CONTENT: Teasing, deep kissing, balls licking, 69, oral, season.
It was chilly December morning and I was awake earlier than usual. Just couldn’t sleep with all the excitement that I knew the weekend would bring. Deciding there was no point staying in bed, I got up and headed for the shower. I undressed quickly and stepped under the water, letting the hot spray relax tense muscles. I let my mind drift to the weekend plans, playing in my mind what was about to happen. You see I had been talking to him for almost 4 years and had never once met him. We had become fast friends, laughing, joking and sharing the good and bad times. But that was it… we were just friends, nothing more… until recently. We had lost touch for a while and so much had changed. He and his wife had separated… the things you miss when you don’t turn on your computer!!! We laughed and joked just like old times but this was a new person to me… he seemed so much more open, not just talking about the day to day stuff but actually had a flirtatious nature now.
I played the recent conversations over and over in my mind… always joking about coming up to my island “one of these day” but never really believing that it would happen. So when I got the email the other day I was shocked… it started off the same way as usual, asking about how I was and such, then asking what I was doing next weekend. He wanted me to be online that night to talk. I was online that night, not really believing that after 4 years we would finally meet. After we made plans for the visit I went to sleep that night very excited… and also very scared.
The change in water temperature shocked me out of my daydream, reaching quickly to turn it off. Grabbing a towel, I stepped out and got dressed. Just a few more hours and I would finally come face to face with him. I tried to
eat breakfast but my stomach put up protest, so I decided it would be better to skip it. I had a lot to do today before he arrived.
After doing the grocery shopping and other errands I returned home with not much time to spare. I quickly finished up putting the groceries away and went to the computer. I clicked on the email icon and waited. One message, short and to the point… ” I will be there around 5pm. Don’t cook, we will think of something when I get there… until then….” I looked at the clock, 4:45pm almost time. I thought about when he would arrive. Should u wait for him to knock? Pretend that I wasn’t really as excited to see him as I was? Should I go out and meet him as soon as I heard his car? I didn’t have time to make up my mind because I heard a car. Could only be him. I wasn’t expecting anyone else. I waited a minute and opened the door. He was just about to knock. I was frozen in my tracks. For once I didn’t know what to say. So I did the only thing I could.. I said nothing and let my actions do the talking. I gave him a big hug and asked if he had a safe trip. We stood on the step for a few minutes talking but each one knowing what the other was doing. I wondered if I was what he had expected? Then a question popped into my head.. What had I expected? Nothing… I realized in that instant that I hadn’t expected anything. For so long I had talked to this faceless person but not once did that matter.. and it still didn’t. It was the person inside that I was excited to meet. But I had to admit… now that I had the “faceless” man in front of me I was impressed.. I smiled to myself at this thought and then invited him inside.
I showed him to the spare room so that he could put his bags away, hoping that he wouldn’t decide to sleep in there. We then went back downstairs and had a great chat. We cooked supper, laughing and joking the whole time just like we did online. I must say for not ever meeting before the conversation seemed to flow very easily, not once did we run out of things to talk about.
We decided on quiet evening at home, rented a couple of videos and made some popcorn.
It was almost midnight, bedtime.. But something had been bothering me the whole time we were watching the movie.. Not once did he make any kind of a move. I was a little disappointed at first, figuring that he must have changed his mind. But then deciding just getting to hang out together was good enough. We were having a great time. I left him to have a shower while I finished cleaning up the kitchen. I could hear the water running; knowing that he was just on the other side of the wall… God I wanted to just open the door and surprise him in the shower. “Stop it Stacey!!” I scolded myself.. This wouldn’t help make getting through the weekend any easier. I heard the water stop and hurried through cleaning the kitchen. I was doing the dishes when I felt his presence behind me. “Need any help?” his deep voice said. I jumped a little, startled but hardly in a frightened way. God he didn’t even know what his voice was doing to me. “I’m almost done,” I said turning around. God was I ever unprepared for the sight I saw… he was wearing a pair of sweatpants nothing else, hair still wet from the shower. I turned quickly away so that he didn’t see the look in my eyes. I pretended to be busy with the dishes as I said that I would only be a few more minutes. He was still standing behind me, I could feel his presence. He moved closer slipping his strong arms around my waist. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, close to my ear. “Stacey?” there was almost a pleading in his voice, a silent question. “Tell me you feel what I do” he said in a whisper.
I slowly turned around to face him, the look in his eyes matched my own. I answered his question the only way I could… I raised up on my tiptoes and kissed him softly on the lips. He tightened his grip on me, pulling me closer while his kiss went from soft to hungry, his tongue coaxing my lips apart.