Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

Theo’s grunting was getting faster and harder, the sound of his scribbling notes was intermittent and weak.
Esther took a long breath.
‘I never cum that fast by myself,’ she said hoarsely smiling up at Curt and Alfie in turn. But both of them seemed to have taken Theo’s comment to heart and were both standing to attention in both senses. Their faces were blank as they tried not to violate the rules of the experiment.
Esther wondered briefly what it was that Theo was looking for here. But she was into it now, having fun, so she let the thought lapse quickly.
The recorded voice said, ‘Please take a moment to catch your breath. The next phase will begin shortly.’
Esther let herself flop back onto the table and look up at the ceiling while her breath came back. Her whole body felt suffused with a warm glow that started in her cunt and radiated out through all the muscle systems of her body. She could have used a cuddle just then, someone warm to curl up against, but she would settle for round two once the voice decided they were ready.
‘1B and 1C,’ the voice barked. ‘Stand by. 1A please move to the end of the bed and so your legs are over the edge. Remove your underwear and lie back.’
Esther did so, first kicking of her panties then undoing her bra, and finally scooting down the bed until she was sat at the foot of it, feet dangling, then she lay back.
‘1B please insert your penis into 1A’s mouth.’
Esther turned her head and shifted a little to make it easier. Curt moved to the edge of the bed and slid his cock into her open mouth. The latex felt smooth on her tongue. She wished he was bareback though, and wondered what his skin tasted like.
‘1C please insert your penis into 1A’s vagina.’
With her head turned to face Curt she couldn’t see Alfie manoeuvring himself.
But she could feel him. The smoothed head of his cock in its latex wrapping nosed at her opening a few times before finding the right spot and slipping in.
She let out an involuntary squeal of pleasure as Alfie slide his cock home in one long stroke. She wanted to look down to see the slip and slide of it, the penetration. This was her first time. She wanted the visual, to know what it looked like.
Instead she had to make do with the sensations.
The feeling was unlike anything she’d ever felt. The little vibrator she used at home had never filled her up like this. The little vibrator at home also didn’t have hands, or the weight of a male body behind each thrust.
The hands felt expert, in control. One found her clit and began rubbing it fast but with only the lightest of touches. The other wrapped around her thigh and served as leverage moving her into Alfie’s stroke and releasing her away as he pulled out.
The effect was also to push her up onto Curt’s cock, pushing it over her tongue which swirled around the head when it popped out near her lips. When he pushed his cock home she extended her tongue along the shaft to taste the bare skin at the bottom of the condom.
That bare skin was wonderful, connecting her to the human being, to something like Theo, where the rest of the experiment seemed to aim to dehumanise all three of them.
The pleasure from her cunt seemed to have a small echo in her mouth. The pleasant stretch of her throat seemed like a mild version of the pleasant
stretch of her vagina.
The cock on her tongue felt strange. The rubber johnny made the cock feel like a machine. But the warmth of it was completely human. She felt her own spit drooling out of her mouth; it was hard to swallow when her throat was regularly filled with the warm, wet, cock.
Curt’s hands were on her tits, stroking the soft skin and playing with her nipples and this gently deformation of her skin seemed to join the pleasant stretching of her throat and cunt.
She began to feel something like an orgasm beginning to build. But not in her clit as it did when she was alone, but all through her. Strongest in her belly deep inside her, where Alfie’s cock pressed against her cervix and kept pushing stretching her deeper as well as wider.
The pleasure had other centres too. In her nipples when Curt gave them attention. Even in her throat somehow.
It was all building to an incredible orgasm.
For a moment her rhythm broke and Curt’s cock slipped out of her mouth and slid across her cheek. She glanced down, and saw the vastness of Alfie’s cock just disappearing again into her. It was so strange like an optical illusion. She felt she should be able to see a bulge where he was filling her up and see it subside as he slid out.
Seeing her cunt swallowing that cock was beautiful. Sexy, and slick it vanished into her and then reappeared like a magic trick. She looked up and enjoyed the expanse of male skin, the movement of muscle beneath it.
She lost the thought suddenly, as an orgasm hit her by surprise. She gripped that cock as hard as she could as each stroke seemed to drive pleasure into her the way a ramrod drives a bullet down a musket barrel.
It shot up from her cunt in waves seeming to explode when it hit the other centres. Her nipples turned her whole torso into a pleasure zone. Her throat though briefly empty expanded sending pleasure in tingling waves through her scalp.
Curt was back in the game, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and the pleasure in her scalp exploded again shooting down to meet the pleasure that still
rolled up in waves from between her legs.
He waited till she opened her mouth to let out another scream of pleasure and rammed his cock home.
He was clearly goal oriented now, fucking her throat like it was a cunt. She struggled to gasp down a breath on each out stroke as his in stroke filled her throat.
Her mouth accidentally clamped down and a sharp edge of her tooth caught on the condom. There was an odd feeling and suddenly there was nothing but a ring of latex around the base of Curt’s cock and a loose rag of rubber in her mouth along with the full length of his bare cock.
It felt amazing and she felt another orgasm rip through her at the sudden sensation of that bulbous purple head ramming into her throat.
Her spasms seemed to set Curt off and she felt a squirt like water out of a syringe hit the back of her throat.
His outstroke smeared her tongue with the liquid and she tasted sperm for the first time. A thick salty schmaltz that coated everything and had a faint pineappley sweetness underneath it.
Curt pulled out and Esther spat what she hadn’t swallowed out. It was too thick though and simply rand out her mouth and down her cheeks and chin.
She felt dirty in the best possible way. The broken condom was an accident but a thrilling one.
A moment later Alfie finished pumping into her with a series of hard groans. He pulled out and she leaned forward to see the tip of the condom bulging with a thick white liquid.
The camera watched closely as 1A leaned forward to inspect the cock which now hung limply from 1C’s groin. The lens zoomed a little to try and catch the moment when she gently cupped the dangling member and began carefully to remove the condom. Cum was smeared over her wet lips and her cunt was dripping. Both men had a shine of sweat on them.
The sound of Theo’s masturbation was reaching fever pitch just off camera.
1A got the condom free and examined it closely. Then she laughed out loud and taking the end in her mouth tilted her head back and squeezed down the condom like she was slurping yogurt or toothpaste out of a little tube.
She turned towards the camera and opened her mouth wide inspecting herself in the mirror. Clearly pleased with what she saw she smiled. Winked at herself and tilted her head back to swallow.
She coughed a little where it stuck, and pulled a face.
The microphone picked up the word, ‘Salty’ from the other side of the mirror, then moments later the guttural sound of Theo getting very close to climax, then backing off before he went to far.