“Blessed Mother,” Bree gasped as she felt Valerie’s fingers slide inside of her, using the invocation taught to her by her catechism teachers at Saint Matthew’s in a manner that no doubt would’ve shocked the good sisters.
Valerie began slowly, gently moving two fingers deep within Bree, causing her to become even wetter. Then she quickened her pace, adding a third finger and probing even further. Waves of delight washed across Bree’s excited flesh, her breaths beginning to shorten even as her heart started to race.
With Bree’s head arched back, Valerie took the opportunity to kiss first her neck, and then her lips. The look of bliss on the woman in her arms encouraged her to increase her efforts. It didn’t take all that long for Valerie to work her magic.
“Oh God, Val… I’m gonna…” Bree cried out amidst labored breaths.
Not that Valerie needed the warning, as the quaking of the body against her gave more than ample warning of the impending explosion. If she could see the motion of her hand within Bree’s pants, it would be but a blur, but she didn’t need to see it to see its effect. Not more than a dozen heartbeats followed before the core of Bree’s sex exploded in erotic fury.
“Oooooooooo,” Bree moaned loudly as she felt her legs grow weak beneath her, her body rocking with joy.
Through it all, Valerie held her tight, sharing part of the delight she had brought her, an enjoyment reflected in the elation on her face. She waited until she was sure that Bree had regained her footing before releasing her hold on her.
“That… that was nice,” Bree said as she regained her breath, “really nice.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Valerie smiled as she watched her friend adjust her clothing, restoring a more respectable appearance.
“I don’t think ‘enjoyed’ is a good enough word,” the redhead corrected.
That made Valerie smile even more.
“Not that I’m complaining, mind you,” Bree went on after she finished composing herself, “but what happened to the idea of us keeping things like this for our alone time?”
Valerie didn’t immediately answer. Instead, she looked first to her right, then her left, and finally behind her. An action that left Bree a bit bewildered.
“Well, as far as I can tell, we’re alone here,” Valerie finally replied, “and is any time really a bad time?”
Bree really couldn’t argue with that.
“Do you have time for me to return the favor?” she asked Valerie, desire in her tone..
“Would that I did,” Valerie replied, “but while I don’t have a new client this morning, I do have a late morning appointment I really can’t miss.”
“I understand,” Bree said, disappointment clear in her voice. “But soon enough, my love,” Valerie promised.
That made the redhead smile once more.
They shared one last kiss and then Valerie was on her way, saying again that she would see Bree at seven-thirty.
Bree resisted the temptation to stand by the door and watch Valerie walk towards the car she had hidden around the corner. Instead, she sat alone in the now empty living room and considered what had just happened and what change it might signify in the relationship she and Valerie had shared for nearly a year. A relationship that had never been planned, but had since become vital to Bree’s happiness. One that had started with the best of intentions, and the most ordinary of decisions.
“Come on, Bree, it’ll be fun,” Valerie said as she dried the dish that Bree had just washed, sharing the cleanup of their weekly dinner together.
This time, it had been Bree’s turn to cook, and after Mark and Kellie had been sent off to do their homework, Valerie had brought up again the idea of Bree coming along with her to Douglaston on her business trip the coming weekend.
“I don’t know,” Bree responded as she rinsed off another dish. “I’d have to find someone to watch Kellie and…”
“Which, if you’d paid more attention to what I’ve been saying, I’ve already taken care of,” Valerie cut her off. “David will be home by Friday, as you well know, and he’s already said Kellie’s welcome to stay over at our house.”
David Stanton was Valerie’s husband, a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy. He spent just as much time deployed at sea as than he did at home, if not more. They had been married almost fifteen years and even with those prolonged absences seemed to make it work.
The trip that Valerie was trying to get Bree to accompany her on was a once a month thing, the business of which only took a few hours of her time. Most other clients would’ve been content to send her the material she
needed to review, but Alfred Dukes was a bit of an eccentric. Preferring face to face interactions, he’d rather have her take a three hour train ride upstate and stay overnight. Since Mr. Dukes had been one of her first clients, she was glad to make the effort, especially since not only did he pay both her fare and hotel bill, but over the years had referred a number of more local clients to her.
“Your husband doesn’t mind you going away the first time he’s been home in months?” Bree asked as she handed off the still wet dish.
“David understands how important the monthly trip up to Douglaston is to my practice,” she said.
“Then he’s one in a million,” Bree laughed. “I can’t imagine many men letting their wives out of the bedroom after four months at sea, much less letting her traipse off halfway across the state.”
“Well, we have been married a long time,” Valerie pointed out as she laid the last dish down on the counter. “That part of marriage really isn’t all that important to us anymore.”
“Yeah, like I’m going to believe that,” Bree replied in a skeptical tone.
In the summer of the year they met, with the then younger children safely left in the care of grandparents, the two couples had vacationed together at a resort down in the Caribbean. Much to Bree’s initial dismay, the beach there turned out to be clothing optional, with few guests availing themselves of the option. After an initial hesitation, she finally decided, what the hell, when in Rome, and joined the crowd.
After a few days, the constant nudity all around her seemed so casual, Bree no longer gave it a thought – well, at least as far as strangers were concerned. David Stanton, she discovered once they left their swimsuits behind, wasn’t endowed like the girls back in high school used to whisper
about, but was gifted enough to lend at least some credibility to the rumors they’d heard. So much so that, try as she might, Bree couldn’t help wondering what it might be like with someone that impressive. Not that Frankie wasn’t equally impressive, at least in his own way, she told herself.