Clyde’s POV
For the first time in a very long time, my wolf was yelping in joy as a car approached the pack house.
I stood with a frown, waiting for it to park close by.
When it did, Sky came out from the front with a Delta, and when he went to open the door behind him, a shaky breath escaped my lips as I felt my knees weaken.
The scent I was picking up was one that I loved and worshiped so much back in the day.
When a familiar face I never thought I would see again emerged, I found myself running to her side.
Before she could say a word, I embraced her tightly, tears forming in my eyes.
“Berta,” I whispered softly as tingles spread throughout my entire body.
I pulled back and moved my hands to her cheeks, looking at her seriously.
She was still as beautiful as she had been in the past. Although she had a few strands of gray hair, she was still gorgeous.
I leaned in to kiss her lips when she furiously pushed me back.
I frowned and opened my mouth to say how I had missed her when a hard slap touched my cheek.
I tensed in pain and slowly moved my hand to my cheek, rubbing it a few times.
“You deserve that,” my wolf growled at me.
“I’m sorry, Berta,” I whispered sadly.
It wasn’t my intention to kiss or touch her like that; it’s just that I couldn’t help myself.
“You are shameless, aren’t you?” she asked at the top of her voice.
“Even after what you did in the past, you still dare to act that way towards my son?” she asked coldly as I looked at Sky seriously.
Berta had no way of knowing how I felt about that weakling unless the damn pup had told her or Sky had betrayed me by saying that to her.
“I can’t believe this, Clyde. After all those years, I thought…” She trailed off in a sad tone.
“I thought you would have regret and…”
“I do, Berta, every day of my life,” I answered honestly, cutting her off.
I might have hated the weak pup she birthed, but there was never a time I hated her. Losing her was painful for me! Back then, I was too blind to realize and accept that.
“Losing you was the greatest mistake and pain I have ever endured,” I answered sadly.
“Funny, then how do you feel about Glen?” she asked coldly.
“Choose your words carefully,” my wolf warned.
I knew how my words could easily send her away or give me a chance to fully apologize to her.
“He is my pup and a part of me, so I am happy to have him in this pack,” I answered as Sky widened his eyes in shock.
Berta, too, looked surprised by my words.
“What?” she asked loudly.
I took a step closer and grabbed her hands in mine.
“Berta, Glen is my pup as much as he is yours, so I care for him,” I said, then flinched when I picked up his scent.
“Mother, how are you here?” Glen’s voice came from behind.
She quickly pulled her hands away and walked past me as I slowly turned to look at them.
She wasted no time embracing him with a soft chuckle.
“Did you miss me?” she asked after she had pulled back.
“Of course I did, Mother. Sky and I missed you a lot,” he answered and then frowned when I approached them.
When I stood in front of him, he was about to shift his gaze. When I moved my hand to his shoulder, he instantly froze.
“Son, how about you see if your mother has come with luggage?” I said softly.
He looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Glen, perhaps you are tired from your little couple’s game with your brother?” I asked.
“If not, then go on,” I said as he moved back and slowly walked to the car.
When Berta looked at me with a raised brow, I shrugged.
“What?” I asked softly.
“Nothing,” she answered and then walked into the pack house as I quickly followed behind.
When she walked into the living room, she began looking around.
“Nothing much has changed,” she whispered softly.
“Why would it?” I asked back.
When she glanced at me, I cleared my throat.
“I mean, I saw no reason to when you were the one who gave this room life with your beautiful touch,” I answered.
“Look, Clyde, I only came here for Glen’s…,”
“Mother, why do you have a small suitcase?” Sky asked as he walked in, interrupting her.
“Because I wasn’t planning on staying long,” she answered simply.
“I see,” he replied as I frowned and tilted my head.
“I would love it if you stayed a bit longer, Mother. After all, I’m glad to have you in my pack,” he said, and I smiled at him widely.
Perfect, I wasn’t proud of him for no reason. He knew how to understand me without words and how to act without me instructing him.
“Sky, I wish I could, but….”
“Please, Mother,” Glen said as soon as he walked in.
I looked at him seriously. When he looked back at me, I smiled at him.
I didn’t like the weak pup, but right now he was doing exactly as I wanted him to, and that was making Berta stay.
“Fine, I’ll stay for a while,” she answered with a smile.
“I’m glad,” I said simply and then went to Glen, moving my hand to his shoulder.
“Glen, stay with me for a second. Sky, how about you show your mother around since it’s been a long time?” I said loudly.
“There is no need for that, Clyde,” she answered.
“I insist,” I said seriously.
“I would be happy to. Mother, come with me,” he said, and then grabbed her hand and walked out of the room with her.
“The least he can do is put on a damn shirt,” I whispered and then looked at Glen seriously.
“Pup, I believe we started off on the wrong foot,” I said as he moved my hand away from his shoulder.
“What exactly do you want from me, sir?” he asked seriously.
What exactly did he think I wanted from him when he was so damn weak?
I sighed softly and brushed my hand through my hair.
“Your cooperation while your mother stays here is important. I don’t want to make her upset or sad in any way while she’s here, and I believe you want the very same thing, don’t you?” I asked seriously.
“I do, but why should I vouch for you?” he asked seriously.
“Because you have always wanted my acknowledgment. Right now, I’m giving that to you, Glen,” I answered seriously.
“I no longer need it, Clyde,” he said, and then turned to walk away.
“Son, please consider my words, not for my sake but for your mother’s,” I said loudly as he began to walk away.
Despite not responding, I had hope he would seriously consider my words.