to myself. “You just had to ruin everything for yourself now, didn’t you?” I let out a bitter laugh.