Ivan’s POV
I looked down at her soft, round bubbly butt and pale, thick thighs, now coloured red and marked with my fingerprints and I like the view of it. She had enjoyed me spanking her, which I didn’t expect her to and that was hot as fuck.
“Ivan,” she whimpers.
“Shh,” I said in a gentle, low voice, my fingers stroking her hair. “You did well. You were so good.”
I moved her limp body to sit up on my thighs, cuddling her. She’s still whimpering, sobbing, and obviously so very aroused. It’s taking everything in me to not rail her into the mattress right now. She’s so damn responsive, and that does things to me.
Sniffling and nuzzling into the crook of my neck, I lift her head to look at me. “Would you like to shower and eat before you sleep?”
I’m not supposed to be this way with a captive, but I think we are past that by now. I’ve already crossed so many boundaries
“I can’t, I’m too tired. Let me sleep first, please.” She pleaded softly.
“You will after you shower, I think it’s better that way before you sleep,” I replied, my hands still stroking her strawberry-blonde locks.
She blinked at me. “Please, I’m too tired. Need to rest a little, she mumbled.”
“Alright, princess,” I placed her on the bed and tucked her in.
“Uh-huh,” she mumbled into the pillow, before hugging it and falling into a deep sleep.
I woke up with a bad headache. I barely slept last night, all I could think about was how Sophia had reacted to my punishment. And I couldn’t quite control my own body last night, I had jerked off to the image of her being spanked by me until my cock couldn’t handle it.
The way she had clung to me, seeking comfort and trusting me enough to fall into an exhausted sleep. It kept replaying in my head and I can’t seem to get it out, it’s like I’m a teenage boy again.
She had been so good like she was made for me. And I hope she likes it rough and hard. I liked it rough, liked the rush of power I got when I reduced someone into a pliant, submissive mess, and I always take good care of my sex partners.
Last night, I had found myself wanting to do wicked things to her for hours before tucking her in.
I hadn’t, of course. I still had some self-control left. I had to make her needy for me, not the other way around.
With these thoughts in mind, I found myself walking to her room on the other side of my bedroom.
My eyes take in her features as she lay on her side facing the wall, her back to the door.
Her hair is a mess on the pillow, her thighs exposed and I can still see the marks I left on it. My breath hitched.
Hold your fucking horses, Ivan.
I moved closer to her bed. “I know you’re awake, Sophia,” I said and her shoulder stiffened.
She said nothing, she didn’t turn, still pretending to be asleep.
“Solnyshko?” I rounded the bed.
Her eyes were wide open with apprehension, her pouty pink lips parted slightly. Then she licked them. “Why are you here?” she snapped.
Okay, I guess we are back to her being feisty.
Ignoring her silly question, I sat down on the bed, closer to her legs and she sat up fast.
We stared at each other in silence, tension stretching out like a taut wire between us.
The wall clock, ticking behind me.
She swallowed. “I know what you want,” she whispered. “I’m not stupid or oblivious.”
“And what do I want?” I asked.
Seconds passed, loaded with tension.
“You want me in your bed,” she said, avoiding my eyes.
I smiled, taking her left foot in my hand and caressing it.
“I already have you in my bed, I’m trying to get you on my cock. And I also want to fuck your pretty mouth, Princess,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.
Her eyes went round and big almost like saucers and she blushed even harder, her face and neck a very bright shade of red.
“You couldn’t deny it?” she gasped
“I don’t tell lies or play unnecessary games, I want to fuck you and I’m going to do just that. Do I still hate your father and want to hunt him down? Yes. Am I going to use you as a pawn in this game between your father and me? Yes. But it doesn’t change the fact that I want you and I’m going to fuck you.”
“You’re not going to fuck me!” She snapped and snatched away the left foot I was caressing.
“Don’t worry, princess, you’ll soon beg for my cock and you’ll be gagging on it. No need to get all defensive, it will eventually happen.”
An angry laugh left her lips. “You kidnapped me. You do illegal businesses, you’re a bad man and you kill people. Why would I want to have my throat stuffed with your cock?”
I smiled at her, very much amused at her statement. “You have a very vivid imagination, princess.”
Her eyes went wide and her face flushed looking like the proverbial deer caught in headlights. “I-I d-didn’t mean it that way!”
I moved closer, almost touching her. I could count every eyelash and freckle on her lovely face as she glared at me. Reaching out, I tucked a stray strand of her golden hair behind her ears. “Are you sure, luchik? Do you really not want me as much as I want you?”
[Luchik~Ray of Light. An endearment in Russian]
She looked away. “Stop calling me things like that! We barely even know each other, I hate you and I’m pretty sure you don’t like me. And no way in hell are you fucking me Ivan.” she said in a raspy voice.
I held her chin, forcing her to look at me. “We don’t have to like each other to give in to this attraction we have for each other. You will come begging, desperately for my cock,” I said leaning in closer to her.
Her shoulders trembled as her breath hitched. She hadn’t backed away-had barely moved-since I moved closer. She seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. “In your fucking dreams,” she finally said, but there was no heat behind it.
Slowly, I dragged my thumb across her lips, loving the feel of the slick plump flesh. She was gorgeous, the kind of ethereal and unique beauty that burrowed under a man’s skin. I wanted to both worship her body and wreck her in the same breath.
I stopped touching her lips and stood up from the bed. “But don’t worry, I’m not going to touch you today. Like I said earlier I want you to crave it. To need my cock so badly that you beg me for it. And when I do fuck you, you’re never going to forget it.”
She scoffs, “I keep telling you, it will never fucking happen. You’re my captor, I must be fucked up in the head to want you in bed with me.”
“If you need to believe such nonsense to sleep at night, then by all means, lie to yourself. But I will fuck you as much as I want, whenever I want. And you’ll enjoy every second, I promise.”
She gaped at me.
I left her room. Knowing I would get what I wanted it was only a matter of time. I know there are easier and faster ways to get her father but I want it this way. So what if I wanted to fuck her and ruin her father? I never said I was a good man.
I might be lusting after her, I mean, who wouldn’t? But I’ll still get what I want, in my own way.
I always do.