She ran a hand across its length, sending a shudder of anticipation through Valerie’s outstretched form. Her fingers gently probed its depths, quickly locating the thick nub at its apex. Then, without further hesitation, she brought her mouth against Valerie’s sex and kissed it lovingly.
“Oh baby, yes,” Valerie moaned as she leaned back and closed her eyes, even as she brushed back Bree’s locks from her face with a sweep of her hand. “You don’t know how many nights I imagined you right where you are now. Part of me still can’t believe this isn’t all some sort of dream.”
But it was no dream, a fact that Bree drove home as she pressed the tip of her tongue as deep into Valerie as it would go, siding it along the nectar covered walls as she delighted in the intoxicating tastes and scents of arousal. If the question had been asked just a few days before, Bree would probably have said she couldn’t have really imagined herself going down on another woman, at least not with the abandon she now displayed. Yet, at this moment, it seemed the most natural thing in the world, and the ease with which she took to it did not surprised her in the least.
Valerie’s body shifted back and forth on the bed, moving to the erotic rhythms of Bree’s efforts. If Valerie wasn’t certain of the fact, she never would’ve believed that this was the first time the Bree had ever done this. If there was such a thing as a natural cunnilingist, then Bree was certainly it. Dark hands held her pussy lips open, giving the neophyte even greater access to the joys within. Access she used to her best advantage.
“Mmmmm, that is good,” Valerie purred, “so very good.”
Bree’s talented tongue seemed to be everywhere, hitting all the right spots to bring Valerie the most pleasure. She seemed a woman possessed,
filled with but one thought, to bring the woman before her to the same orgasmic heights that she had brought Bree.
“Oh right there,” Valerie echoed, as Bree found her most sensitive place that always produced a quick and most satisfying climax. “Just concentrate your tongue right there.”
In a surge of enthusiasm, Bree added her fingers to her lips and tongue, with devastating effect. Wave on wave of delight washed across Valerie’s quaking body as she felt her climax mounting. If this was a dream, she thought with her last coherent effort, then please let it not end before she orgasmed.
She needn’t have worried, because this was all too real and Bree wasn’t going to rest until she succeeded, lavishing even more attention on Valerie’s clit. The forces caressing her body caused her to moan even louder, her sweat- covered form rocking back and forth on the bed.
“Oh God, Bree! I’m going to … going to…” Valerie managed to stammer out before words gave way to a final scream of delight as she grabbed hold of the sheets beneath her and held on for dear life, while multiple waves of orgasmic delight ripped across her.
“You … are a genuine marvel,” Valerie said after her body had finally stopped quaking and again they rested from their labors in each other’s arms. “How did you ever learn to do that?”
“Beginner’s luck?” Bree grinned.
“Beginner’s luck my ass,” Valerie grinned back.
“No, I’m definitely sure that was your pussy I was licking, not your ass,” Bree laughed. “But … I would be willing to give that a try too if you
“Maybe later,” Valerie laughed back, “but first, I want you again.”
“Already?” Bree said, a touch of surprise in her response.
“No, not already,” Valerie said as she pulled herself up far enough to kiss Bree, “always.”
Following the kiss, Valerie moved Bree upward, even as she herself slid downward until her face was between the younger woman’s legs. Seeing where she was going, Bree brought her body down until her pussy was pressed hard against her mouth. Valerie wrapped her arms around Bree’s thighs from the underside and, clearing a path for her tongue with her hands, immediately began to demonstrate the magic she had become renowned for among those who had previously shared her bed.
Bree reached back with one hand to massage Valerie’s breasts, even as she used the other to help maintain her balance. Valerie followed suit, freeing one hand and giving Bree’s mounds equal attention. Together they rolled back and forth in mutual pleasure.
But Valerie had more in mind as, guiding Bree back onto the mattress, she slipped out from under her. She spread the redhead’s legs as wide as she could, then brought her head once more between them, returning to her task with even greater determination.
