Twenty-Five: Hospice Care

Book:The Kidnapped Heiress Published:2025-2-8

Ivan’s POV
The day I’ve been absolutely dreading finally came. Mother needs to be moved into hospice care. According to Sasha, things are not looking good. I’ll need to fly down there soon if I want to get to see her and say goodbye before it’s too late.
I’d like to say I’ve come to terms with the fact that she would eventually die but that would be a big lie. Despite this being her second relapse, I still never expected the day to come.
She’s all I and my siblings had for so many years and even though she had neglected us and buried herself in alcohol, she was our mother, it wasn’t good what she had done and I know that. But it wasn’t her fault either.
It’s not fair that her life is being cut short by something as vile and wicked as cancer.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You can handle it right?” Sophia asks from where she’s standing, in the doorway to my-our-bedroom, considering the fact that she’s here most of the time.
And I know Maxim is right, this is unlike me. I’m sure Father would be rolling in his grave if he found out I let pleasure and physical attraction get the best of me. But I never said I was going to let go of my revenge plan, I’ll still make Smith pay for his crime and betrayal, I’ll make him pay with his life and money. I just wanted her so bad and I let myself have her.
I was still in control of my emotions, my head, and my life. I’d decided to trust her because I felt like I could. She was still my prisoner but she brought calm and peace to me.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I nodded. “I can handle it, it’s definitely going to be tough, but there’s nothing anyone can do about it anyway.”
“Hey, Ivan…” Suddenly, her hand was on my back, and when I glanced down at her, her eyes held concern and something else…
“I’m so sorry, Ivan. I may not know your mum, but I see how much she means to you, and how all these affect you. I’m really just so sorry,” she whispers. “I like that you feel like you could trust me enough to be open about your pain.”
The words come out soft, almost hard to hear, but the sincerity in her eyes is staggering. Growing up the way I did, I always kept my emotions to myself. It wouldn’t have gotten me anywhere speaking them aloud, so why bother?
I couldn’t confide in my sisters, they needed me to be their pillar and with Sasha, I opened up a little, just enough but I’ve never felt like I could unload on my sister the way I needed to. With Sophia… it had felt different.
She makes me feel like maybe I don’t need to be this emotionless, steel exterior I showed the world and everyone around me. It’s a feeling I’m not used to and at times, it’s uncomfortable.
I still don’t know what came over me that night, why I felt the need to walk into her room that night, why I confided in her. Everything felt right, I felt like I could just pour my heart out and let my guard down, I could grieve for my mum with her around.
There’s not a single other person I would’ve been able to be that vulnerable, raw, and exposed around. She was exactly what I needed at that moment. But she doesn’t need to know that.
I’m sure all this is momentarily. One day I’d set her free and we’d go our separate ways.
“Thank you,” I murmured after a while. “For being there, she’s when you didn’t need to, even when you didn’t know why I was distraught. It did mean a lot.”
“I’m so sorry about what you’re going through.”
My throat feels tight as I force a reply. “It’s fine. It’s part of life, shit happens.”
“What time are you leaving?” She asks, pulling away to sit on the bed, while I get ready to leave.
“Anytime soon, I already asked Maxim to get everything ready,” I added one more piece of stuff to my suitcase.
I heard her feet shuffle toward the door. “Okay. Well, I’ll be heading to the kitchen, I need to grab some snacks.”
Glancing up, I offer her a smile I know doesn’t reach my eyes, but it’s the best I can do. My chest cavity feels empty, but the dull ache in the center isn’t getting any better. There seems to be a lump lodged in my throat. Every time I try to swallow it or clear it away, it grows. I knew this was coming, yet I was not prepared.
My phone starts vibrating on my dresser. Grabbing it. It’s a call from Maxim.
“Maxim,” I said as I answered the call.
“We are ready,” he said.
“I’ll be with you shortly.”
“And Ivan,” Sophia said after I hung up. I didn’t notice her come back in.
“Yes, Milaya?”
“I’ll be here when you need me.” She didn’t wait for a reply, she turned and left.
I’ll be here when you need me.
I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me. And somehow it comforted me, made me feel better.
Maxim’s POV
This was the perfect opportunity, I thought to myself. Sure it wasn’t the right time to do this but it was the perfect opportunity. Ivan would be distracted for a while and that could help me execute my plan. I needed to help Ivan get back to his old self.
Not only did he start fucking her, but he let her move around the house freely like she’s some girlfriend or something. It’s like he has completely forgotten what our plan was. And if he didn’t want to use her as a pawn anymore, it was expected that he would send her back or kill her. But he hasn’t done any of that, instead, he’s obsessing over her.
“Maxim.” Ivan’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. He looked like shit. I could tell the news about his mum was weighing him down. Even when we were both teenagers and he had to step up for his siblings he wasn’t weak. He never showed emotions or gave room for weakness.
“Yes, Ivan.”
“Please make sure to remind Igor to provide Sophia with the things she will need while we are away,” he said calmly as scrolled through his phone.
I groaned inwardly. And quickly passed on the message to Igor.
This…this was what I was talking about! He’s on his way to care for his sick mother, yet he cares about her well-being.
What’s so special about her?
Fuck it. Time to put my plan in motion.
If executed properly, Ivan would never find out. And even if he does find out, he has to understand that I’m doing this for his own good. For the organization.
I take out my phone and type out messages to the people needed to execute this properly.
Then I sent one to Anna.
Me: You want Ivan back, don’t you?
Her reply came almost immediately.
Anna: Why are you texting me? *eye roll emoji* You were so rude to me the last time we met.
Me: I don’t have time for silly games. I can help you get back Ivan’s attention, but you need to play your part as well. Deal or no deal?
Three dots indicating she was typing appeared , then disappeared , appeared , and disappeared again.
This fucking bitch.
Anna: Alright, fine. Tell me what I need to do.
Me: Good. Welcome aboard.