Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

CONTENT: fishing, fucking on boat, public sex.
This was the exact reason why I never brought my girlfriend fishing with me.
When I had paddled the boat to the middle of the river and was ready to cast my line, she pulled off all her clothes and revealed a black bikini. And then she jumped into the water, and as any fisherman knows, all her kicking was now scaring off the fish.
So I reclined in the boat with my shades, the smell of the sunscreen on my face wafting up into my nose. My rod was ready at my side in case any fish decided to swim along, since my girlfriend wasn’t paddling too ferociously at the moment. She drifted in the river, hugging a life vest instead of actually wearing it.
“Stay just like that and the fish might decide to come!” I shouted at her. “Just pretend you’re dead and they’ll come for a nibble!”
“You should come in too!” she shouted back at me. “It’s sooo hot and the water is soooo nice. We’ll float and be dead on the water together.”
“How am I supposed to catch fish if I’m in the water with them?”
“You fish every weekend. When was the last time you actually jumped in?”
I grumbled. I told myself I was going to keep an eye out for fish, but my eyes kept wandering back to my girlfriend’s wet hair hugging her head
and her wet shoulders glistening in the sun. She closed her eyes to enjoy the cold water on her skin and an idea popped into my head.
I dug through her backpack until I found that little treasure that’s irresistible to her – her Starbucks card. I took off the current bait on my line and hooked the card to the end with the tiniest puncture. It took all of my self control not to make any chuckle or scoff.
I cast the Starbucks card into the water towards my girlfriend and it landed logo-side-up, with the green mermaid holding her two tails in front of the white plastic background. The card floated towards her and I let the line slack so that it rested invisibly on the water’s surface. Now all that needed to happen was for her to open her eyes and spot the treasure.
Then she opened her eyes. First, she looked at the clouds in the sky, and I knew the exact moment she saw the card as her eyes lit up.
“Oh my god! Look what I found!”
“What? What is it?”
I made my grip sturdy on the rod.
“I wonder if it still has any money on it!” she shouted.
She grabbed the card, lifted it out of the water, and I yanked the rod. “I caught a big one!”
The card slipped right out of her wet hand.
“Shit! I lost it!” I yelled.
My girlfriend slammed the water and groaned. The card fell back
into the water.
“Ugh! You’re intolerable!”
“You should’ve seen it, babe! A big Caucasian specimen with long blonde fins and the biggest breasts I’ve ever seen on a 115-pounder!”
I lightly tugged on the card.
“Maybe it’ll still bite! If I pull slowly, the bait looks like it’s still alive.”
I slowly pulled the card toward me and my girlfriend swam closer to the boat. I swear I could see her rolling her eyes at me.
“Why are you like this?” she asked as she floated in front of me.
“Because I can still have fun too, even if I’m just doing boring ole’ fishing.”
“Then come in the water!”
“I didn’t bring my swim trunks.” I tugged on my khakis. “This shit doesn’t dry fast you know.”
“You’re wearing underpants, aren’t you?”
“Actually, I have a better idea.”
I pulled both my shorts and my underpants off and stood up so my
girlfriend could get a full view. “Oh my god!”
My manhood was now fully exposed and my girlfriend looked around frantically.
“What if somebody comes?!”
“There’s nobody here! Plus isn’t that what makes it fun?”
I shook my hips so that my dick flopped side to side.
“Oh my god.”
“You totally think it’s sexy.”
“Ok, maybe…”
I chuckled. There was something fun about letting the thing flop
around. But it got less floppy the more I thought about getting into the water with my girlfriend.
“Alright, I’m coming in like you asked.”
I grabbed my lifevest and put it on. I buckled it and then shook my haunches like a cat. Fuck it’s gonna be cold.
“Ok, ok, one, two, three!”
I held my breath and then jumped. As I hit the surface, the water seemed to explode on my girlfriend’s face. I heard her scream for just a split second before my head went underwater. The cold was a shock. I scrambled back to the surface and inhaled.
It was cold but damn was it refreshing.
My girlfriend was wiping the water from her eyes as I paddled
towards her. I went up to her and gave her a wet kiss.
“I want you to take yours off too,” I said. “Don’t make me skinny
dip all on my own.”
“But what if I lose my bikini?”
“Now you’re just making excuses! Literally throw it into the boat.” She eyed me hesitantly at first, but I knew she couldn’t resist the
allure of a good time. She pulled her top over her shoulders and head first. I could see her breasts and her perky nipples just below the rippling surface of the water, but I couldn’t see anything past that as she removed her
bottom. She threw both pieces into the boat and covered her breasts with the life vest she was holding.
“There. Now what?”
“Oh you know what happens next.”
“You’re really going to try to…?”
“Hell yeah.”
“Is this even gonna work?”
“I dunno.”
“What do you mean I dunno?”
“I mean I’ve never tried it before. Let’s see if we can make it work.” “We can just get in the boat, like, it’s not as cold out there.”
“Nah nah I wanna try this. Please?”
“Fine. But it’s weird.”
“No! It’s not weird! It’s kinda sexy. Kinky too.”
Instead of trying to persuade her more with my words, I swam up to
her so that my chest was touching her life vest. We bobbed up and down in the gentle waves in sync. I held her by the back of her neck, a few strands of her wet hair caught in my fingers as I planted a kiss on her lips. The water dripped from the tips of our noses. I knew she was smiling by the way her lips moved against mine. I pressed my lips harder against hers, but I guess I was so focused on my passionate kissing that I didn’t notice my leg kick out to tread water and hit her in the shin.
“Baby! Baby! I’m sorry!”
I kissed her on the cheek this time, making a smooching noise like I
was kissing a baby.