Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

She pushed herself against his leg, feeling her pussy pushing against him. The hand on her back moved up to the tiny bit of string that was holding her bikini top in place. This was it. This was the moment. When he got her top off there would be no going back. They were both fully committed to what they were about to do.
And then they both heard it. The front door slammed.
She jumped up and looked around, shocked. Her heart had been beating faster anyway but now it was pounding for an altogether different reason. Someone had come home!
“Hello?” she called out and turned to look at Ben. He looked just as shocked as she did.
“Hey, sweetie!” It was her mother calling from downstairs. Somehow she had come home early.
“You’ve got to go!” Claire hissed at Ben. The moment had passed now, there was no doubt about that. She leaped up from bed and pulled her dress back on. She took one last longing glance at Ben’s hot body as he pulled his T-shirt back on.
“The window!” she said to him as she heard footsteps on the stairs.
And that was it. It was over. Her last great chance to finally get to lose her virginity that summer and had ended with Ben scrambling out of her
window, lowering himself down into the garden, and running off as she looked at him wistfully and thought about what might have been.
They had tried to meet up again when they knew that they would have the place to themselves but somehow it just hadn’t worked out and then they had simply run out of time. They had said their goodbyes and he had gone away to college.
Her days had been filled with regrets over what might have been and thoughts about what she should do next. So when her father had come up with the idea of her going somewhere else it had seemed like a good opportunity on so many levels. She’d be able to escape the ghosts that walked the streets and finally be able to try something different.
In the car on the way over there she still couldn’t shake off the nerves, however. She told herself that it was understandable. This was a big deal.
She had left early in the morning so that she wouldn’t get there too late. By the middle of the afternoon, she was almost there.
She pulled into the driveway and looked at the house. It was big – bigger than her family’s home, anyway. There were a couple of cars outside. She didn’t know if the man she would be staying with was married – her father hadn’t mentioned a wife, anyway.
She grabbed her suitcase and headed to the door.
The man who answered the door took her somewhat by surprise. She had been imagining a typical middle-aged man but what she saw went completely against her expectations.
He was maybe slightly younger than her father. She would have estimated his age at forty, but then when he smiled he looked slightly younger, even though his smile made creases around his eyes.
He was wearing a casual shirt and trousers. His hair was cut short and was a light brown color. He had a light tan and a slightly unshaven look. His smile was contagious and she smiled back at him.
“Hi,” he said, “I’m guessing you must be Claire?” “Hi! Yes, and you must be Mr. Clarke?”
“Oh, please, call me Joe.”
“OK, Joe it is.”
“Come on, let’s get you inside. Here, let me take your bag.”
He took her suitcase and lifted it easily. She was impressed – she had packed a lot and her bag was fairly heavy.
He led her into the house. They walked through into a large front room. She noticed that there was another man sitting on one of the couches. He stood up when she walked in.
“Hi,” he said, “I’m Max.”
Hi, Max,” she replied, wondering who he was.
“Max is my business partner. I thought he should be round to meet you.”
“Oh!” she said, understanding, “pleased to meet you, Max!”
“Likewise,” he replied.
They sat her down and asked her about herself. She replied and asked a few questions of her own. It was a nice, relaxed atmosphere.
When the two of them started talking to each other she took the opportunity to check them both out properly. Joe was a good-looking guy – she had spotted that straight away. Now she got a proper chance to look at Max as well. He was a good-looking guy as well. He looked as though he was about the same age as Joe. He was taller than him – Joe was about average height but Max was noticeably taller. He had unkempt sandy blonde hair that stopped slightly above his shoulders. Both men looked as though they worked out fairly regularly. They weren’t massive but they looked toned.
“Anyway,” Joe said, turning his attention back to her, “We know that you’ve had a long journey. How about I show you to your room and you can have a shower and unwind?”
“Sure,” she smiled at him, “sounds good.”
He led her upstairs, carrying her suitcase for her once again, and showed her one of the rooms. It was spacious with a good view. There was a large bed in the middle of the room.
“There’s an en suite so take your time. We’ll just be downstairs whenever you want to come and join us again.”
After he left her alone she sat down on the bed. She was starting to feel a lot better about this whole situation. She realized that she hadn’t even asked what the job was that she was going to be doing for Max and Joe. It had just been so easy to relax and chat with both of them. Whatever it was that she was expected to do she had a feeling that she was going to enjoy it anyway. And they were certainly very easy on the eye, which was a definite bonus.
She had been planning to have a shower but when she saw the huge bath she decided to indulge herself.
She lowered herself into the steaming hot bath, feeling her skin tingle. She closed her eyes and felt her muscles starting to relax. She smiled to herself and let out a little sigh.
She soaped her legs, feeling her hand slide down them. She rested her hand at the top of her leg. She thought about the two men downstairs. They were good-looking guys. For some reason, she couldn’t seem to get past that particular fact. They both seemed so assertive. She couldn’t imagine herself pushing them escaping through a window. No, somehow she thought that with either of them things would have gone very differently that day.
She smiled to herself. What on earth was she thinking? They were going to be her bosses! She couldn’t think like that.
All the same, she found that her hand had moved in from her leg. She felt her fingers between her legs. She ran her fingers around her pussy, teasing herself gently.