He didn’t want to rush things and so instead he pulled at the top of her bathrobe slightly, exposing more of her breasts. He looked down at them and then kissed her again. One of his hands took hold of her ass and the other one Moved up her body and took hold of one of her breasts through the thick material of her bathrobe. She felt the material rubbing against her, rubbing on her nipple, as his hand moved over her breast. His hand reached the top of her bathrobe and he paused there. She felt his thumb move upward and touch the exposed upper part of her breast. He stroked the skin there. She felt something melt inside her.
She took hold of the buttons of his shirt. Her first instinct was just to tear them open, but she moved her fingers over them, took hold of them, and started to undo them. When she had the first few undone she slid her hand down onto his stomach. She felt the light fuzz of hair there, felt the muscles of his abdomen, felt the rise and fall of his breathing.
Her hand moved up and then she felt his pecs. They were just as firm as the muscles of his abdomen.
She pulled back from his kiss and smiled up at him. Then she looked down at his buttons that were still done up and gave them her full attention, undoing them slowly as though it was some incredibly difficult task, wanting to keep him waiting even though she didn’t really want to wait. She wanted to feel as though she was setting the pace, even though she knew that all of this was really happening just at the pace that he wanted. She got his shirt undone and pushed at it. He stepped away from her, stepping back toward the door, and looked down at her with a smile.
He slowly pulled at his shirt and dropped it to the ground. She looked at his body now – tanned, powerful – and she wanted it more than ever. She wanted him to see her body now. She wanted him to look at her with the same desire in his eyes that she was looking at him with.
Before she got the chance to act on that instinct though he pulled her toward him. He grabbed hold of her bathrobe and for a moment she thought that it might just come undone of its own accord.
It wasn’t to be, however, so she had to be content with his hands on her hips through the thick material. She thought what it would be like if she was wearing that same bikini she had worn back in summer – that bikini that was hardly there at all. If she was wearing that then his hands would now be on her skin. She cursed the stupid bathrobe.
One of his hands reached round to her ass. He subtly turned her around and pushed her against the door. She lifted one of her legs up and curled it around him, rubbing it against his upper leg. That had the effect of pushing her bathrobe apart and one side dropped down, exposing her leg.
She felt his hand on the top of her leg, holding on to her thigh.
He was gripping it firmly, keeping it in place right where he wanted it, rubbing against him. She wanted to feel his touch on more of her body. He touched her with a confidence that let her know that she was his, all his.
His other hand moved up to her breast again, feeling it through her bathrobe. It still wasn’t enough for her, but she was busy with her hands moving over his body as well as they continued kissing.
She ran her hands over his back, feeling the muscles working there. She felt the hand on her breast move upward. She felt it sliding into her bathrobe. This was it, she thought to herself. He was going to take hold of it and then he was going to get her naked.
Then he turned her around once again. He stopped kissing her and took her by the waist. He pushed her backward, maneuvering her over toward the bed. She knew that this had to be it. She smiled up at him and pushed her hands against his chest even as she walked backward. She felt the back of her legs hit the bed and she stopped.
Joe kept pushing for a moment. Perhaps he was planning to push her back onto the bed where he could then have his way with her. She had other ideas, however.
He pushed at her and she pushed back, harder. He stepped back, his mouth opened in slight surprise, a smile at the corners.
She waited a moment to check that she had his full attention.
Then She took hold of the belt around her bathrobe. She looked down at it in the same way that she had looked down at his short buttons, as though it was something that required her utmost attention. Then she looked up at him, catching him watching what she was doing with his undivided attention – with a look of absolute desire, absolutely needing her to undo that belt and open up that bathrobe immediately.
She kept him waiting a few moments longer. She knew that it was a dangerous game that she was playing. At any moment he might grow impatient and rip it open himself. She could see the wild look in his eyes. She knew how much he wanted her.
She didn’t want to keep him waiting any longer. She didn’t want to wait any longer. She tugged at the knot in the belt and it came undone easily. Her bathrobe fell open.
He looked at her, at the hint of her body that was revealed to him as it hang slightly open. That was it for him. He couldn’t hold back any longer.
He stepped forward and slid one arm beneath her bathrobe, onto her waist. His other hand took hold of her face as he came to her to kiss her once again. The hand on her waist pulled her close and she felt his body push onto the naked flesh of hers. She reached down and undid his pants. She took hold of the back of them and pulled them down. She got them down to his knees, but that was enough to start with anyway.
He pushed up against her harder and she felt his cock against her body through his boxer shorts.
She wanted to grab hold of it but she wanted to see what he did next as well. His hand ran up her body – slowly, as he enjoyed the feel of her body, taking it all in. She knew where it was going, however, and she was excited for that moment. She pushed herself up against his cock even harder.
Then his hand was on one of her breasts. She felt herself going weak at the knees for a moment but then she was filled with new strength.
His hand moved over her breast. He lifted it up, he squeezed it, he stroked it, and then he used his index finger to draw circles around her nipple. The circles moved in closer and closer from the outer area of her breast till she felt his finger moving over her nipple, round and round.