“Oooooooo,” Bree moaned long and loudly as once more ripples of delight danced across her body.
Moans that continued in frequency and volume until after what seemed an eternity, she enjoyed her second orgasm of the evening. One, while not as intense as the first was still the second best she could remember.
But even with that, Valerie wasn’t finished, as she turned herself all the way around, so that both of them could lick the other simultaneously. An effort that would eventually lead to a third climax for each of them.
“Well, do you feel any different?” Valerie asked as she sat across from Bree the following day at lunch, their need for sustenance finally exceeding their desire for each other.
“If you mean other than supremely happy, then no,” Bree replied, the glow on her face reflecting her mood.
It was ironic; Bree told Valerie as they ate, how many times, over the last year, she’d wished Valerie had been a man. If that had been the case, married or not, she’d have found some way to entice him into her bed.
“Do you think you’d have enjoyed last night more if I had been a man?” Valerie asked.
“That’s a hard question, one I don’t think I’m going to try and answer.” Bree replied. “Let’s just say it was one of the best nights of my life and leave it at that.”
“Mine too,” Valerie smiled.
A smile Bree returned.
“Have you given any thought as to how we’re going to handle this once we get home?” Valerie asked, turning the conversation to a more serious concern.
“Not really,” Bree replied. “Have you?”
“Actually, I have,” Valerie said.
“You have?” Bree replied, the surprise in her voice reflected on her face. “When did you have time to even think about it?”
“Oh about 2AM,” she grinned, “after you had finally fallen asleep.”
Bree blushed. That would’ve put it after her third – or was it the fourth? – orgasm of the night.
“So what did you come up with?” she asked after regaining her composure.
“Well, simply put, we do nothing,” Valerie answered.
“Yes, nothing,” Valerie repeated. “We just go on with things exactly as they were before this weekend. As far as anyone else in North Cambridge needs to know, we’re just the same old Valerie and Bree, living the same old lives.”
“If you think that’s best,” Bree said after a stunned moment, her tone hesitant as she tried but only partially succeeding in hiding her disappointment but only partially succeeded.
“I’m sure you’ll agree that it really wouldn’t be right for us to disrupt the lives of the people around us,” Valerie added, her own tone now reminding Bree of the cold, logical one she’d heard her use in court.
It took a few seconds, but Bree finally nodded her head in agreement. As much as she would like it to be otherwise, both of them had responsibilities that couldn’t be ignored. They just couldn’t be that selfish. This weekend, as wondrous as it had been, was as far as this was going to go.
Silence filled the air between them for a few long seconds, until Valerie broke the stillness.
“Victoria and Bridget, however, are another matter,” Valerie stated, a wicked smile filling her face. “I see no reason why, if they occasionally step beyond the boundaries of those lives, the two of them can’t enjoy themselves. Call it their alone time.”
“You can be an evil bitch when you want to, you know that,” Bree said in mock indignation once she realized she’d been had.
“I know,” Valerie said with a broad grin as she reached across the table and took Bree’s hand in hers, “but aren’t you glad that I’m your evil bitch?”
That had been eight months ago. In that time, Victoria and Bridget had visited Douglaston twice more, but had not felt the need to stop off at Paradise while there. In fact, aside from taking care of the legal business the trip required, they barely left their hotel room.
Additionally, at least one other weekend a month, they made overnight trips to surrounding towns to indulge in a new-found, mutual passion for antiquing. Occasionally, they even came back with some knick-knack or other to grace one of their homes as a memento of the trip.
But now, it seemed, Valerie wanted to expand the limits of “alone time”, to the point where it might even overlap their real world. Was Bree ready for that?
It didn’t take long for her to decide.
“Yeah, I can live with that,” she smiled as she grabbed her bag and headed for the door. She was happy that it appeared that Bridget would be getting laid more often, but before she did, Bree still had errands to run and people to see.